Local Dowsing Group News:  No. 76

Learn to Dowse for Water
... in Malvern

The water divining course which we hope to hold in 2022 is a work in progress, and hopefully details will be announced at the BSD Symposium in October.

Over the last two years we have lost Laurie Booth, tragically, Linda Prenter, and now we hear that Clive Thompson has passed away (see LDGN No 77 which follows shortly).

No new members to take their place in an area of dowsing which most people recognise and feel happy about. The demand for our services is very much still there but where are the up and coming new people to take their places ?

Is it you?, Have you got the practical background and expertise to step up to the task? We'd like to know...

John Baker j.baker864@btinternet.com

Learn to Dowse for Water
... in Cumbria

Learn to Dowse for Water
... in Cumbria

Westmorland Dowsers 'Water Dowsing Day'

Saturday 4th September - 2021

Shap Memorial Hall - Shap, Cumbria, CA10 3NL

10:30am - 16:00pm. Safe car parking

£5 Members - £10 Guests & Visitors, under 18’s Free.

Talk & Practical Workshop (indoors + outdoors), everybody welcome.
Warm/Dry Clothing and outdoor footwear & seat may be required. One hour's Lunch Break. Please bring a picnic and an outdoor chair. Great location easy access all areas. Teas & Coffees provided all Day. Extensive handouts and CD disc included. Dowsing rods can be provided.

“We’ve run this course many times with its ‘User Friendly’ method, in a
relaxed atmosphere”.    Programmes can be forwarded. For info please email...

The Power of Intention

Lynne MacTaggert - author of The Field - has established 'Power of Eight' groups, which are a way of sharing intention on a regular basis for mutual healing and related purposes. Lynne has written a book about this process, also called 'The Power of Eight'.

If you would like more information, or if you would like to join a mainly dowser-based Po8 Group, please contact me at Info@CedJackson.org, or Andrew Edgar at andrewredgar@gmail.com.

When visiting my local Amnesty bookshop recently, I came across 'The Power of Intention' by Dr Wayne Dyer, which predates Lynne's work by several years. Lynne is very good, and I also found Wayne's book very helpful, so I strongly commend it to the the house.

Lynne is about to run an on-line course, 'Intention Essentials' . Details at

News of 'Local Dowsing Group News'

Q: Why aren't there any stories in this newsletter about my local dowsing group ?

In order to avoid this newsletter consisting entirely of articles from (i) close personal friends (ii) people who have given me money, or (iii) people I owe money to - we are now instituting a rigorous process of positive vetting for membership of the LDGN Advisory Board, people who will become our Special Correspondents on particular topics.

If this role appeals to you, please write to Info@CedJackson.org, stating which dowsing group or subject you are happy to inform on, your willingness for your email address and group membership and special interests to be publically listed, and your height.

Letters to the Editor

Dear Ced

I'm aware that the BSD has had some regrettable past members of council, but I'm encouraged to think that at the next Symposium, the situation regarding Special Interest Groups will get an airing. The problem is that BSD members have to stand up and be 'counted'.

The 'old' leaders have gone on to other things. Talk is cheap. People stand up and talk about doing things but they never volunteer to lead and no matter what you try, that is the stumbling block. If people really want to do something and show leadership, the best place even after the events of the last few years is still the BSD.

John Baker