Local Dowsing Group News:  No. 77

Clive Thompson

I am attaching a copy of a photograph that I have received from Ian Thompson, regarding his father the late Clive Thompson, who sadly passed away last week. 
It was a time when part of my group visited him to learn of his invention of the double V rod. 
It is sad to see that another good water dowser has left us.  He flew in bombers during the war, was a great dowser, ex-President of the BSD and started dowsing long before me. He will be greatly missed within the dowsing world. 

He had a scientific interest in how dowsing worked, and also pursued the idea of the sensitivity of the dowser and how it combines with the response of the dowsing tools. 
My group has been several times to visit and study his techniques with him.  We do need new people coming in and learning how to find the water. I do have some of my group come with me when I go onsite to give them the experience and the opportunity to use the skill in locating remotely, and then onsite locations for water. If all of us who are professionals in the field of water do this with beginners it will help to carry on the art of water dowsing.  

Peter Taylor peterjtaylor9@gmail.com

The Re-Emergence of
Earth Energies
Earth Energies trip to Avebury

Back in November 2020 a handful of dowsers from Ridings, Westmorland, and Manchester Dowsers started to meet on Zoom to share their interest in earth energies. 

Throughout 2021 the format of monthly Zoom meetings, with occasional talks and wide-ranging discussions, has helped to sustain our dowsing activities in difficult times and the group now includes over 50 dowsers from all over the UK. 

We have been inspired by dowsers of wide experience and great insight, to get out and see what we can find in the landscape. 

In the past month a group of members, who have got to know each other on Zoom, have met together at Avebury for a weekend of dowsing. 

The aim was to find out whether their very different approaches to dowsing could build a cohesive picture of the earth energies in the area. 

We are hoping to hear how they got on at our next meeting on Thursday 9 September at 7 – 9pm. 
Anyone interested in joining us can obtain the Zoom link by emailing
Chris Tonge at ctonge7@gmail.com

The Sherwood Dowser

With news of Dowsing Sherwood, and Earth Energies, including the Sherwood Forest landscape pentagram, made up of Blyth Priory Church in the north, Woodcoates deserted medieval village in the east, Southwell Minster in the sourth-east, Newstead Abbey in the south-west and Bolsover Castle in the west, with the Major Oak, the guardian tree of Sherwood Forest, in the centre. See also the Lincoln Cathedral Code

Mave Marion at dowsingsherwood@gmail.com

And the award goes to...
Devon Dowsers

... for the most superbly produced newsletter by a local dowsing group that I have come across.

Beautifully laid out and containing really interesting material, Devon Dowsers has set a new standard. £2 from www.devondowsers.org.uk

Go mad and send them a fiver !