Update from Graham Wayt
Ced Jackson writes...
Dear Graham
Thank you for your email.
In accordance with your wishes I will keep sending you copies of Local Dowsing Group News..
I assume that by having ‘handed over the batten’ you have resigned - or are resigning - from your role as Chair of the BSD.
On a different subject I am very pleased that over the last six months you and your wife have been recovering your health, and that you are now back at work.
Good to hear that you are working with The Guardia on their problems with (the location of ?) missing children. Important work. If you would like to write this up for LDGN, I would be happy to carry news of it in the newsletter. Ditto your work on lithium recovery and plasma research.
Thank you for forwarding LDGN to over 60 of your contacts in Spain. That is very nice of you and greatly appreciated. I wish you and your group success and good dowsing !
Ced Jackson
Graham Wayt writes...
To fill in a few gaps for you, Isabel (previous chair) visited us in Spain, (she) needed to step down due to personal matters and I agreed to assist but only for a short period (6 months no more). But then in my absence I was voted in/seconded into the president's position; that was over 3 years ago.
As the resident engineer on a series of dams dealing with both design and construction, (that) in itself required 24 hour attention with little or no time to deal with the BSD, and its financial hangover from previous office/trustee and president changes.
My dealings with the BSD go back over 30 years but I never took any notice of its hierarchy or its running and for that matter never attended any of their meetings as far too busy with my position in the water industry along with lecturing in a number of universities.
The running of the BSD remained a mystery to me, and to a certain extent still does, but now that's in the past and Richard Fry can indulge some of his spare time in getting new trustees, building up the membership and producing a more stable financial basis.
At 78 my workload here in Spain is easing as works are winding down as 3 dams all now impounding melt waters from the Sierra Nevada mountain range. I have been involved here since 1999 so have been begged to go back to a few days a week, in 2 universities to teach the nuts and bolts of dam design and construction. Not many of us left.
I will forward some info on our groups' history and finds and abilities. Bit like running a Spanish version of the BSD, but the office is the nearest beach bar, and with coffee and brandy very civilised. We only deal with dowsing and talking of unexplored sites.
Take care
What's happening in your group ?
If you don't tell me I will be forced to make it up (again).
Testing for Detrimental Energy
Those of you who were intrigued by the article in No 78 on Mr Korbler and the new German homeopathy, might be interested to learn how to use his bobber to detect if there is detrimental energy present, or, if all is well.
Hold the bobber in your dominant hand. In one of your other hands hold an apple. You should now test OK - the bobber will oscillate from side to side. It is doesn't, make/teach it.
Lost objects
If you have lost something in your garden/a field, etc, project an imaginary chess board onto the space
You could then :
Work through all the squares one by one : Is it in this square, etc
Is it in a black square ?
Is it in row A, etc
Is it file 1 etc