Local Dowsing Group News:  No. 78

The Lark Ascending

On a good day, even the most challenged cabinet minister can tell the difference between (i) A transcendental melody by Ralph Vaughan Williams, and (ii) Anarchy in the UK, by Sid Viscious.

Let us call (i) TLA, and (ii) AitUK

Dowsing is useful for grouping such vastly differing experiences into different categories, such as 'beneficial', or 'detrimental', (AitUK being of course much better.)

What larks, Pip !

A similar lightness of touch is displayed by Catharine Fortlage and Elizabeth Phillips in their superb 'Dowsing with Wands', a brilliant example of how to put over complex information in concise form.

Here a twangy metal rod is used to identify all kinds of information, including the difference between the effect of having dead bodies buried under your house (not brilliant), and healing (Bon !).

Another way of distinguishing detrimental from beneficial is set out in Healing with Information by Maria and Istvan Sagi.

This is also an introduction to what is sometimes referred to as The New (German) Homeopathy, developed by Erich Korbler.

One fascinating aspect of Korbler's work is that after detrimental energy has been identified, it can be ameliorated - or changed to positive - by the placement of symbols. In other words, energies not only affect us, but we can affect energies, and not just by shielding, but by direct intervention.

The technique brings together a number of elements, including...

(i) Use of a specially designed bobber, (as we would call it.)

(ii) The application of symbols for healing purposes

The Bobber

In some ways Korbler's approach is an extension of what is set out in Fortlage and Phillips' booklet.

It provides greater information by setting out the meaning/interpretation of a range of specific tool responses/movements, including (see page 92) :

  • Horizontal side to side movements of the tip of the bobber, when testing, for example, a specific area of the body: Meaning - all is well.

  • Vertical (up and down) movements of the tip of the tool : Meaning - detrimental energy present

  • Intermediate movements - not ideal

The Symbols

Having identified the presence of detrimental energy, the situation can be by rectified by placing one of the following symbols on the problematic area. These symbols could perhaps be referred to as intervention tools. Their use is set out in the book. They include :

  • The Sine Curve, (from mathematics).

Draw a circle with the horizontal diameter running from point A (on the left) to point B. 'Push' the lower semicircle to the right, so that B is now also the location of the old A . May also be used in conjunction with short vertical line(s) (perhaps for emphasis).

  • The Equal Armed Cross/plus sign

  • One (or up to nine) horizontal lines

  • The Y sign

Bruce Lipton writes that one of the highlights of the book is the excellent in depth scientific assessment of the nature by which energy vibrations and resonance inform biological systems by shaping cell, organ and organisational behaviour and gene activity. (...) The new insights provide a master key that unlocks the science by which energetic patterns in the environment, and those created by thoughts, attitudes and beliefs, create the conditions of our our body and our experiences in the external world.

Sample Applications of Korbler's work:


This blood condition has ten pages devoted to it in the book (p298 onwards)

Allergies (p310 - 320)

Milk Allergies (p320 - 333)


The book runs to 400 pages, and is quite physics/electrically dense in part, so all this is a massive simplification. But it is the most interesting book I've read since Star Wars: The Shropshire Protocol, and will prompt many ideas and interventions.

Dowsing with Wands
Catharine Fortlage and Elisabeth Phillips,
31 Mount Nebo, Taunton, Somerset. TA1 4HG
Tel : 01823 33 33 02
Email: scriptus@mountnebo.fsnet.co.uk

Healing with Information : The New Homeopathy
Dr Maria Sagi & Istvan Sagi (£20.99)
ISBN: 978-1-78279-858-3

An end to pain

Donna Eden and four advanced practitioners are coming together to present Eden Energy Medicine for Pain, which includes 43 self-healing energy-based techniques that can help you reduce pain anywhere in the body (and maybe even achieve freedom from pain!)

News from the
Spirituality Special Interest Group

In July the SSIG invited Tony Clarkson to talk about his own spiritual journey and the Sanctuary of Healing that he founded at Langho. Tony is a member of a group called The Band of Light that transcribes the channelled messages from Michael Reccia. Each Friday Tony runs a free meditation that follows the channelled themes to awaken humanity to our true potential.

In August we had a break because Kate went on retreat and in September she talked about the various stages of spiritual awareness that we step through on our own journey. Rather than thinking about these stages as washing pinned to a line in a linear fashion, Kate described that in the field of consciousness there is no time and therefore these stages were more like fridge magnets in front of us, and we experience these stages as our awareness develops. Whilst our own journey is unique, our membership of the field of consciousness brings many similarities to our human experience. 

Kate also suggested that we all have the essential ingredients for our own journey; the vehicle, a compass, our map and (once we start noticing) we’ll see the signposts and milestones along the way through synchronicities and life events. We will encounter forks in our path where we can decide on the path to ‘truth’ or ‘illusion’ and that we are in reciprocal relationship with the field of consciousness, not just perceiving it but contributing to it and manifesting our own reality.

Next time Mave Calvert will be talking to us about her insights and explorations into Sherwood Forest in a uniquely participative way. I hope that you can join us. To find out more please contact Kate.tudorhall@gmail.com

Richard Feather Anderson

For those of would like to follow this interesting man and his work, go to www.richardfeatheranderson.com , and look at his fall newsletter.

Websites of recent editions of this newsletter