Local Dowsing Group News :   No. 28

New SIGs get off to cracking start

Special Interest Group

As dowsers we are familiar with extraordinary experiences that extend our perceptions of reality. Sometimes these lead us to a feeling of connectedness or exhibit as the most amazing synchronicities in our lives. Our sensitive ‘antenna’ pick up many vibrations or energies that some people perceive as spiritual and emanating from a divine source.
This special interest group is being set up to bring a small group of people together to explore our various spiritual experiences; share our own journeys and consider why we have been blessed with these gifts. In particular the group will be aiming to make deeper connections that help us to live and work in a more spiritual way.
Although we will be using some religious texts and ideas from around the world our approach will be omnistic (in other words we will respect all religions and follow none in particular). We will also look at the teachings of some sages and great masters and their philosophical thoughts about reality. In fact we will be exploring the concept of our intelligent universe and your unique place within this complexity.
If you feel that this is the right thing for you to do at this time please remember that an open heart and an open mind is all that’s required. The size of the group will be limited and there will be a small charge for joining the group/meetings.

Although the group will get together initially, some meetings will be held via ‘Zoom’ conferencing or one to one ‘Facetime’ (or similar) depending on the geographical spread of the group and how your own journey develops. Sharing with others and looking inwards are both very important parts of developing your spiritual life. I believe that this is the most important thing you can do in your life!  
If you are interested in joining or would like to find out more please get in touch with Kate at ...

water splash isolated on white background

Special Interest Group
Fifty-five members in the first week and growing steadily !

The Water Dowsing SIG is up & running on the Facebook site, plus our first meeting will be the 30th November 2019 at the Village Hall in Yoxford, Suffolk starting at 11:00am.  £5 per person with teas & coffees supplied.

I've talked to quite a few seniors re. this SIG including some who ran predecessor and all agree this looks like the way forward, plus to push my way into Events around the country, already got two bookings for March & April, zero costs to the BSD as we use the caravan all year around (love it), and Yes we will promote the BSD at these functions.

We have access to a Water Drill over here and hopefully will be able to produce some short videos of its handling and don't worry about the HSE, RAMS etc (Risk Assessment + Method Statements), it'll all be in order.

Steve Dawson skad7@hotmail.com

Dowsing in the UK

  Active organisations include...

        British Society of Dowsers :           www.britishdowsers.org
        Dowsing Research Group :           www.dowsingresearch.org
        Professional Dowsers Register :   www.professionaldowsersregister.co.uk
        International Association of Health Dowsers :       www.healthdowsers.org
        Local Dowsing Groups :                www.localdowsinggroups.UK