I use the box I have to demonstrate the use of witnesses.
Much to my amazement the box I have access to came with a cross about 2cm and I assume that to was protect the user.
Some of the witnesses' are in poor condition – any ideas on repair ?
The Revealer was used to fin
d lost objects in a 400
metre piece of land in Dorset. I am assuming it was MoD and the test with the reveler was a failure. I think that it was a case of Heisenberg at work. However I had a brief conversation on the later point with a Brigadier who felt I was making too much of Heisenberg .
The Express used a Picture of an African NCO in Dorset holding the Revealer allegedly used for the search.
I wrote to the Daily Express a few months later to track down the reporter to try and find chapter and verse but zero response. It does not help when my own “memory” box fails me. Seeing the cross in the box was one of the reasons for me realising that there was more in dowsing than I could manage.
It must be emphasised that a wire coat hanger is a cheap tool.
John Baker
...is still in search of a Revealer.
Graham Wayt
"Your article on the dowsing box of tricks
When I worked with Thames Water I became very friendly with a great character called Frank Taylor he of Taylor Woodrow His company had many engineers loaned to Thames to carry out a major capital expenditure programe. As part of a conversation one evening I advised him that I was teaching his engineers to dowse all in front of them before putting a bucket of a machine in the ground the latter action saved many BT lines gas mains and water mains along with picking up farmers field drainage systems together with identifying old sludge lines on sewage treatment works, Frank was aware that his company had procured one of these boxes and was in general usage in rebuild areas of bomb damage in Manchester and the east side of London in previous years
The box eventually arrived in our office in Reading where as far as I know it still is"
Graham Wayt President BSD grahamwayt@outlook.com