Earth Energies Re-ignited
Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th May 2022
Kennet Valley Hall, Lockeridge, Near Marlborough, Wiltshire
The vibrational energy patterns of the Earth are changing all the time; therefore, we all have to be aware and react accordingly. This goes for all healing practices, dowsing, etc – nothing ever stays the same.
Dowsers such as Hamish Miller and Billy Gawn have been responsible in bringing Earth Energies to the attention of a wide range of people, Hamish with his co-authored book ‘The Sun and Serpent’, and Billy setting up The Earth Energies Group within The British Society of Dowsers.
Both recognised the importance of these mercurial forces and their impact on both humans and animals.
In fact, much has changed since we entered the 21st Century and the weekend is very much about updating the knowledge we have of these energy patterns, how we can use them and how they can help us.
Many of the energy lines associated with the earth and its sacred sites vibrate at a higher level, which over a long period can be harmful to us. They can also contain detrimental human emotion that can have a similar effect.
So, how do we work with these energy patterns?
Well, that is what the weekend is all about, what these energies mean to us, how we can connect with them, how we can send healing to them and how they can then, in return, help heal the land.
There will be a range of talks as well as two practical workshops, one on dowsing patterns in the ether and what they mean to us, the other will see us split into groups constructing and then walking various labyrinths.
Depending on Saturday night's weather we hope to offer candle lit labyrinth walks and a meditation.
Talks include...
Denise Lockwood - Working with the Energies, using your Intuition
Steve Dawson - How to build and walk Labyrinths and why
David Lockwood - Healing Spaces and Blessing the Land
Adrian Incledon-Webber - Spirit and Earth (our dimensional connection)
Nigel Twinn - Pictograms – Dowsing Patterns in the Ether
Paul Gerry - The Dowsing Brain, using Neuro Feedback to enhance your
dowsing and healing skills.
We hope to have a practical demonstration of this with two people wired to mind mapping machines and see their brain patterns, on a screen, change in real-time.
The weekend is being held at Kennet Valley Hall, Lockeridge, Nr Marlborough, Wiltshire, only a few miles from the stone circles and henge at Avebury.
It is a modern hall with excellent facilities.
There will be a choice of tickets available: a combined two-day ticket at £90 or a single day at £50.
You do not need to have any dowsing or healing experience to attend this
event, just an open mind and heart. The rest will flow.
Further details and booking forms will soon be found at:
Contact Adrian Incledon-Webber on 01748 822634
Earth Energies – Reignited, weekend, May 14th & 15th 2022
Saturday 14th May
09.30 Registration
10.00 Introduction of the Weekend activities
10.15 Denise Lockwood - Working with the Energies, using your Intuition
11.15 Refreshment Break
11.45 David Lockwood - Healing Spaces and Blessing the Land
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Steve Dawson – Building and walking Labyrinths (talk and practical workshop)
16.30 Q and A session in the Hall
17.00 ish Finish
Depending on the weather we hope to offer candle lit labyrinth walks in the evening
Sunday 15th May
09.30 Tea/Coffee and Welcome
10.15 Adrian Incledon-Webber – Spirit and Earth (our dimensional connection)
11.30 Refreshment Break
12.00 Paul Gerry - The Dowsing Brain, using Neuro Feedback to enhance your Dowsing
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Nigel Twinn – Pictograms – The Patterns in the Ether (talk and practical)
15.30 Refreshments and Q and A session in Hall
16.30 Finish
N.B. Don’t forget to bring your own food
Dowsing and Healing -
The Undiscovered Country
This is the first of a series of articles which will build into a handy guide, and for which a beautiful embossed leatherette binder is available for only £487.34 + p&p.
We are but pale reflections of the last book we've read, and I will seek to present extracts from those I have found useful.
The early stages of teaching people to dowse, can often overlap with the early stages of teaching healing via dowsing.
A fine example of this is 'Your Hands can Heal You' (see below), which provides an excellent introduction to both topics, and their shared elements.
Some common themes appear in a variety of Dowsing/Healing texts, including...
- The Overlap between the energetic and the physical
- Clearing Away Congested Energy
More information on the contents of the book will be provided in future editions of LDGN.
The Power of Eight
Another powerful healing approach is presented by Lynne MacTaggert, in her book The Power of Eight.
This is particularly suitable when working with groups of people who share similar interests, such as Dowsers (see below).
The strength of Lynne's approach is the focus of all the members of the group on the week's Healing Recipient.
Healing with Information
(The New German Homeopathy)
Classical Homeopathy is well known and widely practised.
The New German Homeopathy - (NGH) - differs, in that diagnosis is more reliant on a specialised bobber, and treatment is more dependent on the visual application of a small number of visual symbols to the body - the equal-armed cross, up to nine straight lines, the epsilon 'Y' shape, a styalised sine curve - rather than the ingestion of particular substances.
Because of this, the NGH is of particular interest to dowsers.
Though there are great subtleties in the method's application, the whole process is straightforward.
The process can also be applied to plants and animals.
A good introduction is provided by 'Painting the Energy Body: Signs and Symbols for Vibrational Healing' by Petra Neumayer and Roswitha Stark, whilst the comprehensive 400 page alternative is 'Healing with Information' by Dr Maria Sagi with Istvan Sagi. Both books are available in English.
Psychomeridian : This was identified by Erich Korbler, who established NGH. It runs from the hairline at the back of the neck to the crown. If that distance is 10" long and the person is 50 years old, then each inch represents five years, and traumatic events can be dated and released.
The Power of Eight
This is a very interesting book/healing technique by Lynne MacTaggert, which has grown out of her work on the subject of Intention.
Grace Edgar, a participant, has kindly provided the following information...
Dear all
I just want to report on our great Power of Eight Healing Group. This group was started in January this year by Ced and is based on Lynne McTaggart’s well-known work of the same name.
We have been meeting regularly since the early summer and haven’t missed a week. We have always have very strong results - that is, the recipient reported strong pleasant sensations and usually an improvement of their ailments over the following few days - surprisingly so for just 15 minutes of group healing.
Half of the time however, the results didn’t last until the next week. But importantly, due to regularity of the meetings and seeing the same friendly faces, this group has been a support to us all, carrying us through the loneliness and frustrations of lockdown and personal upsets – even when we were not a recipient of healing. The vibrations are exceedingly good!
Most of us didn’t have any training in Healing, and the instruction was simple – to send Healing to the recipient in any way you can, based on any belief system or practice you follow – that was all. With the feedback given by the recipient and everyone, the group lasts about 45 minutes. We meet via Zoom on Thursdays at 5.30 pm.
We invite you all to join. We’re not strict about numbers – please contact Ced. We are also taking requests for Healing, but please ensure that the potential recipient knows and agrees to this.
Grace Edgar
Spirituality Special
Interest Group
The SSIG was set up in September 2019 to explore all aspects of our spiritual existence.
Throughout our lives we ask questions about our own purpose, whether we continue to exist after physical death and how we can know so much about the world around us through accessing the field of consciousness.
We are all unique and gifted people with deep, inner wisdom that Spirit leads us towards (sometimes reluctantly).
The SSIG aims to provide a space for people to share their experiences, explorations and insights in a way that sheds light on our connectedness with Spirit, each other and nature.
Our October meeting
At our last meeting Mave Calvert took us through a very special, mindful walk into Sherwood Forest where we breathed in the colours of the sun.
This was a Gatekeeper style walk visiting various trees and clearings that represented the chakras.
We paused in the centre to make a virtual mandala, offer feminine energies for more balance and harmony before dancing our way out of the forest again.
This was a beautifully illustrated talk with photographs of the trees. Thanks so much to Mave for her talk and making us aware of this beautiful forest.
In November
Come on a ‘virtual’ tour of the interior of the ancient Hereford Cathedral with cathedral guide, Sue Watts-Cutler. Illustrated with photos from both Sue and the professional Hereford Cathedral photographer, Gordon Taylor, we’ll be looking at this fascinating building in terms of its history, architecture, treasures and spirituality – plus hear tales and legends of Saints, Bishops and some archaic beliefs. For the dowsers, there will also be a quick look at some of its underlying lines.
Kate Smart
Malvern Dowsers Update
Malvern Dowsers has a new meeting place that’s spacious and comfortable. The hall is behind Christ Church, Avenue Road, Malvern. Guests and visitors are always welcome!
The most recent meeting held at the new venue was the AGM for Malvern Dowsers that was combined with a presentation and photographs about our Alfred Watkins themed events during the last year. Some highlights included a well attended dowsing workshop at Hellens Manor Garden in May, an opportunity to dowse Evesham Abbey Park prior to archaeological excavations, explorations at Priory Park, Malvern for ancient natural and man made water courses and dowsing trees followed by an afternoon tea at Coddington Vineyard (that happens to be on one of Alfred Watkins’ ley lines).
And just when you think that the Universe hasn’t heard you…
A volunteer has come forward at the AGM to help the club by joining the committee as treasurer. Our previous hard working treasurer has family responsibilities and has had to stand down.
Malvern U3A Dowsing Group
This group of 20 strong beginners and novices has already shown great promise! Our first exploration into using dowsing tools was finding underground water with ‘L’ rods and our second was using a pendulum to discover hidden ‘treasure’ and map dowse. Kate, Ced and Sonia run this fun group of enquiring minds that meets once a month.
For further information on dowsing activities in the Malvern area please contact
Emails received
Just to say, Ced, in a spirit of supportiveness, that Graham Wayt’s contribution comes across as rather negative.
It also seems a little disloyal since he stood down.
I think a printed magazine is very important to any organisation.
Not everyone wants all reading matter on a screen.
Trish Mills 13.10.21
Before you two get all this arranged to your own satisfaction, and start fomenting insurrection, I feel it would be courteous to include Richard Fry in your e-mails.
He has recently taken on responsibility for the BSD and worked tirelessly on setting up the recent AGM and Conference.
I think he deserves our support and respect at this time, not Machiavellian plotting and back-stabbing in a publicly-circulated Newsletter.
Trish Mills 13.10.21
Hello Ced.
You've gone too far this time with your 'comic'.
I've said to you several times this year, 'why don't you offer to help Richard do some rebuilding' but you've never shown much enthusiasm for the idea.
Which is a pity as you are in Malvern . Having said that, it may be better you are not involved.
I've just sent an E.Mail to Graham Wayt pointing out the error of his ways in supplying you with copy.
I've known you since you were a member of London Dowsers some 20 years ago and your setting up Malvern Dowsers when you moved.
I'm very aware of the bad times the BSD has gone through and the reasons why, which is mainly due to bad Presidents, but things have made a turn for the better which is why I have rejoined, not to cause confusion but to help where I can. It's time to give something back.
It's easy to sit on the sidelines and make suggestions, but you showed no interest when I said to you 'why don't you stand for member of council?'.
Re your BSD AGM proposals.
Prop one : Twelve months is not long enough for anyone to 'get to know ' the workings of the BSD, let alone put their mark on it and you have to have continuity of members, not all start and all leave together. I know. I've been there!.
Prop Two :
There used to be representation of the four SIGS at meetings, but first of all, you have to find four people willing to take on the duties ! The rebuilding of SIGS is just starting.
Prop Three : Too complicated, this is a voluntary organisation. People have their lives to lead
Prop Four : AGMs' are boring and only a percentage of the membership are at conference. Far better for future plans to be aired in the Journal (which they are now) with a reply panel for responding.
I know you have concerns about the BSD which is why you put forward your ideas but another page is being turned and you need to recognise it and help it, not hinder it.
John Baker 13.10.21
Graham, (Ced),
I went to the Saturday (the AGM part) of the BSD Conference and was saddened by the lack of numbers present; key people were not there. I think the £95 per day tag was off-putting for many, which would be a real shame if so? I would have been happy with a local Church Hall.
The Racecourse may have been classy, but who are we trying to kid? Everyone was doing their best, but overall, from the management and presentation side, it was a little tired.
The finances appeared to be on the up (perhaps no surprise), which is good, so I looked on my £95 as more of a donation; as I believe that a reputable “regulating” body should exist and act as a focal point.
The 3 chats I went to were fine in a classical manner… you always learn something, but no one was being controversial, i.e. in making one think and inject a bit of excitement!
The only angle, for which one might call this, was that Ced was keen to suggest privately that the Chairs of the various Groups and Societies get together on Zoom and the occasional meet, to communicate and advise the BSD.
Given the refreshing Zoom meetings, caused by the Covid restrictions, I think that “keeping in touch” like this is of great importance and the way forward if we are going to “advance” in this subject.
Neither Ced nor I were attracting any “names” to join us in our deliberations, so we were not going to shake up the party on that day. Ced and I are going to correspond on how to put this over and get that published in his Local Dowsing Group News at least.
Now the thing I’m confused about is; what dowsing actually is (apart from the obvious; and no surprise there either) and what it is to become. As mentioned before, the more I learn the more obvious it becomes that you can’t talk to the “general” Dowser about what it is any more.
By general Dowser I mean someone who is using Dowsing to good advantage, e.g. finding, healing, etc., but has stopped seeking any further, i.e. “it works” so why fiddle and improve on it? They get results and do good works, but for them that is it, and all the rules that they have created, to make it work for them, are now set in stone.
What has confused science over the centuries is that there are so many variations on the theme of finding and healing, such that they can’t all be correct, can they?
But, of course, they are all correct, because it is one’s beliefs that makes dowsing work and one’s beliefs are steeped in the rituals that reinforce those beliefs.
Even Jim Doyle said that he does not use rods with iron in them because they don’t respond well for him. He passed this off as a certainty, when it is really only his belief, i.e. a rule he made for himself, because of a circumstance that probably reinforced this belief for him.
I thank him for his insight on this, but I don’t have to take it on board. Yet some insights are excellent prompts in that they give one’s beliefs a leg up.
I’m afraid my KISS Dowsing has come to the conclusion that there are no rules when it comes to the Spiritual side of dowsing. Anything goes as long as one has made the agreement (with Spirit) that it does!
Common sense will prevent individuals from pushing these bounds. Having said that, one could think that this leads to a great void in the pursuance of dowsing science, but what we must realise is that there are still LAWS that very much will always apply.
By the way a “disbeliever” is also a dowser, who manifests improbability rather than probability and has a preventative barrier effect on the “testing” of dowsing outcomes. One just has to know how to take barriers down or negate them. But I would personally avoid getting into that sort of situation in the first place!
It’s these laws that need to be understood. An example of a law might be that “what you put out you will get back” and "Spirit cannot interfere with a physical free will action; it can only prompt”, i.e. we are here to learn and the decisions we make are all our own (is there any other way to learn?) … even if we have asked Spirit for advice (allowed) it is our responsibility to take a resulting action. Dowsing for an answer is not cheating, as Spirit is pleased that you want to stay on your current path of learning. This picture is total nonsense to the lay person!
Note that, as Astronomers create names for gigantic events in the Universe (Big Bang, Black Holes, Dark Matter etc.) for the purpose of being able to talk between themselves about specifics; the actual truth of these concepts is still in doubt as no one has actually seen and proved that they are a reality. This is a “scientific method” and is not wrong; how else can one “move on”? This needs to be applied to Dowsing and we can all probably think of “concepts” that have been created for us? What we need is to find are the Laws and not the rules!
An example I give is that I Occam’s Razor-ed my rules on manifestation down to their bare knuckles. This, for a short while, created results that effectively frightened me in what I received, and this resulted in the wisdom that I did not feel that my thoughts were stable enough not to create whims that were detrimental. So I created a rule that I needed to get a bob circulating ACW as I manifested a particular outcome. One could see this as a safety catch; especially, as found on a gun; a dangerous device if used for what it was intended for! I am now relieved that my “scattered” thoughts are now safe, but it has taught me to be careful in what I ask for (less and less actually) and to always get permissions and take protections if required. Both permissions and protections can also be seen as rules, but they are for me to be able to play safely when venturing into the unknown.
Telling anyone that they can throw away their crystals and fancy bobs etc. would be generally unthinkable, as manifestation by pure mind may be too much to ask for at the moment… and certain people we know would get really miffed. We must see the usefulness of our rules and rituals in keeping our minds on track. They also channel our manifestations along specific paths, that, in their own right, define and confine what we are intending. The laws of this Universe will look after themselves!
All good fun though,
Geoff Mitchell
Ooh-er… Looks like you are doing an excellent job then!? It appears to be getting the old emotions churning. What you had proposed made sense to me. Our saviours are out there somewhere (might not even be born yet), but we are never going to find them if we close everything down and act like a secret society?
What exactly is John’s complaint? Are we putting him out of a job? I’d say that one of the most damming aspects of current day dowsing is secrecy or really the lack of contact between members; or it could be down to the fact that nobody knows? Zoom contact must be scaring them all perhaps?
I must admit that John did give us a lecture to us once at Waverley and I was not overly impressed (plenty of anecdotes, fine, but no meat), but I’m not complaining since I’m not sticking my neck out as much as he is. This certainly needs stirring up to get everyone to place their cards on the table.
Trouble is that none of the complainants are putting their beef into publishable paragraphs that could be quoted in your News sheet to highlight why they think like they do and to strengthen current ideas or offer alternatives. Do they think that this sort of talk will frighten real dowsers?
A good discussion about “the smell on the landing” is always to be encouraged. I’m a big boy and I have access to truth; if I only care to ask!
I don’t suppose you would mind if the BSD Mag. quoted from your efforts?
The game’s afoot!
Geoff Mitchell
Hello Ced
From the feedback I’ve been getting, you three have made yourselves extremely unpopular. Not only were your comments inappropriate and unrepresentative, your timing was appalling.
The time to suggest new proposals for the BSD’s 2022 AGM is shortly beforehand, or when invited. To do so immediately after the 2021 AGM, and the appointment of a new president, can only be perceived as a pathetic and negative attempt to put the boot in.
It’s true to say the BSD has been through tough times, but as John Baker said, mainly because we had rubbish presidents. We finally have a new President who is popular, and is sincerely making every effort to improve things on our behalf. He needs our support and loyalty, not constant carping and criticism. Give him a chance before you presume in judgement.
Trish Mills 16.10.21
Note to Dowsing Group Newsletter
We warmly support the proposal of enlarging the BSD Council by including representatives from Regional, and Special, Interest groups.
In fact we have been ‘campaigning‘ for this change since the beginning of 2018 – this was 4 years ago, how time flies! - with Rory Duff and many others supporting this idea. This would introduce ‘new blood’ and ideas into the BSD , and link the BSD Council more firmly to the BSD’s grass roots.
In addition, an expanded BSD Council will have more working hands, allowing greater delegation of tasks and efficiency (and speed) in getting tasks completed. Also the regional events can be shared more fully, thus hopefully enlarging the participation in events.
Most importantly, it’s unheard of in a modern organisation for all decisions to be made by a few people and there is always a democratic representation of all individuals or bodies involved.
We know it’s much easier to make a decision within a group of 3 (current number of Council members) than 10 – but there is the cost of democracy for you. However, in order to avoid the Council becoming too large and unwieldy, we could have the participation in the Council on a rotational basis, every Special Interest Group could be represented at every meeting but say only 5 Regional groups’ representatives could be there each month.
It wouldn’t be difficult to organise the rota. All Groups will have an option to opt out, if they don’t want to participate, or to change the month when they’re coming, as we don’t want to put unwanted burden on anyone.
In modern organisations, the agendas are published well before the meeting, so the groups interested in a particular issue can attend. We don’t have to be strict and we’re all adults so of course the participation will be on a voluntary basis and flexible.
So please Ced, do go ahead with this idea and we thank you for all your efforts. We hope each group will actually vocalise their support to Ced as it will be impossible to do it without your support. We think we need to do this in order to ensure the long-term health and viability of the BSD – as we can see it dwindling in numbers on every level, partly suffering from covid-19 and lockdowns as many other organisations. This decline must be arrested and reversed as quickly as possible.
Grace and Andrew Edgar
NB : I have been informed that email addresses should not be displayed in newsletters. (I presume unless express permission has been granted) Ced.