BSD re-born, shock !
Rumours of the death of the BSD may have been exaggerated, as a number of people have put their names forward to become Trustees.
This took place on Saturday April 6th, at what was originally billed as The Spring Symposium. Over forty people attended.
The meeting started with the reading of a letter of apology from Mr Graham Wayt, who has been poorly.
Attendees were then split into groups, which were asked to come up with, and present, their views on various issues facing the BSD. This took up all of the morning, apart from five minutes just before lunch, when the format and content of the meeting was subjected to critical examination from the floor.
The afternoon consisted of an excellent presentation by Amanda Peel on EFT and dowsing.
At the end of the meeting I discovered that five people had put forward their names to become Trustees. I will release their names as soon as I have their permission to do so.
This mailing – Local Dowsing Group News – and the linked website (see below) started as a way of keeping local groups informed of matters of common concern.
With issues concerning the BSD coming to the fore, I am now happy to widen this newsletter’s circulation. If you would like to be on the mailing list please let me know.
Best wishes
Ced Jackson