Local Dowsing Group News :   No. 35

Intending to change the past ?
Nick Heywood

 2000, an Israeli epidemiologist, Dr Leonard Leibovici, published the results of a study on distant healing through prayer, in the prestigious Journal of the British Medical Association,  The Lancet , entitled ...

“Effects of remote, retroactive intercessory prayer on outcomes in patients with bloodstream infection: randomised controlled trial” .
When it came to alternative healing, Leibovici was a sceptic. He thought that previous studies, which had reported a link between healers and patients’ recovery, were either just statistical flukes, or down to explanations like the placebo effect, or some healer-subject contact .

Therefore, at the Rabin Medical Center, where he worked, he planned a study which would definitively show that there was no real effect. First, he chose a specific illness, a rare bloodstream infection which patients sometimes contracted within the hospital. Next, he formed a sample of some 3400 patients. Routine medical measurements were made on each patient, including items such as mortality, length of stay in hospital and duration of fever .

The patients were randomly assigned to either an intervention group, or a control group. Finally, he recruited a number of self-proclaimed healers. Each healer (always working away from the hospital) was given a list of just the first names of the patients in the intervention group. Leibovici had no idea which patients were on the list and the patients had no contact with the healers. The healers were instructed to say a short prayer for the well-being of each patient on their list, in whatever manner they wished, and for the full recovery of the group as a whole. Those in the control received no attention from the healer.

The results were rather surprising:

“Remote, retroactive intercessory prayer was associated with a shorter stay in hospital and a shorter duration of fever in patients with a bloodstream infection. Mortality was lower in the intervention group, but the difference between the groups was not significant. A larger study might have shown a significant reduction in mortality.”

But there was another surprise. In order to rule out any chance of confounding effects, such as the friendly manner of the healer, or of fraud, Leibovici had compiled his lists from patients who had contracted the bloodstream infection between 1990-6,   that is 4-10 years before the healing intervention!  The healing intention had apparently acted backwards in time.

But note, this action into the past should not be thought of as a present intention actually changing the past. Instead, the past was changed as the events comprising it were occuring, with ​each event sensing the future intentions, and adjusting the outcome accordingly. 

Although one might argue that the sample size was somewhat small, this is a classic experiment challenging our notion of cause and effect. But it also demonstrates that  conscious   intention  appears to operate outside of space and time, perhaps making it even more fundamental than these. This study involved the intention of the healers, but dowsing also works through intention, it's the basis of the practice, in this case the intention to find something, in a given place at some time, past or future.


News from the
Dowsing Research Group
The DRG website is at  www.dowsingresearch.org

The members of the Dowsing Research Group consist of two types, the sensitive and intuitive, and the scientist – mainly electrical engineers and physicists. Some members have both qualities. But they share a common-sense view of dowsing and are prepared to do practical experiments to investigate the nature of dowsing.

Hugues Deshayes had heard about a special  ‘MIRA’  camera and related software. This was designed by an Italian forensic researcher, Daniele Gulla, to detect fields not ordinarily seen by the human eye such as the composition and vibration of the human energy field. It has its roots in Gulla’s first generation camera the  Futura  and subsequent second generation  TRV  camera, which photographs in the UVA, UVB and UVC bands. Gulla uses different software to interpret the images including the Russian Vibraimage software.

Nina Earl has worked with Paolo Debertolis (archaeoacoustics) and Daniele Gulla on ancient sites in Italy and Malta. She told us how Vibraimage has been used in airport security in Russia since 2007. In 2014, it was used at the Sochi Winter Olympics, to check the emotional state of attendees. It does this by calculating small micro vibrations emanating from the vestibular organ, then assigning these, a frequency and a colour. Thousands attended the Olympics, but they had no problems with security. A PowerPoint presentation in English can be downloaded here : http://www.vibraimage.it/vibraimage-ai-giochi-olimpici-di-sochi-2014/

The  MIRA  camera put together the features of the  Futura   and   TRV  camera. It has a French sensor, which is very sensitive in the UV band and shows in real time the extreme UV band. Gulla also uses   Dante   Dynamics  software, to detect magnetic fields. The way magnetic fields are found is by observing water vapour in the UV bands, which refract light in a different way. When a magnetic field is present, water vapour forms into tiny droplets which then become charged with a positive and negative charge. These dipoles orientate themselves in a different way inside a magnetic field, rather than outside.

We were also interested in what was happening to the dowser at ancient sites or in Crop circles. What was the nature of the energy lines and vortices, which we worked with in these places and what happened to the dowser’s brain when they dowsed there. We knew a lot of work had been done on sound at archaeological sites, called archeoacoustics, and Daniele Gulla had captured some images with his device as part of a research group. 

Hugues had developed an electro-static meter, and a special radio, based on the prototype by David Tilt. He talked to Rodney Hale about radio equipment he had used at Avebury, to record frequencies of energies at one stone in the West Kennet Avenue. Gavin D and Andrew K looked at Rodney Hale’s blueprint for his radio and Andrew was able to reproduce a version of this - a Wide Band Receiver. Gavin looked into equipment to investigate the dowser’s brainwaves with  Neurosky  equipment. 

At the end of 2018, the DRG decided to invite Daniele Gulla over to undertake research with the DRG at an ancient site. By chance, an Italian/Scottish lady, Isabella, a translator and a healer who worked with Gulla, heard about our project. She sometimes worked in a Healing centre in Emsworth and the team there were very keen for their healing work to be recorded with this special camera.

Every summer, Jim Lyons, Andrew, Peter WH and Hugues worked with Lucy Pringle in a Crop Circle. It had been discovered that Parkinson and Essential Tremor sufferers seemed to benefit from going into some CCs. Tests were carried out before, during and after entering the CC. We wondered if the special camera might illustrate what was happening to these sufferers. See: Lucy Pringle & Jim Lyons,  The Energies of Crop Circles: The Science and Power of a Mysterious Intelligence.

We had dowsed and researched the Michael, Mary, Belinus and Elin currents in two churches in March 2019 and decided to use the church where we had worked on the Michael and Belinus lines crossing on the north side of the church , in a rather unusual way. Sandy M had recorded the effects on this nodal point with her NEV camera and our dowsing rods spun round like helicopters. Helen could see the energies above the node. We had interesting readings on the inside of the church near the entrance, on the south side of the church . Also, outside, on the NW corner of the church where Hugues and Gavin had found strong readings .

On July 13 2019, the DRG met Daniele Gulla at the church, where he used his equipment on the 3 main sites and on another site in the middle of the nave on the Michael line. We were all struck by the results and the dynamic activity shown on the videos. The results were depicted with pseudo colouring to illustrate the data more clearly. Daniele Gulla also worked on the top of the church tower, which appeared to be alive with rainbow-effect fireworks. Analysis of the results is ongoing, but further work is planned for 2020, with more dowsing and improved equipment.

Please contact the following if you want to know more about this project or feel you can contribute in any way.
Richard Spencer:  rps88@live.co.uk
Sue Brown:  suaugurbrown@gmail.com

Guy Hudson writes ...

The remarkable work carried out by the DRG last year broke a lot of new ground. The various images are intriguing and have enormous possibilities. However we are at an early stage of analysis and interpretation. We still need more information on how the cameras work – there are several technologies involved.

Once we have properly understood how the images were formed, only then can we start interpretation and see how the results might relate to the scientific frameworks developed by Jim Lyons, Bob Sephton et Al.

This will no doubt then call for further experimentation and field measurements. We are all excited about these development and look forward to furthering this work this year.

Tamar Dowsers : Change of web address

Map of dowsing groups

Earth Energies Re-ignited  weekend
Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th April 2020

The vibrational energy patterns of the Earth are changing all the time; therefore, we all have to be aware and react accordingly. This goes for all healing practices, dowsing etc – nothing ever stays the same.

Dowsers such as Hamish Miller and Billy Gawn have been responsible in bringing Earth Energies to the attention of a wide range of people, Hamish with his co-authored book ‘The Sun and Serpent’ and Billy setting up The Earth Energies Group within The British Society of Dowsers. Both recognised the importance of these mercurial forces and their impact on both humans and animals.

In fact, much has changed since we entered the 21st Century and the weekend is very much about updating the knowledge we have of these energy patterns, how we can use them and how they can help us.

Many of the energy lines associated with the earth and its sacred sites vibrate at a higher level, which over a long period can be harmful to us, they can also contain detrimental human emotion that can have a similar effect.  

So, how do we work with these energy patterns?

Well, that is what the weekend is all about, what these energies mean to us, how we can connect with them, how we can send healing to them and how they can then, in return, help heal the land. 

There will be a range of talks as well as two practical workshops, one on dowsing patterns in the ether and what they mean to us, the other will see us building various labyrinths and then holding a group meditation within them.

Denise Lockwood : Working with the Energies, using your Intuition
Bill Holding : How to build Labyrinths
David Lockwood : Healing Spaces and Blessing the Land
Adrian Incledon-Webber : Spirit and Earth
Our energetic spiritual connection
Nigel Twinn : Pictograms, Dowsing Patterns in the Ether
Paul Gerry : The Dowsing Brain
Using Neuro Feedback to enhance your Dowsing

The weekend is being held at Kennet Valley Hall, Lockeridge, Nr Marlborough, Wiltshire, only a few miles from the stone circles and henge at Avebury. It is a modern hall with excellent facilities.  

There is a choice of tickets available: a combined two-day ticket at £90 or a single day at £50.

You don’t need to have any dowsing or healing experience to attend this event, just an open mind and heart. The rest will flow.

Further details and booking form can be found at:  www.dowsingspirits.co.uk/product/earth-energies-reignited

Contact Adrian Incledon-Webber on 01748 822634
Email:  adrian@dowsingspirits.co.uk

Spirituality Special Interest Group
As dowsers we are familiar with extraordinary experiences that extend our perceptions of reality. Sometimes these lead us to a feeling of connectedness or exhibit as the most amazing synchronicities in our lives
Our sensitive ‘antenna’ pick up many vibrations or energies that some people perceive as spiritual and emanating from a divine source.
 This special interest group has been set up to bring a small group of people together to explore our various spiritual experiences; share our own journeys and consider why we have been blessed with these gifts. In particular the group will be aiming to make deeper connections that help us to live and work in a more spiritual way. Curiosity and an open mind are the only prerequisites. Contact  Kate.tudorhall@gmail.com

Keeping in the light
In our discussions last time via a ‘virtual meeting’ using Zoom, we talked about the importance of raising our own energetic vibrations not only for our own path and work but also for those around us. It’s easy to be drawn into the mire of negativity and confusion in the material world, and forget that we can also influence the field of consciousness in our positive thought forms and emotions.

  Astrological influences

Since the new year we are in a different cosmic flow of energies, that are aligned to the air and fire signs and we have a huge number of planets in Capricorn. These influences are strongly moving us forward towards personal transformation, but we will need to be fleet of foot, well balanced and fearless in our ascent, just like the goat. Those within the SSIG that work in healing and holistic therapies or in the environment, are experiencing the beneficial influence of male and female centaurs (planets with elliptical orbits in the Kuiper Belt), in the heavens that are nurturing, encouraging and guiding. These are a very positive development for raising collective consciousness, and will be supporting us in our own spiritual seeking.

Sharing some of our insights
With this backdrop our topic for sharing became more poignant; the Johari Window of self awareness. This tool developed by followers of Carl Jung’s work, is a deceptively simple and yet powerful way to better understand our own qualities, strengths and fears. Jung described that in his own spiritual work he experienced a vivid dream where he found himself in a thick fog. He had a lantern to help him find his path but he quickly became aware of a shadow beside him that frightened him. Very soon he realised that this was his own shadow cast by the lantern in his hand. He took this to be a metaphor for his own ‘light and dark’ sides and part of his own, life long work, was to understand his shadow, explore this and integrate it within his whole so that it held no fear or power over him.  

Setting your mind on a different course
In our modern society it is easy to find ourselves being judgmental or critical of other people, when in fact they are probably doing the best they can given the circumstances. In acknowledging that we find these people irritating and that they can make us angry we immediately start to notice our familiar thought patterns; a sub routine that we have developed and continue to use pointlessly and damagingly.  

You have a choice; one day you can try not to feel the anger or irritation, instead perhaps imagine how many times you irritate someone without even knowing it. Don’t try to change the person who is the source of your anger but rather consider what you can do to improve yourself so you no longer irritate someone else. Strangely enough this inner ‘work’ will manifest in things in your life very quickly and you’ll notice the root of previous irritation and anger, but it will have no power to change your mood as it once did.

It takes practice but it can set your mind free of lots of unnecessary downward snakes and allow you to catch those upward ladders on the chequer board of life .

Next time

We will be sharing our insights through our individual work on the Enneagram and how this can help direct our spiritual path and move us forward. We will also be exploring the third eye and whether this awakening of perception beyond ordinary sight can help in our own connection with higher consciousness. And finally we will question how best how to ‘rewild’ ourselves because we are the experience and the living being where all this enlightenment takes place. Ambitious agenda? Yes!
For further information contact   kate.tudorhall@gmail.com

Dowsing in the UK

  Active organisations include...

British Society of Dowsers    www.britishdowsers.org
Dowsing Research Group    www.dowsingresearch.org
Water Special Interest Group     skad7@hotmail.com     
Spirituality S.I.G. :      Kate.Tudorhall@gmail.com
Int' Assoc' of Health Dowsers   www.healthdowsers.org
Local Dowsing Groups         www.localdowsinggroups.UK