The BSD cancelled this year’s Spring Symposium, and instead held a one day event, which highlighted the
need for additional Trustees
Many people put themselves forward.
New trustees are needed as the BSD has sunk below the minimum required by its constitution.
If it does not have at least four Trustees, the BSD (via its Council) cannot make decisions.
As it cannot make decisions, it cannot make decisions.
As it cannot make decisions, I presume it cannot make decisions to co-opt further Trustees.
The only way of getting round this problem may be an AGM, or an EGM, at which new Trustees could be appointed.
Any ‘decisions’ which the Council has taken since it dropped below four Trustees, are presumably null and void.
The constitution is on the BSD’s website at
Memorandum and Articles of Association
, under
About Us’
The Dissolution of the SIGs
Only a few years ago, the BSD was the undisputed umbrella organisation for dowsers in the UK. Local groups were affiliated.
Interest Groups
There are now many independent groupings.
Several dowsers voluntarily undertook certificated training in teaching people how to dowse.
As far as I know, this initiative has been discontinued, leaving many people discontent.
In turn this may have led to many
leaving the BSD.
Spare Rod
The stereotypical
image of a dowser is that
of a middle aged man in a flat hat. Is this outdated ?
The current issue
of Dowsing Today lists the 34 members of the BSD's Professional Register. Around 41% are male and 59% are female. So for every two men, there are very nearly three women.
Dowsing was traditionally grouped into search categories such as water, earth energies, etc. As the world moves on, and identity groupings rise, how would you respond to the announcement of the launch of the (dowsing)
Women's Special Interest Group
(the earth as body, dowsing the female cycle,
and M. lines, etc)
The expansion in 'alternative' health studies in recent years has helped bring women's interests to the fore, and in Malvern we are privileged to house the
Red School
Learn to dowse
Come to
Thames Valley Dowsers
annual Open Day on Saturday June 8th, 2pm till 5pm, and learn a new skill at the Jordans Quaker Centre, Welders Lane, Jordans, Nr. Beaconsfield, Bucks HP9 2SN.
Our group meets at Jordans Centre once a month for talks by experts on dowsing, healing and related subjects.