Local Dowsing Group News:  No. 80

New Forms of Dowsing

Blink Reflex (BR) dowsing is just a further extension to a whole range of dowsing techniques. So it doesn't make it any easier; it is, as usual, "just horses for courses".  

The technique was brought to my attention by Christopher Strong in his biography, written by Nigel Twinn.  Basically he wanted to be able to dowse in front of clients without the clients being distracted by his actions.

This is quite useful, as device-less dowsing can make you less self-conscious when in public, and is almost instantaneous when answers are needed; and sometimes before one loses interest! One can have a hang-up about the “look at me” aspect of dowsing when using tools like a pendulum or a rod. To be fair when you finally crack the ability to dowse, you will find that you can manifest that nobody will notice anyway, but that is another story. 
As mentioned, the really useful aspect of BR dowsing is in its speed of response and the fact that you do not need to pause what you are doing.  It can be done equally well in the dark, even with your eyes closed, or when driving a car, or if you were immobilised in some way.  It needs no tools so it is always instantly ready.  There are many things in this life where you would just like to know (innocent curiosity perhaps), but finding out doesn’t warrant the effort to get your dowsing tools out to actually ask.

So how do you do it? Easy; we all blink and no one will notice that you are doing so; it’s all so natural.  This is a picture of what I do; you can vary it as you wish (I use both eyes at the same time, but you could use your left and right eyes to mean something else as well). To start with, since you are learning, you may need to frame what you are doing. This consists of looking up above the activity horizon, i.e. without changing the angle of you head or to somewhere where, at least, nothing is happening. 

Later on, once you have become familiar with it all, you can drop this stance as it is a prop to get you started (props also apply to many other techniques when you start out in dowsing).  You “ask”, as with any other device; “please show me NO”.  I get one blink.  Next you “ask”, “please show me YES” and I get two blinks. Try asking what your name is…. and isn’t!  And that’s it!  

Well not quite…. I have “agreed” that NO is NO and yes varies from blink-pause-blink for maybe or yes-ish (the longer the pause the less weight it carries; until it reacts like two NO’s); to blink-blink for YES and to blink-blink-blink… in rapid succession, indicating; “what are you waiting for” or “that’s it”. I also take a multiple rapid blink as a sign of recognition that you are on the right track (Spirit is obviously pleased).

Examples: You are in the car driving and you see something that looks interesting; “ask” if it has significance for you (“ask” is a mental thought and does not affect what you are doing). No change to anything, but perhaps now you know!  You are watching TV and a politician says something specific and you ask “is that true?”.  Now you know, but has that changed anything? Unlikely, but you are helping to create this ability. 
Your friend says something controversial; “Are they pulling my leg?”   You are in a smoke filled room with minimal visibility, you are on the floor so you can just about breathe; “should I crawl to safety straight ahead… or go left… or go right etc.?”   You are in bed dropping off to sleep, but you think you may not have locked up “is the house secure?” Ditto, when you think of anything, as you do when relaxing, “should I do this or that?”.    I hope you are getting the idea; it’s a very useful technique to ask instant questions under most circumstances (normal dowsing rules apply).

I’ve even used it whilst doing some “finding” with a rod and have asked simultaneously “how much further do I need to go to reach my target” (“more than so many metres”… etc.). You could call this “double dowsing”?  You need to practise using it (it might take some time to crack; as usual).  The other advantage of using this rather fast response principle is that I find it is training me slowly to know an answer before I ask it (one may call this “common sense” eventually). This oddity is classic to dowsing and it may lead to me to be able to drop BR altogether?

Note that, for finding something physical, you can’t beat a rod as a direction indicator. With BR you can point with your finger (or look with your eyes) and ask.   Don’t forget to practice as much as possible; as practice makes perfect.   Spirit has infinite patience and knows why you are asking.  You are doing your best to move the whole procedure into your second nature.   BR has become 98% of my dowsing procedures and it has eliminated all anxiety for me. I hope it will work for you too. Love and light.

Geoff        Chair at Waverley Dowsers

Can You Help?

I am trying to trace the gentleman (or his next of kin) who wrote c.2012–16 to the author of The Interconnectedness of All Things expressing concern about [possible or inadvertent] plagiarism.

A forthcoming reprint is the perfect opportunity to address these concerns.

Please contact the publisher, Quicksilver Publications, as soon as possible on 07513 437114 or quicksilver7@icloud.com

Graham Wayt writes

Hello Ced.  

I am back in harness here, so next weekend taking a group of 40 to the RIO TINTO MINES at Huelva - major metals mining area - so all can investigate some of the spoil heaps  then the Rio Tinto river from its rising to its path through the Coto Doniana national park. Will photograph all and report on findings.

I always wanted to get rid of the 2/3 times a year mag. from the BSD and issue a monthly up date from all in an email copy, but was always told that there were so many members that had no contact with electronic systems that it was not viable.  IN THIS DAY AND AGE ???? .

It has been a 3 year battle for me apart from health problems and then covid that any or all input I could make was via a telephone which really was not satisfactory in running a group of very fragmented members all of whom wanted very different outcomes.

Our very good secretary left us. Its not been easy for all of us,  so let's hope that the new trustee group will apply their assistance not resistance,

Best wishes Graham

The BSD : 
A proposal to the next AGM

There were around thirty-five people at the BSD AGM on October 2nd , numbers having been adversely influenced by the national shortage of petrol.
As time flies, I have set out below some proposals for decision at the 2022 AGM.
The BSD is a membership organisation. Its governing body, Council, is elected by members. At the moment people serve on Council for three years.
Proposition One : So that the BSD can respond rapidly to change, and so that people are not put off joining Council, I propose that people are elected and serve on Council for twelve months.
As a membership organisation, people are elected to serve on Council as individuals. This does not currently reflect where the energy is in the organisation, which is within the Local Groups and the Special Interest Groups. I therefore recommend…
Proposition Two : That Council is reconstituted to consist of representatives from four affiliated Local Groups, and representatives from four affiliated Special Interest Groups, and also…
Proposition Three : That the eight people identified above, elect people from amongst themselves to serve as Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, etc. of the BSD, and that such people report to the full BSD Committee on a regular basis, and …

Proposition Four : That each year at the BSD AGM, the Membership discusses and votes on a Plan for the Forthcoming Year that Council has put forward.

BSD members are invited to second this motion.

Your views are also invited. One correspondent writes : "I see you are not pushing your luck on the numbers that represent local groups and SIGs.  Maybe it would be nice if all groups, of this nature, actually pre-gathered on a Zoom meeting (if they are free to attend) and helped to advise this famous 4+4?"

Ced Jackson