One possible source of new dowsers is provided by the University of the Third Age, the U3A.
Together with most of the known universe, Adult Education has suffered extensive cuts in recent years, but in many places the U3A has gone from strength to strength. A brief mention in the local U3A newsletter of a prospective dowsing course/group elicited a strong response.
New Dowsing Tools No 46 -
The Washing Line
We are now entering the glorious season of Summer Fetes. Equipped with folding wallpapering tables and plastic pitch markers to delineate the dowsing training area, we taught people to dowse with L Rods.
Learning to dowse is a bit like learning to ride a bike, its physical and there’s lot going on at once. To ensure success, the process can be broken up into different stages
(e.g. deciding what to wear, turning up at the right fete, etc)
, but there is always the possibility of mental overload.
This is where the washing line comes into its own. After the correct stance/posture, and the grip, have been mastered, before actual
is taught, a washing line is placed on the ground, forming what is technically known as a very wiggly line.
The trainee, L Rod in hand, then walks along the line, following the twists and turns of the washing line, with the rod pointing the way.
This ups the trainee’s familiarity with, and use of, the rod, without them wondering if they are doing it right, or getting into any weird stuff
(which comes later)
BSD considers new trustees
The three existing trustees are currently considering applications from people who have put themselves forward
Dowsers for Hire
Grace Edgar
Healing is offered by Grace Edgar. My Healing combines Dowsing, Sacred Geometry, Numerology, Ancestral Healing, Past Lives Healing, Shamanic Soul Retrieval, dealing with souls that have not passed on, Feng Shui as well as psychic skills.
In the process of Healing we discover unconscious patterns which govern our lives, some of them may be acquired many generations ago or in our past lives, after discovering we have a choice to change them and enhance positive qualities in our lives. My website is:
Personal adverts will appear in this section of the newsletter at a charge of £25.
Emails received
Graham Wayt
Teaching Industrial dowsing to affiliated groups
A teaching program is being provided to all affiliated groups with BSD membership from July this year to be held at their selected sites. The course will be in 2 parts leading to a Street Works Excavation Certificate with endorsements in A. fibre optic routing B. passive gas routing C. street lighting systems D. both surface water drainage and main sewage conduit identification including culverts ,wet wells and pumped systems.
The initial course will consist of domestic services supply including water, gas, electrics, BT , piped TV along with identification of 11kv and high voltage electrical services . Water mains from domestic take off from A/C. and plastic mains (Low pressure) to high pressure district mains. Gas household supply from district mains and high pressure distribution pipework the list is endless and will depend on site content in a number of examined areas local to each affiliated group but consisting of at least . An industrial site A city site An urban site and possibly others.
A strict safety regime will be enforced during all public area exposure to investigation along with insurance in place
A risk assessment of the teaching areas must be undertaken by the affiliated group leader prior to the course starting date (there is a standard format sheet for this purpose produced by Richard Fry. BSD member)
Would all / any affiliated group with interested members wishing to become expert in street works recognition or at least gain the ability to know exactly what is under their feet please contact in the first instance
Graham L Wayt BSD President