As this newsletter is a shoe-in for the year’s Dowsing Pulitzers, some guidelines are hereby supplied to potential contributors.
, may be submitted by a single person or group entity, preferably embodied.
Collaboration between potential contributors is welcomed. At some point a final version must be decided upon, and for the avoidance of confusion, it would be helpful that the words sent
for publication
are …
Clearly highlighted
(to distinguish them from any accompanying wishes regarding the editor's physical or emotional health)
by the phrase
‘This is the final text’
state the author(s), and the author’s
email address
that references to potential initiatives
are described
(unless permission for dissemination already gained)
For the avoidance of doubt
it will be assumed that contributors have given permission for their articles to appear in LDGN, and also LDGN’s sister website,
unless that permission is expressly withheld by the authors, and notified in writing.
I have received a request that local dowsing groups copy the newsletter to their members. It is also open to any dowser to ask to be placed directly on the mailing list.
Dowsing Research Group meeting report
The DRG meeting on Saturday warmly welcomed the current initiatives for new BSD Trustees and also the proposed Dowsers Web Service.
They called for an BSD EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting) as soon as possible and called for a significant number of new trustees to make significant changes to what and how the BSD do what they do. They wanted a flat grass-roots-driven organisation and not top down one.
They warmly welcomed a web service supporting autonomous (with the emphasis on autonomous) dowsing interest groups and all the local groups, also for training and professional register.
They liked having Ced's newsletter being circulated. Sue agreed to circulate Ced's newsletter to the membership. Several DRG members present had had experience of being trustees and agreed that the culture of the BSD made it difficult to work with them. The DRG decided that they would not renew their affiliation until the future direction of the BSD was clear.
The Future of Dowsing in the UK
The BSD, because of the lack of viability of their Spring Symposium, instigated an initiative to find out what the delegates wanted from the BSD in future. The whole future of the BSD is in question due to a business model that has failed.
Lists of ideas/reactions from the delegates has been issued to delegates by the BSD but they want to restrict circulation only to those who attended. Also free-format ideas were gleaned in the afternoon and those have been sent to the BSD, but they have not been circulated. We hope to obtain permission to circulate these but are not hopeful that they will allow them to be released. A remarkable consensus of frustrations were voiced.
Several people came forward to volunteer as Trustees. Tony, Guy and Paul as listed in the last newsletter. They have come up with the following draft proposal. Comments please!
Draft Proposal for Support to Dowsers in the UK
A web support service including a competent website, Facebook, etc. the service is to support autonomous dowsing groups that manage their membership, activities and finances. The potential list as follows:-
- Local groups
- dowsing interest groups
- training group?
- professional group?
- Journal group?
The dowsing groups to
- define what they want website structure & functionality to be
- assisted by the committed, expert staff
- the groups create, and control and provide their information - events, papers, articles
- experienced project manager: to facilitate the creation of the dowsers web for the dowsers : expenses paid
- content administrator: to help the groups interact and upload content to the website: paid and working from home
- external technical expertise: bought in by the hour
Funding model
- affiliation fee (and donations) from dowsing groups
- BSD? - optional if they want to join in
- All members of affiliated groups (automatic and free)
- lone dowsers
Name - Dowsers Web Support Service
There are a number of people who are keen to support various Dowsing Interest Groups that will include Water, Dowsing Research, Earth Energies, Archaeology, plus the Local Groups. Eventually, some groups will organise weekends which will include a range of speakers and practical advice for dowsers of all standards.
Meanwhile, we are actively seeking input from all groups to comment on the above and tell us what you would like to see.
Guy, Paul, Tony, Adrian, and Sue
Earth Energies on the Telly
I have been kindly informed of a programme this coming Tuesday on earth energies
Mystic Britain - on the Smithsonian Channel
Tuesday at 8 p.m.
I am told it can also be viewed on Freeview 99 : Freesat 175 : Sky 195 : and Virgin 295.
‘Clive Anderson and anthropologist Mary-Ann Ochota dig into our weird history - includes the ancient church of St Mary’s in Troston, Suffolk, which has demonic mediaeval symbols on the walls - the supernatural beliefs and defences used when the Romans built Hadrian’s Wall - why human sacrifice was practiced - Stonehenge - end of the last Ice Age 11,000 years ago - a pit of mutilated bones in a pit in Yorkshire, etc.’
The headline of the piece in ‘TV Choice’ is "Whose ley line is it anyway?" apparently a pun on Clive Anderson’s previous TV Programme “Whose Line Is It Anyway” but ley lines may not be mentioned in the programme.
Letters to the editor from…
Phyllida Howlett
I have been a long-standing member of the BSD and would like to see it flourish again. However, this meeting
(the symposium)
was clearly not an open discussion to help the BSD move forward.
The questions given for discussion were strictly limited in essence to how to prop up a structure which has already fallen over. There was no opportunity to explore any fresh ideas on restructuring what has clearly failed to work in the past, and when members attempted to speak they were silenced. The whole experience was frustrating and did not inspire confidence in a future for the existing format of the BSD.
Sue Brown
As a dowser, I’m interested to hear how people first came into dowsing.
Did a dowser find a missing item for them, such as a key, a ring or a camera? Or did they watch the local water board workers using 2 foot long rods to find a leaking pipe? Or maybe a relative was in the army, searching for landmines and saving lives. Whether the story is about water, archaeology, earth energies or health, it’s always interesting to hear real case histories involving dowsing.
Everyone learns all sorts of things from videos, whether it’s a recipe or how to do some DIY around the house. Young people in particular use YouTube, so it would be good to draw up a list of good dowsing videos and books that describe events involving dowsing, such as Elizabeth Lloyd Meyer’s case of her daughter’s missing harp. She was a psychoanalyst and her book is called
Extraordinary Knowing
or Walter Eliot’s book & video
'Divining Archaeology'
Perhaps dowsers know of other excellent videos we could watch to learn something new about dowsing; similarly with books. Might I suggest that we compile a comprehensive list of milestone books and videos that have transformed our ways of thinking about dowsing, starting with those mentioned above.