Local Dowsing Group News:  No. 83

Malvern Dowsers

It’s been a real pleasure to get back to some ‘down to earth’ dowsing at our new venue in Malvern. In November we invited dowsers to explore our hall. Perhaps we sometimes forget that our buildings sit on top of a much bigger context both historically and spatially and this event was planned to give novice and experienced dowsers a flavour of the energetic background they encounter. Some dowsers teamed up and others preferred to explore on their own.

We had plans available for dowsers to record their findings and also a dowsing technique to discern the type of energetic signature dowsers discovered. In all we had some really fascinating results when we reviewed and shared our experiences.

Sean Ferris, the Medical Dowser, talked to us on Zoom from his Totnes home in November. Sean’s talk was entitled ‘Alchemy – a unifying theory of everything’ and was extremely wide ranging as the title suggested. 

At the risk of simplifying Sean’s discoveries, he has revealed a link between health and the evolution of man through elemental eras. This clock of human activities brings together man in relationship to the wider cosmos as disease becomes a driving force for our evolutionary development. 

Sean gave examples of elemental imbalance and how man seeks to bring harmony, through manifesting beyond himself, that which is actually within. His message was one of developing healthy relationship with self, others and the planet to bring about this next step into the etheric age.

Spirituality Special Interest Group 

At the beginning of November we welcomed Sue Watts-Cutler to talk to us about the inside of Hereford Cathedral situated on an ancient site on marshy land at a strategic point on the River Wye. 

Sue is a guide at the Cathedral and talked about the complex history of the structure, and the people and events that have shaped the architecture and adornment that we see today. She mentioned the wooden, carved cathedra or Bishop’s chair, some of the monuments and tombs to the great and the good, as well as the commemorative windows by more recent artists. 

Next time Jane Withers will be talking to us about the multi layered teachings of the simple circle, also known as the Medicine Wheel, Mandala and Zodiac. 

The Wheel of Life is a model of all life processes as we move around the circle of time, enjoying birth, death and rebirth. It also provides a focus which, if understood at a deep level, can create a sacred space and opportunity for offering blessings. In this presentation we will begin to explore how we might use this humble circle in our lives using sacred geometry to help balance and therefore heal ourselves and our environment.

If you’d like to join this group please get in touch with Kate, kate.tudorhall@gmail.com

A talk to Tokyo University students on dowsing and the nature of space, time and consciousness

At the outset it seemed simple enough. I offered to give a talk to James Thurgill’s students via Zoom last spring, after he was kind enough to speak to Malvern Dowsers. The course that students were undertaking was entitled ‘A sacred cartography: Leylines, dowsing and geomantic imaginaries’. 

Undeterred by the start time of 6am on a November morning I knew that dowsing had a part to play in the understanding of students on this course. It was important for me to summarise what dowsing is, what dowsers believe they experience and how dowsing is used today.

Armed with these questions I set about developing a coherent talk. I was using my rational brain to develop a structure that might describe concepts and perceptions that are essentially personal experiences. And yet after much musing and many false starts, I decide to think about dowsing in three interconnected ways

·      In space
·      In time
·      In consciousness

It seemed to me that my own dowsing practice started with exploring spaces and identifying how the earth speaks to me about the physical. At that stage I may not have been able to see what I was dowsing but there was a physical root or origin to my practice whether I was finding water, energetic manifestations or the earth’s fabric in the form of grids knitting the layers of energy together. Space is not gaps but objects, and their energetic signatures all interact to form a complex ‘group soup’. Places have many types of energy and are charged by the people that built them, the physical structures and how they are used.  Energetically we sense the various networks (roads, paths, rivers, canals, flight paths and prevailing winds) that link places together. 

Possibly like fellow dowsers I realised that this perception of space was linked to time and it was important to develop an understanding of a place in a contemporary sense, but that this was intertwined with the threads of historic time, land use and culture. Each event creating and impressing an energetic pattern onto the land that was intelligible. 

It followed that space connects to space across time and time connects to time through space. There’s a collective memory retained somewhere in the universal fabric that allows us to explore and understand, on a personal level, what has happened before. We are able to dowse archaeological remains, sites of battles, land use patterns and sacred sites. Energetic healers are sometimes able to read the human body in the same way to ascertain previous ailments, injuries and imbalances as well as systems that are working in harmony.

My last slide was about consciousness. What a vast and engrossing concept to inexpertly cover in a few bullet points! But ‘The Hard Question’ is where dowsers meet many areas of philosophy, information theory, spacetime emergence, panpsychicism and mystical ontologies (that’s by no means an exhaustive list). 

One of my fascinations is whether spacetime would exist without an observer, or a dowser in this case. Spacetime is an experience, or more accurately our experience. It feels like something to be here. Seth Anil says that we collectively hallucinate our reality and Douglas Hofstadter describes our cognition as artistic creation and that we are each a ‘strange loop’ of self referencing. But whatever your preferred description, consciousness is both a personal and collective experience that appears to be woven deeply in the fabric of spacetime.

Dowsers are spatial imaginaries or a collective group of people that share an understanding of space and time. Our perceptions and conceptions are of place and we explore through using our own inner map of experiences to make sense of this world. It’s fully immersive, mostly enjoyable and we are the lead character. And all this from information gleaned through our senses and the energetic vibrations that our brain interprets and translates for us. 

I see you through me and that, in itself, is a very strange idea. Dowsers perceive the world differently to other people through this divine experience.  

Kate Smart - November 2021

Dowsing courses from Maria Wheatley

Dowsing Professionally – Level 2, Part 1
Zoom Group Course

£48.00 – £285.00
Choose an option (Whole Course/Pay in instalments)

Divining The Earth Colours – Understanding Gaia

Master Practitioner Classes. Certificated Course (optional).

This course is the most comprehensive advanced dowsing course ever written on geodetic water energies and earth energies.

Time of each class 6 pm London Time
Dates Class 1: 3rd Dec
Class 2: 10th Dec
Class 3: 17th Dec
Class 5: 14th Jan
Class 6: 21st Jan
Class 7: 28th Jan

Divining the Earth, Understanding Gaia Part 1 consists of 7 one-hour Master Classes and the course comes with an extensive PDF manual. You will also be shown PowerPoint presentations of particular types of earth energy. For students studying in different time zones, a Zoom video will be emailed to you.

Master Practitioner Divining the Earth Part 1 is a great course that explores the geodetic system of earth energies, and Maria is the world’s authority on these incredible energies. You will explore Genesis lines, aquastats, track lines, habitation spirals, vortex energy and the threefold energy pattern emitted by underground yin water. Furthermore, we will interact with our personal magnetic connection to Gaia. At the time of our birth, we unconsciously made a magnetic link to the Earth, which is known as a ‘Vivaxis connection’, and we will explore ways of tapping into our unique umbilical cord that connects us to our Earth Mother.

This course combines the legacy of four Master Dowsers’ work spanning over a century with new finds from Maria Wheatley. This fascinating and informative diploma certified dowsing course is designed for those who have a basic understanding of dowsing. Ideally, you would have completed Dowsing Professionally Level 1.

For the course you will need:
  • A pair of dowsing rods.
  • Time to dowse for energy patterns – often at recommended locations.
  • You may like to take notes.

Feel the energies, geodetic signatures

As well as teaching you how to dowse the silent but all-powerful water and earth energies, Maria encourages you to recognise an earth energy line or pattern by using your body – how does the energy make you feel? By attuning and making a connection to the energy, we can understand how the energy affects us and this enables interpretation of earth and water energies anywhere on Earth. I call the feelings that we get from the earth energies a ‘geodetic signature’. So, when we learn, for instance, eight different signatures, we can walk around a house, garden or sacred site and long before we dowse, we can feel the energies and thus begin to interpret them. More importantly, this is your relationship with getting to know Gaia.

Lesson 1 – Sacred Inner Waters of Gaia

Gaia has more surface water than solid land mass, and Gaia has more inner waters than surface water, making Her fluidic. Maria will teach you how to recognise sacred yin water born deep within the Earth that is independent of rainfall by the three-fold earth energy pattern it emits. In Level 1 we explored the Geospiral energy pattern, however, this is just one part of the pattern that Yin water naturally emits.

You will discover the healing attributes of yin water, and how it can cleanse your own body-water of unwanted memories that block your spiritual and emotional progress. An adequate supply of living yin water, or water placed under particular geological conditions, will emit a three-fold pattern and each pattern has a particular energetic quality. Maria will show you a PowerPoint presentation that explains the energy and encourage you to find it. Maria will also discuss how this energy pattern dictated the circular city of Atlantis, the first church of Christendom at Glastonbury and Stonehenge.
The pattern

A geospiral pattern is surrounded by a circular and a semi-circular pattern. This energy pattern was integrated into sacred sites, pyramids and cities worldwide. One pattern is considered healing, another energetic and the other protective. Vast temple complexes like Karnak in Egypt integrated these sacred energies which react to light, sound and colour – which is explored in Level 2, Part 2. The pattern can also represent the Triple Goddess of Maiden, Mother and Crone.

Lunar Influences

The Moon’s phases affect the tides of the surface oceans and also the inner waters of the Earth. Interacting with these energy patterns that change with the phases of the Moon is a magical experience and each pattern reacts differently to the Moon, which will be discussed.
Maria will explain how earth energies, such as Mary and Michael yin and yang earth currents, resonate to a different element and she will describe the difference between their elemental and geological make up.

Lesson 2 – Geospiral Water Chakras. A deeper understanding of the Land

You will discover how the geospiral energy pattern and its different sized coils represent the chakra system. For example, a three and a half coiled geospiral represents the base chakra and a 7-coiled geospiral represents the heart chakra. Thus, we can explore ways of working with the geospiral in relation to our own chakras and the geospiral chakra of a sacred site. For instance, at Avebury, there is a 7-coiled geospiral – heart – emotion energy. At Serpent Mound a 3.5 coiled geospiral.

Lesson 3 – Geodetic Energies: Aquastats and Track Lines

The geodetic system of earth energies that relate to water comprises of the water line or stream band and this was covered in Level 1 as Yang Water. One of the most profoundly healing lines is an aquastat energy flow and you will learn how to recognise the difference between the two underground water flows.
However, when a water line and aquastat flow close to one another – this is called a Holy Line and the ancients located these lines and integrated them into their megalithic monuments. You will also be shown how to recognise an earth energy flow called a Track Line and explore how it can influence the physical body and the animal kingdom.

Lesson 4 – How Geodetic Energies flow through the Earth

Geodetic energies flow through the earth in different ways and the geology of the ground can influence their flow pattern. In relation to water lines, this has been known and written about since the late 1800s and I have added to the wealth of dowsing knowledge and will show you the marvellous energy flow patterns, how to interpret and work with them. The way in which an energy flows can reveal if it is fast flowing – or slowing down. Additionally, the flows influence those creatures that live above it, for good or for ill. The latter is NOT taught in group courses.

Lesson 5 – Healing Energy Patterns

In this lesson we will discuss Vortex Energy and explore the findings of several Master Dowsers. A vortex energy pattern is incredible to dowse and interact with. You will be shown a PowerPoint presentation on the energy pattern of a Vortex at exotic locations and over 25 years of research into the phenomena. To certain cultures, the Vortex is depicted as a powerful aspect of the Triple Goddess and we will see how temples incorporated the Vortex goddess energy into their holy temple spaces.

Lesson 6 – Genesis lines

At the time of writing, I have been exploring the concept of Genesis lines for over 23 years.

You will really like this balancing energy pattern and enjoy dowsing its serpentine path. A Genesis line is a hermaphrodite line – containing yin and yang energies that run side-by-side or blend as one. Unlike solar/lunar male/female earth currents, such as the Mary and Michael lines, a Genesis line is both masculine and feminine born of Vortex energy. They emit balancing and harmonic energy as they flow. Many mound sites in the USA integrated this energy, as did the Megalithic architects of North-West Europe.

Lesson 7 – Attuning to your vivaxis. Your connection to the land upon which you were born

The vivaxis is the magnetic aspect of your being and it can be very healing. Your aura connects you to the Earth and to the place where you were born. This is a little-known fact even amongst even advanced holistic practitioners. All living creatures are invisibly connected to their birthplace by a magnetic ‘umbilical cord’ called a ‘vivaxis’– viva is Latin for life – and axis is a central line. This cord, discovered by Francis Nixon, literally plugs you into the Earth and its life-supporting energies, even if you move thousands of miles away. We will explore ways of connecting and attuning to your vivaxis to have a deep and intimate understanding of the land upon which you incarnated.

An assignment for the certificate (optional) can be found at the end of the course which Maria will discuss during the last class.

You now have the knowledge of Master Dowsers and Chinese Geomants, which you can apply to help others to understand, and to live in harmony with the Earth. Blessed be.

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Dowsing Professionally – Level 2: Part 1 – Workshop

Master Practitioner Dowsing Professionally Level 2, Part 1.
Weekend Course: Certificated Diploma Course (optional).

JULY 30th AND 31st 2022 10am to 3.30 pm

This practical two-day course is the most comprehensive advanced dowsing course on geodetic water energies and earth energies. I will be hosting this from Bourton on the Water in Gloucestershire. On the first day, we will be meeting at a reconstructed Iron Age round house for introductions and to discuss one part of the course. After which we will dowse geodetic energies at the Rollright Ring. Day 2 we will be dowsing the Uffington White Horse complex.

Bourton on the Water

Is a delightful Cotswold village in Gloucestershire with lots of places to dine, and for the not so faint hearted, a local evening ghost walk. We could all meet for dinner should those in attendance wish to do so, and here is a great crystal shop in the vilage and it is a relaxing place to unwind.
Master Practitioner Dowsing Professionally Level 2 comes with an extensive PDF manual and it is a great weekend course that explores the geodetic system of earth energies, and Maria is the world’s authority on these incredible energies with over 25 years of experience of dowsing and interacting with the energy system. You will also experience Genesis lines, aquastats, track lines, habitation spirals, vortex energy and the threefold energy pattern emitted by underground yin water. Furthermore, we will interact with our personal magnetic connection to Gaia. At the time of our birth, we unconsciously made a magnetic link to the Earth, which is known as a ‘Vivaxis connection’, and we will explore ways of tapping into our unique umbilical cord that connects us to our Earth Mother.

This course combines the legacy of four Master Dowsers’ work spanning over a century with new finds from Maria Wheatley. This fascinating and informative diploma certified dowsing course is designed for those who have an understanding of dowsing. Ideally, you would have completed Dowsing Professionally Level 1 with Maria. The certification is optionally as some students just like the knowledge and information.

For the course you will need:
  • A pair of dowsing rods.
  • You will need walking shoes and appropriate clothing for the predicted weather.
  • You may like to bring a packed lunch and water.
  • You may like to take notes and bring a notepad and pen.

Day 1 – The Iron Age Round House and the Rollright Ring

Meet and Greet at the Round House. 
Maria will discuss the vivaxis principle within the rustic splendour of the round house. The vivaxis is the magnetic aspect of your being and it can be very healing.

Your aura connects you to the Earth and to the place where you were born. This is a little-known fact even amongst advanced holistic practitioners. All living creatures are invisibly connected to their birthplace by a magnetic ‘umbilical cord’ called a ‘vivaxis’– viva is Latin for life – and axis is a central line. This cord, discovered by Francis Nixon, literally plugs you into the Earth and its life-supporting energies, even if you move thousands of miles away. We will explore ways of connecting and attuning to your vivaxis to have a deep and intimate understanding of the land upon which you incarnated. This principle gave the title of High King or Queen…

After a coffee break at the onsite café, we will then head for the Rollright Ring. I have had a relationship with this site for near 40 years of my life! I adore these stones. I have experienced thunderstorms at several sacred sites, but the one at Rollright was mysterious and witnessed by an entire audience…

The Rollright Ring: Geospiral Chakras. A deeper understanding of the Land and Sacred Sites

At the Rollright Ring, you will discover how the geospiral energy pattern and its different sized coils represent the chakra system. For example, a three and a half coiled geospiral represents the base chakra and a 7-coiled geospiral represents the heart chakra. Thus, we can explore ways of working with the geospiral in relation to our own chakras and the geospiral chakra of a sacred site. For instance, at the Rollright Ring there is a 7-coiled geospiral – heart – emotion energy and a 3.5 coiled base chakra geospiral is close by.

Geodetic Energies: Aquastats and Healing Energy Patterns

The geodetic system of earth energies that relate to underground water comprises of the water line or stream band and this was covered in Level 1 as Yang Water.

One of the most profoundly healing lines is an aquastat energy flow and you will learn how to recognise the difference between the two underground water flows. Maria discovered that when two aquastats cross they can produce a pattern and this can be found at Rollright that emits healing energy. It is amazing and imbues the stone with healing power.

When a water line and aquastat flow close to one another – this is called a Holy Line and the ancients located such lines and integrated them into their megalithic monuments. You will also be shown how to recognise an earth energy flow called a Track Line (at the lane close to Dragon Hill or the Ridgeway; although the Rollright Ring is associated with a Track line, the road can be too busy to dowse). We will explore how the energy of a track line can influence the physical body and the animal kingdom.

For those staying nearby, (optional) we can return to Bourton on the Water and enjoy the many places to eat and drink together.

Feel the energies, geodetic signatures

As well as teaching you how to dowse the silent but all-powerful water and earth energies, Maria encourages you to recognise an earth energy line or pattern by using your body – how does the energy make you feel? By attuning and making a connection to the energy, we can understand how the energy affects us and this enables interpretation of earth and water energies anywhere on Earth. I call the feelings that we get from the earth energies a ‘geodetic signature’. So, when we learn, for instance, eight different signatures, we can walk around a house, garden or sacred site and long before we dowse, we can feel the energies and thus begin to interpret them. More importantly, this is your relationship to Gaia – a relationship that will grow and deepen

Day 2 – The Uffington White Horse Complex – Dragon Hill and Uffington Castle

Meet at 10.30 am at the National Trust Uffington White Horse car park at SN7 7QJ. 10 am to 3.30 pm.

Sacred Inner Waters and Energy Patterns

Gaia has more surface water than solid land mass, and Gaia has more inner waters than surface water making Her fluidic. Maria will teach you how to recognise sacred yin water born deep within the Earth that is independent of rainfall by the three-fold earth energy pattern it emits. In Level 1, we explored the Geospiral energy pattern, however, this is just one part of the pattern that Yin water naturally emits.

You will discover the healing attributes of yin water at Uffington Castle, and how it can cleanse your own body-water of unwanted memories that block your spiritual and emotional progress. An adequate supply of living yin water, or water placed under particular geological conditions, will emit a three-fold pattern and each pattern has a particular energetic quality.

The pattern

A geospiral pattern is surrounded by a circular/semi-circular pattern. This energy pattern was integrated into sacred sites, pyramids and cities worldwide. One pattern is considered healing, another energetic and the other protective. Vast temple complexes like Karnak in Egypt integrated these sacred energies, which react to light, sound and colour – which is explored in Level 2, Part 2. The threefold pattern can also represent the Triple Goddess of Maiden, Mother and Crone.

Lunch: There are park benches on site as you may wish to bring a packed lunch and water. Or, there is a local pub nearby for pub grub. There are NO facilities at the White Horse sites.

Genesis lines

At the time of writing, I have been exploring the concept of Genesis lines for over 24 years.

You will really like this balancing energy pattern and enjoy dowsing its serpentine path. A Genesis line is a hermaphrodite line – containing yin and yang energies that run side-by-side or blend as one. Unlike solar/lunar male/female earth currents, such as the Mary and Michael lines, a Genesis line (shown below) is both masculine and feminine born of Vortex energy points. They emit balancing and harmonic energy as they flow. Many mound sites in the USA (see illustration) integrated this energy, as did the Megalithic architects of North-West Europe. We will dowse for this at the summit of Dragon Hill and Maria will present solid scietirtic evidence for the vortex energy system as we have measured it.

After the day has ended, for those that wish to do so, we can go to a nearby thatched pub called The White Horse for a farewell drink.

An assignment for the certificate can be found at the end of the course which Maria will discuss during the last Lesson.

You now have the knowledge of Master Dowsers and Chinese Geomants, which you can apply to help others to understand, and to live in harmony with the Earth.

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Emails received

To the Prime Minister

Dear Prime Minister and Ministers, Shadow Ministers and business community.

I hope that this flyer reaches you. My attempt to have a dialogue with you Sir [PM] on related matters via 3 local government Minsters evaporated.

In addition on the 8th May 2008 I made an attempt to engage with you for 15 minutes and failed. One aspect is the maintenance of ...

Schumann Wave Resonance (SWR)
The Wave resonates at 7.8 Hertz as in trees, brain, soil. They are interrelated. We need to be told about the effect of building on reactive soils.

We do not know the detrimental effect if any and we ought to know. It ought to be on the educational syllabus globally. PM please initiate urgent research and be a Wave marker globally.

Scant information is publicised. My books have fringe information on SWR : a decline of which might be detrimental to the health of humans, trees, and soil .

I understand that flats above eight floors have diminished SWR. Will this pave the way to new dysfunctions. Perhaps SWR needs to be introduced into schools and clinically assessed for improved learning et al.  This is yet another example on interrelatedness.

Seemingly more youngsters appear to have educational syllabus globally. PM please initiate urgent research and be a Wave marker globally.

Scant information is publicised. Perhaps SWR needs to be introduced into schools and clinically assessed for improved learning et al. 

Seemingly more youngsters appear to have worries along with climate issues: voiced in fear. You cannot deal with just one issue at a time; proven in dealing with crime. Down load free my four books...
Experimentally these matters can be measured by using Bovis Units. Try the application and talk about your observations. Councils have a duty to produce a 20 year plan and that needs to be a 30 years plan and that might spark a change so make it happen now -- What do you think ?

The equation which Bovis Units may unveil should transcend politics, religious and class; as part of the equation of interrelatedness. A path way for climate study ?    

I understand that SWR is installed in Space Craft to stabilise crew, mentally and physically. Homes/hospitals/open spaces are SPACE and so is the study of ground energies. Another aspect of interrelatedness-- - look it up, Radiasthesia and ground energy .

UK 01252 541639