Local Dowsing Group News :   No. 11
                                                                                                   Emails received ...
Ways forward …

Last week this newsletter carried a request from a reader that different views of the BSD’s future be aired before the BSD conference and AGM. So far, one prospective Trustee has kindly responded. Her contribution is set out below...

Jane Court

Ced has asked for a few words from those who have ‘volunteered’ to stand as Trustees of the BSD at the AGM. So here are mine.

For those who do not know me, it seems logical to explain why I believe I can make a positive contribution and what has brought me to this juncture.

In the grand scheme of things, I am relatively new to the BSD and have only been a member for 13 years. I have an interest in all modalities of dowsing although I tend to concentrate on the Health side. In addition, I am a former BSD registered tutor. I have long been an advocate of the "sister / brotherhood" of dowsers and along with my work in the complementary therapy field have worked hard in various managing capacities to achieve this.
Amongst these have been the International Association of Health Dowsers, the Association of Energy Therapists and the Association of Complementary Therapy Teachers and Schools. I was also a founding member of Waverley dowsers.

During the operation of these organisations, over a period of six years, I was also dedicated to organising events for the BSD's Dowsing for Health Group which developed a considerable following. I was asked to stand down from my position as vice-chair after five years when the BSD decided to adopt an approach to limit SIG committee members to a maximum period of six years in office. Before you ask – yes, the date logic doesn’t work, but, thankfully it was not me that was lacking in numeracy skills at that time!

Despite this and other subsequent attacks on my integrity, I still believed in the concept of the BSD. To this end I offered my expertise, gained through years of involvement in the therapy and dowsing world along with my experience obtained in my professional working life as a highly qualified accountant. Disappointingly, I was turned down several times in favour of candidates with a perceived wider level of experience and commitment.

I was approached regarding the possibility of becoming a Trustee picking up the role of Treasurer at the next AGM. I understand that this still requires a vote from the Membership at the meeting, so ultimately it is up to you to decide if I am the right person to take on this responsibility.

Regarding how I see the way forward, that is a very difficult question to answer today. Clearly the Society is currently in a period of uncertainty. I believe that using the skills and knowledge gained throughout my professional life I can offer support to the BSD. Personally, although my responsibilities will primarily be on the finance side, I will strive to support the other Trustees in taking the best approach to meet their goals and challenges moving forward. I am very determined and committed to giving my best to ensure the BSD is brought back into a state where we can grow and develop into the inspirational organisation the I believe we should be.

I have yet to meet or have any interaction with the other proposed and existing Trustees. I am looking forward to discovering what skills and experience they are proposing to “bring to the table”. It is my sincere hope that we can all work together collaboratively, supporting each other to achieve the Society’s aims. In saying this I am trusting that we will all demonstrate the same work ethic, dedication and commitment to success.


Dowsing and Healing

South Herefordshire Dowsers recently received a wide-ranging talk on this subject. A synopsis of this talk will shortly be sent to you as a ‘Supplementary’ email.

A Malvern Ramble                                                                                                          
I n the 1920s Alfred Watkins rediscovered the Ley Line system. He set this out in his famous book, The Old Straight Track , an expansion of his earlier booklet Early British Trackways .
In EBT Watkins sets out the route of a number of leys, including one that runs to Malvern Priory. Fortunately the entire text of EBT is freely available on the web at    http://www.ancient-wisdom.com/alfredwatkinslecture.pdf , including the route of the Malvern Priory ley:

            Little Mountain (Westbrook) to St. Ann's Well and Priory Church,
            Malvern, via Arthur's Stone, Cross End, Moccas Church, Monnington
            Church, Credenhill (old) Court, Pipe and Lyde Church, and Beacon Hill.
A recent exploration by Malvern Dowsers showed that an argument could be made for extending the line to the East.

Local Dowsing Groups News
As promised, next week’s edition will complete the current round of weekly mailings. Thereafter it will be monthly and/or as the need arises. Your views and suggestions on its future will be welcomed by Info@CedJackson.org prior to Wednesday September 12 th for publication in next week’s edition.

Dowsing in the UK

  Active organisations include...

        British Society of Dowsers :           www.britishdowsers.org
        Dowsing Research Group :           www.dowsingresearch.org
        Professional Dowsers Register :   www.professionaldowsersregister.co.uk
        International Association of Health Dowsers :       www.healthdowsers.org
        Local Dowsing Groups :                www.localdowsinggroups.UK