Local Dowsing Group News:  No. 84

Dowse to Heal

Most forms of healing combine intention & the desire-to-heal, with some kind of technique. The technique may take a variety of forms, such as physical manipulation of the body, changes to diet, or the importance of dwelling on positive outcomes.

Sometimes the technique is complicated or elaborate, and it can take a great deal of study to acquire the necessary information and skill.

For diviners, however, there is a relevant skill which we already possess. That skill is called 'dowsing'.

This combination of 'desire-to-heal', and 'dowsing', is therefore a healing approach available to us all.

This has been brought to the world as The New Homeopathy, sometimes referred to as The New German Homeopathy.

Developed by Erich Korbler, the skill has been developed and promoted by Dr Maria Sagi (author of more than twelve books and 150 research papers) and her brother, Istvan. The technique is set out in their book, 'Healing with Information', and a concise operational guide is provided by 'Painting the Energy Body' by Petra Neumayer and Roswitha Stark.


This lies at the heart of the procedure. The dowsing tool - a form of bobber - is used to determine the patients' condition, by interpreting the bobbers' movements against a chart.

The chart also indicates the remedial (dowsing) action which should be taken, which could be called the prescription.

As the patient improves, further dowsing tests might indicate changes that need to be made to the recommended 'prescription'.

The treatment also consists in the application of one or more of four main healing symbols, which are drawn on the client's body, usually on the affected areas.

The procedure is therefore very simple, but also profound, and excellent results are reported.

Remote Healing

One of the very interesting aspects of the the process is that the patient does not need to be present, as the work can be carried out remotely.

Indeed Maria Sagi's new book, published in 2020 - and an extension of her first book on the technique - is entitled 'Remote Healing: Nonlocal Information Medicine '.

This approach is therefore especially appealing for dowsers, especially if practicing from the remoteness of a Welsh mountain.

Enjoy !

References :

Healing with Information : The New Homeopathy - Foreword by Ervin Laszlo Dr Maria Sagi

Remote Healing : Nonlocal Information Medicine Dr Maria Sagi

Painting the Energy Body : Signs and Symbols for Vibrational Healing by Petra Neumayer and Roswitha Stark


The 'Power of Eight' Healing Technique ...

... was created by Lynne McTaggert, and is now practised worldwide.

There is a Power of Eight (Dowsing) group, which is made up primarily of dowsers and has been running successfully for some time. It meets via zoom every Thursday from 5.30pm to around 6.30pm.

It is open to new members, and for an informal discussion please contact Grace on 078302 93524


Local Dowsing Groups

There is an emerging discussion on dowsing in the UK and the role of local dowsing groups.

A couple of weeks ago David Charman chaired a discussion at which representatives of a number of local groups expressed views.

This has been followed up by a meeting co-chaired by the BSD president.

I cannot give you a report on that meeting as attendance was restricted by the BSD to groups affiliated to that organisation.


Wiltshire Dowsers Newsletter report on the...

BSD zoom meeting Dec 12th

Reproduced with permission

"Contacts for local affiliated groups were invited to attend this recent online event. Sue and Peter represented the Wiltshire Dowsers. It was hosted by BSD committee members/trustees Richard Fry and Nick Hayward.

There were around 30 attendees from around the UK. The format was the presentation of a list of aims for the ‘reinvention’ of the BSD, now led by a largely new team. There was also an opportunity to ask questions or comment in the form of ‘chat’ comments as the evening progressed.

The aims of the BSD are now to find ways to increase the membership, revenue, trust, and public visibility of the BSD, following what was admitted as being a challenging period, in which mistakes were made.

Its aim is now also to promote a wider network of affiliated groups, and the resurrection of the Special Interest Groups. The committee acknowledged that mistakes had been made concerning local groups and the SIG’s and that these would be learnt from. It is also intended that BSD Courses will recommence in 2022.

It is also now intended to carry posts about the activities and reports of local groups in their magazine Dowsing Today, and on the BSD website: the latter is soon to have a total revamp. These will also include forums and videos of group activities on the website, and local groups are requested to send
in content [which we will do – Ed.].

It is also proposed by the BSD that the Spring Symposium and the
annual Conference will be scaled down somewhat and made more affordable, as well as being pay-to-view live-streamed. The audio version of this zoom event will be available soon, and we will publish this for all to listen to when we get it.

I am sure we all wish the new team well in their efforts to reinvigorate the BSD. This can only benefit members, as well giving a higher profile of the wonderful art of dowsing to a wider audience and benefitting affiliated groups, such as the Wiltshire Dowsers."

Peter Knight : stoneseeker@waitrose.com


Article by Paul Syrett, following a meeting of local groups, chaired by David Charman, December 19th

" For those of us who have got together to discuss our views on the BSD and its future, the way forward is still very unclear. 
I attended both of the recent BSD discussion forums with the latter being very much a meeting run by the BSD, inviting only a select few of the Local Affiliated Groups (ALGs) to hear a set of proposals which had already been formulated and defined. The only option to provide any feedback was a monitored online chat which did not provide an opportunity to raise the issues which we, as members, felt needed to be discussed.
In every sense this meeting gave me a feeling of déjà vu. This is exactly what happened at the 2019 Spring Symposium where, despite creating an expectation of member support and input, a set of questions on defined items were put forward with limited options to provide feedback.

On this occasion, Guy Hudson and I stepped forward to try and show that there was another way. In discussion with the attendees present, we pulled together feedback in a single document, which we shared with the leadership team of the BSD. I have reason to believe that they actively decided not to share this document with the members.
What is clear is that there are many members both of the BSD and the ALGs who are keen to see our organisation go through a transformation that will raise the visibility of the art of dowsing, increase the membership of both the BSD itself and the affiliated and special interest groups.
Many of us have worked very hard during the challenges of the last two years to bring together dowsers and speakers both in person or through online services like Zoom. It has been an incredible journey, giving us access to speakers we might have struggled to engage in person when life seemed more normal and the opportunity to meet dowsers from all over the country. In addition to offering opportunities to hear from speakers on all manner of subjects, we have capitalised on the ability to create conversations spanning a wide range of topics.
The BSD needs to reinvent itself in a very significant way in order to achieve the lofty goals which its members desire. The good news is that amongst the membership we have a broad spectrum of commercial and business experience, a great deal of enthusiasm and ideas as to how we can achieve the transformation which is desperately required.
The bad news is that we don’t seem to see this experience, enthusiasm or creativity in our current leadership team."
Paul Syrett SpirITman
Mobile: 07836 588027 
Email:   Paul@spiritman.me


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