Local Dowsing Group News:  No. 75

The sad news of Linda Fentum’s passing has shocked us all and inevitably put a hold on our efforts to send water dowsers to Zambia. Our ‘mission’ to train local people in how to more reliably find good clean water was outlined in issues 65 and 66 of this newsletter.

Linda’s enthusiasm for the project, and her intention to join Guy Hudson in going to Zambia, provided a considerable boost to our quest that will be hard to replace.

At the time of Linda’s passing the three of us were in the process of setting up a bank account into which we could hold fund-raised donations to pay Linda and Guy’s expenses necessary to travel to Africa. They were both giving their time for free.

We are working closely with the charity Village Water which was established in 2004 by members of the BSD, including Guy Hudson, who were concerned about the availability of water in sub Saharan Africa. Village Water work closely with local agencies to establish new wells and boreholes and suitable sanitation and we intend to give them some of the raised funding to cover their costs in setting up the training.

Guy and myself, and we are sure with Linda’s blessing, intend to restart our campaign in the autumn so we can still send Guy and hopefully another water dowser to Zambia late next year, and maybe others in the future too.

We would like to ‘recruit’ another person who has an interest in this project (preferably a water dowser) into our team to develop the fund raising effort and possibly also travel to Zambia. If you feel you might be interested, or know of someone who might, then please do not hesitate in contacting me at: alan@murraydesign.co.uk or call on 07771648575

Alan Murray

Linda was a long term supporter of Village Water and to continue her passion for finding clean accessible safe water they have set up a fundraising campaign to support a new water point in a village in a village in the Zambian province of Nalolo, which Linda and Guy were due to visit in 2022.

Please support this campaign if you can.
Details are on the Just Giving page at ...
The amazing work that Village Water does in Zambia and Mozambique can be seen at: villagewater.org

Many thanks in advance!
Alan Murray
Hellens on August 16th :
Linda Fentum

Please note that the time and place for the meeting to commemorate Linda’s life is noon to 4.00pm, on Monday August 16th at Hellens Manor, Much Marcle, Herefordshire, HR8 2LY. 

Dress code - Bright Colours.
What three words - apples, putty, porridge.

Healing and Enlightenment 101

There are many academics interested in the healing process. Some of their studies are even more interesting than watching paint dry. An honourable exception is the work of the Institute of Noetic Studies or IONS (www.noetic.org)

IONS recently re-aired an hour long video reporting on a study of what is actually going on during the healing process.


As they say in another place, I commend this study to the house.

Ced Jackson

Letters to the Editor

I've finally had a chance to read through the update on your proposal. It reads very well. This does make clear that you are proposing a parallel organisation to the BSD, rather than a restructuring of the BSD.  

I wonder if it is worth stressing the context of objectives of this parallel organisation. 

So, you have the paragraph: 

'The UK Dowsing Development Group might be concerned, for example, with the exchange of information between dowsing ‘groups’ - as listed in LDGN No 69 - and the co-ordination of joint action by such groups, for example by putting on training or information events. English Law would apply, and responsibility for the event would be carried by the joint promoters of the event.'

Could this be rephrased a little, something like: 

'Currently there is a danger that the BSD is fragmenting, so that the governing body is losing touch with the local groups, and the local groups, as well as the specialist interest groups (concerned with water, archaeology, health, and earth energies, as well as research) are not talking to each other or co-ordinating their actions. During the covid-19 pandemic and the lockdowns, we have seen members of different groups joining in zoom meetings. This mutual contact and sharing of ideas needs to be encouraged. So, the UKDDG might be concerned, for example, with facilitating the exchange of information between dowsing 'groups' - as listed in LDGN No 69 - and the co-ordination of joint action by such groups. For example by putting on training or information events, and ensuring that all BSD members knew about and encouraged to attend the zoom or physical meetings of local groups, (English and Welsh Law would apply, and responsibility for an event would be carried by the joint promoters of the event, as appropriate.)'

I hope this helps, and Grace and I will certainly sign up in support.

All best wishes,

Andrew Edgar