Emails received from...
John Baker
In an attempt to get more people interested in water divining, it’s possible I could arrange for a get together in central London on a Saturday in late January or early Feb 2019. Would anyone be interested ? There would be no fee but obviously people have to get there.
The BSD Professional Register
It is now some time since the BSD Professional Register was listed on the BSD website.
For several years I have paid to be listed on the Register, and my details duly appeared on the website.
In the absence of the Register appearing on the website, I consider that it would be appropriate for the BSD to re-imburse my fee, or, if the Register is about to re-appear on the website, to be issued with a credit against the costs of my membership of the Register, proportionate to the length of time for which my details did not so appear.
Clearly if such action is not taken, it will have a significant effect on the service provided by the BSD to its members, and the probability, or not, of people renewing their membership of the BSD and/or the professional register.
I have written to the BSD along these lines.
Insurance for Affiliated Local Groups
Around ten months ago the BSD was approached by
(big house), of Much Marcle, as they wished to have a dowsing presence/stall at their annual Garden Festival. This request was duly passed on to me, at Malvern Dowsers.
I approached the BSD regarding the question of insurance. Eventually I relied on my own, personal, insurance. This is not entirely satisfactory as the stall had a number of volunteers, and the participation of more than one affiliated local group.
I am therefore requesting that the BSD establish a standard insurance package for ALG’s with an insurance company or broker.
Hellens have recently re-invited Malvern Dowsers to have a stall at their 2019 Festival.
I have provisionally accepted this invitation but need firm arrangements in place regarding insurance before I can proceed.
I have written to the BSD along these lines.