D.Fest ~ Dowsing for One and All
This will be one of the year’s outstanding events. It takes place on June 13th and 14th 2020, and will be a fine chance to meet friends old and new. Booking open from Spring 2020 via
Earth Energies Re-ignited
Avebury : April 25/26 2020.
This practical weekend will be held close to Avebury with various speakers lined up. There is a Labyrinth workshop, and Patterns in the Ether will be dowsed. Please email if you would like to receive details
Spirituality Special Interest Group
The group experimented with a tele-conference format back in 1999, and is now roaring ahead via
Water Special Interest Group
The Water SIG is coordinated by Dowsing Anglia and its first meeting in 2020 is on Saturday Jan 25th, a
‘Back to Basics Dowsing Day’.
(Dowsing for Beginners & Advanced Dowsers to Instruct / Refresh Dowsing Skills & Techniques).
The event is at the Yoxford Village Hall (Suffolk), between 11:00 and 3pm. Price £5 per person & under 18’s free. Teas & Coffees provided all day. Dowsing Rods available. Bring outdoor clothing & a picnic. Any questions please to Steve Dawson,
Map Dowsing
The inaugural meeting of the Map Dowsing Special Interest Group will be held some time in 2020. In order to attend all you have to do is to dowse where and when it is being held
On to 2021
While standing on a hillside in Herefordshire in 1921, Alfred Watkins experienced a revelation, and noticed the apparent arrangement of straight lines linking ancient features in the landscape. The 100th celebration is almost upon us.
Can dowsing demonstrate psychokinesis?
by Nick Haywood
In the 1970s, a prominent American Dowser,
A.B. Kaufman
, set out to demonstrate what caused his forked twig to bend whilst water divining.
He wanted to discriminate between two schools of thought concerning the workings of the dowser’s instrument: muscular actions within the arms of the dowser, or some external force acting on the device.
Being an Engineer, he devised an experiment to determine which might be the better explanation. He published his results in two papers in
Parapsychology Review
, which can be read at
(which is a really excellent resource - Ed)
Figure 1 shows Kaufman holding his modified dowsing twig (A). He used a load cell. This is a uniform piece of metal (the beam) with small strain gauges on the upper and lower surfaces. When the load cell is bent, the electrical resistance of the strain gauges changes, and the difference can be converted into a voltage that depends on the amount of bending.
One arm of his forked twig was connected to the cell (B), while the other beam end rested in his hand (C). In his remaining hand, rested the end of the other arm of the twig (D), which was unmodified. In addition, he recorded the angle of the twig relative to the vertical, by means of additional device attached to the modified arm (E).