Letters to the Editor
Michael Haxeltine
Three years ago I started to draft a family’s book on dowsing. Some of you may recall me picking your brains on the subject.
My objectives :
- To create a possible fresh income stream for BSD
- Bring on young people to familiarise them with the dowsing process
- Having something for Mum, Dad, Grand parents and Guardians.
- Zero cost family activity which may be a minuscule contribution to family cohesion and thus the subtle urban energy environment.
With the help, guidance and useful criticism and a contribution of ideas from some members I recently started to swim again (as opposed to treading water.) I must take this opportunity to say thank you to members for their time. Especially at 80 plus I am well passed my sell by date.
This “age” is significant as I recently sought permission to display/sell my Families Book and my other tomes at the 7th September event. This request was refused by the Trustees, and confirmed via the email the BSD office sent me
. (Extract below.)
Due to my age the refusal equates to a possible LIFE BAN on selling my books by the Trustees.
Essence of the BSD’s email :
The issue of selling your book at conference was raised at a meeting held late last week with the Trustees, and it was agreed that you will not be able to sell your book at conference this year.
As you are aware we will be at a different venue and there will not be the facility for you to have a separate table. It was mentioned that this could also raise a security issue and the BSD does not want to be held responsible if any stock/money were to go missing. We have organised a full programme for our one day event and do not feel there will be the opportunity for you sell your book.
Max responds :
(a): It is highly likely that BSD could be approx. one hundred and twenty pounds out of pocket i.e. Conference fee and a donation from myself - prudent or imprudent ?
(b) The following are salient points:
There is no need for an additional table as I could have used a round table which would have generated discussion - an aim of the books
Money could be secured in my pocket
Risk of stock : If there is a risk of stock - 5 books on a table – have you advised the insurers of this eventuality otherwise it might nullify claims against BSD members to their detriment
In view of your concerns about stock / money going missing are you going to advise Delegates
Please let me have a copy of your risk assessment for the event
If you were really concerned you would have asked me to sign a disclaimer .?
It is noted that you are not allowing time for eating, etc, and that no time has been allowed for informal conversation. The programme is full and no time is allowed for socialising, eating or talking about books
My other books can be viewed on Academia.edu except the one in French
Michael Haxeltine BA Filam trtd FRMA rtd Dip IPRA Dip LCA
Dip Cert Arb Cert PTTLs