Local Dowsing Group News :   No. 39

A Dowser's visit
to Japan
Kate Smart 
If I can draw any comparisons between Japan and Malvern it is that both are located on some very interesting geological bedrock. 

Malvern stands on some of the most ancient rocks (including extinct volcanoes) in the world and Japan stands on some of the youngest rocks being formed at the edge of the Pacific tectonic plate. 

This in itself made for some fascinating dowsing especially in the north of the main island called Honshu where there are many hot springs and spas.

From this comparison you might deduce that Malvern’s legendary earth energies, wells and springs are a facet of a fading gem, but in fact you would be quite wrong. 
Indeed, some of the energies in and around Malvern feel like taking the hand of a wise man ready to share his knowledge; whilst Japan’s complex energies could be described as catching a glimpse of a young man’s heels. When you catch up however the energies are not only youthful but also complex and vibrant. The scale is different, but the energies familiar.

The primary reason for my visit was to witness the incredible nationwide flowering of cherry blossoms that is so revered by Japanese culture and is recognised as a symbolic representation of rebirth. The otherwise seemingly dead trees erupt into the most flamboyant of displays that is so ephemeral that some trees blossom for less than a week.

During this time of profuse blossom if you dowse the tree’s aura it is quite spectacular and you might say it reminds you of a little girl at her own birthday party; full of exuberant and gleeful energy. En masse dowsing groups of cherry trees was an absolute joy as they were vivacious and flirty!

One of the world renowned parks near Osaka actually had a cherry tree doctor in residence and he was responsible for a team of seriously equipped pruners and loppers that spent most of the winter tending the trees for their brief moment of perfection and blossoming glory. The cherry carers feed all the trees after flowering and make sure that they are watered in dry summers. Pests and diseases are banned and their intensive attention leaves no rotten branch or broken stem to collect infection.  All the trees were positively singing with health and a stark contrast to our own cherry trees in parks or planted in pavements.

Dowsing around holy shrines and temples was not something that I consider respectful when I met local people carrying out their own ritual and meditations in these places. However even a non-dowser, like my husband, could feel the incredible variations of some of these ancient places. The temple structures are often made from cedar wood and decorated with very ornate representations of deities. Shinto is the religion of most Japanese although Buddhism and in particular Zen Buddhism have a significant following. Christianity, by contrast, accounts for less than 5% of the population.

Holy places are not only spectacularly sited from aesthetic point of view but they are often positioned where significant lines of energy and water intersect like most global sacred sites. In all the places I visited water (placid lakes or the broiling sea) was one of the key elements and temples are built out over the water creating wonderful reflections as well as benefiting the occupants with strong upwelling energies. The gigantic standing stones used at local shrines were of volcanic origin with strongly paramagnetic qualities. They had clearly been positioned with great care to be both symbolically and energetically powerful.

The experience of the Shinkanzen was something not to be missed! Like other dowsers travelling in trains, planes and automobiles, energies often assail us as we pass by/through at speed. This became quite a visual experience and after a while I was able to ‘see’ curling and snaking lines and tubular vortices not dissimilar to vacuum cleaner tubes. These were undoubtedly created by the spectacular geographical and manmade features (mountains and skyscrapers in particular).

At Hiroshima I was expecting a roller coaster of an experience. The only remaining building of steel and concrete has become an energetic hub where the decades of prayers from well wishers of all nationalities have left a highly charged but positive ‘heart centre’. Surrounded by many flanks of symbolic cherry trees and inscribed black granite megaliths, this felt a very special place without any knowledge of events. The stark sculpture at one end of a long stretch of dark water (which is shaped like a shelter) has a sarcophagus containing every name of every person that perished as a result of the catastrophic effects of ‘Big Boy’; the first ‘A’ bomb to be unleashed. Alongside this is an eternal flame that was originally lit from a Buddhist monastery high up in the distant mountains, it has been tended by a lone monk, keeping vigil, for over 1,000 years.

The emotion of the place, meeting an eye witness, plethora of thought forms from visitors and highly charged locations prevented any conclusive deviceless dowsing on the day.  Sufficient to say that Hiroshima has become a strong, vibrant place once again. The epicentre continues to represent to this dowser as a crater in the structure of our planet, but like a deep human wound, it has healed with a few wrinkles and stretchmarks.  Trees thrive, water sings, children play and tourists arrive everyday to witness this extraordinary place that will be forever in our collective consciousness.

The Cameron Aurameter
This is a combination of an L Rod and a bobber, and useful for map dowsing and other applications. Peter Stott has an instruction booklet which is free to a good home.         

More on 5G
There is increasing concern about the proposed roll out of the proposed 5G system, and its impact on health.

Please find below a link to some information which I have been sent by www.GlobalDowsersNorthWales.com , which sets out the concerns in detail, and asks that you get in touch with your MP. A draft letter for you to send to your MP is …
Dear ...
An 18 page letter has previously been sent to MP’s. I am now sending you this letter as my MP. The letter outlines the very serious risks associated with the implementation of 5G technology, risks that are being kept well hidden from the public. A pdf copy of the letter is available here:

What many people don’t know is that 5G radio frequencies (RF), which will incorporate exponentially higher and more intense frequencies than 4G, are TOTALLY UNTESTED FOR SAFETY. 

What many people also don’t know is that over 200 highly qualified scientists and doctors have appealed to the EU warning of the  ‘potential serious health effects’  of 5G and requesting a moratorium (halt) on the 5G roll out so that crucial safety testing can be carried out before people are exposed to its frequencies. The appeal states:  ‘RF-EMF has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment’.  The appeal is obviously being disregarded.

5G antennae are primed to be deployed across the streets and roads of Britain within yards of our homes, schools and places of work. It is imperative Parliament takes action to stop this deployment until independent research into the potential dangers has been comprehensively undertaken. At this point, the government must become accountable to the facts relating to the known risks of mobile phone non-ionizing RF radiation, rather than defaulting to the shamefully misrepresentative ICNIRP guidelines it is currently… and conveniently… using to justify the rolling out of potentially hazardous 5G antennae. Continuing to deny the well documented risks and to reference the seriously flawed ICNIRP guidelines represents an erroneous and risk laden perspective that the government must cease from acting upon.

I refer you to the following appeal: October 2018, ‘ The EMF Call’
https://www.emfcall.org/the-emf-call/ , which reads : ‘Scientists and NGOs Call for Truly Protective Limits for Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (100 kHz to 300 GHz)’ ‘ICNIRP’s opinion and guidelines are unscientific and protect industry, not public health… In order to protect the public and the environment from the known harmful effects from electromagnetic fields (EMF) we ask the United Nations, the World Health Organization and all governments not to accept the ICNIRP guidelines. They are not protective, rather they pose a serious risk to human health and the environment since they allow harmful exposure to the world population, including the most vulnerable, under the unscientific pretext that they are “protective”.’

Please, having read the information in either the copy of the letter, or the letter itself, let me know exactly what actions you are going to take, on behalf of your constituents, to address this profoundly serious and disturbing issue. The letter states: ‘If the British Government cannot provide independent, peer reviewed, indubitable scientific evidence that 5G frequencies pose no biological risk to the British people, especially considering the independent scientists’ warnings and recommendations to the EU, the deployment of 5G must not go ahead. If the government sanctions the deployment of 5G without this evidence and in denial of the warnings of  ‘potential serious health effects ‘, it will, unarguably, be perpetrating a heinous and reckless crime against the British population.’
I await your prompt reply.
Yours sincerely

Churches, Steeples & Phone Masts

Some people seem to be concerned about micro wave radiation energies; especially mobile telephone related energies. Yet there is little clamour about them. This is may be due to the conflicting complexities of the wider issues or just too little lay information. 
Why should councillors and the public at large oppose the alleged electronic smog – ES - in our environs? Especially when there is a range of technical papers supporting the escalation of ES: seemingly commercially driven. Could it be that that realistic counter evidence is not being “radiated”.
Further we need to remind ourselves that the microwave is not just one energy but a range of energies. My stand point is that if it is known that a range of micro waves will adversely affect trees and if that is more general than not we ought to be calling for research into the effects. This will provide a base line of information from which the public at large can oppose their escalation: even if that means a change in life style for the objectors. I ignore aspects of the strategic economics related to this issue ie the government derives income.
My attention has been drawn to the microwave issue in our environs in an article in Dowsing Today in 2008 by Ced Jackson.  This article highlights that the Church of England are considering placing “masts” in steeples.
It is now known that Bell Ringers are concerned for their safety but one should note that little has been said by the Church in respect of safety to people living nearby.  

We know that stone towers take in cosmic energy and re-radiate it in a different form of radiation; for example to the betterment of crops. I have asked the question “will a church steeple/tower actually assist in radiating micro wave energy”. It could create harm but this has not been modelled or researched to my knowledge, to date.
The crux of the matter seems that science will not accept radiesthesia as a means to identify the effect of these problems. Will you try and dowse and make your findings known ? Further I have tried to ask this question via local radio but have not had a voice and neither has it been voiced for me. Why is this and why is there no governmental guide for the pubic at large?. 

I have attempted to make a lay assessment of this issue using a gigahertz scale and dowsing it. I now refer an Appendix in my Book Bovis Units in Every Day Life and indicate my assessment of energy levels around church steeples and what they might be if they resonate micro waves energies. This is an experiment you can easily do!
This scenario is clearly a policy issue which affects policy makers in a private capacity ie the church but which impinges on the public ie you/me the environment and the town/spatial planning system. Next comes the domain of commerce and its right to trade ie the company wanting to market their goods which is tele-communications
Well is it clear ? No! Who has the duty of care and who should independently investigate holistically. Can that be done if Bovis/Gigahertz readings are not taken? What is clear from this example, whether it is technically correct or not, is that Bovis Scale cannot be “just used”. Or can they.?

Now this Appendix implies a case for decision/policy makers to sing from the same Bovis/Gigahertz hymn sheet. However this will breed counter claims. That will be especially so if litigation arises from the application of the Gigahertz/Bovis scale as it could in the cases of Steeples and Masts. 
This puts radiesthesia in the public domain which could bring it into ridicule and that will serve no purpose at-all. So what is the way forward on these ethical issues?
What is the way forward for applying Bovis to counter adverse planning decisions? However the Bovis/Gigahertz scale ought to be tried and tested so that when planning applications are submitted for “masts” these scales can be used in the decision making process to allow or disallow. In this role it is a vote.
Equally so members of the public could use Bovis evidence to lobby and ensure that councillors do not vote for masts in steeples.

What does this Church radiate at now = 20000 and what would it radiate at if a telephone mast was put in the tower = 6500
What does this actually mean - firstly there is a difference but of what ? I think harmful radiations !

At a nearby elevated Church I recorded 26000 and 2000 with a mast 

 Mike Haxeltine <mike.haxeltine@talktalk.net>

Southwest Dowsing Carnival '20
Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th June 2020 - South Zeal, Devon

Come and join us for the second South West Dowsing Festival in the beautiful surroundings of South Zeal, North Dartmoor, Devon, for a celebration of dowsing that will be fun, informative, and accessible financially and open to all - novices and experts alike. Children are also welcome as long as they are accompanied by a responsible adult.

Whether you come for one day or for the whole weekend, there will be plenty to enjoy including informative Talks and Outings - making the most of the fascinating ancient sites of nearby Dartmoor, enabling you to practice your dowsing under the guidance of knowledgeable leaders. There will also be indoor Workshop options to hone and expand your dowsing skills as well as Outdoor Workshops in the village of South Zeal.

The Event is being hosted by Devon Dowsers, with support from professional dowsers based in the South West, Wales and Scotland, together with members of Local Dowsing Groups.

Our theme is ‘Dowsing for One and All’
An invitation to use our dowsing skills to ask questions and gain information that can strengthen a loving connection within ourselves, enabling us to consciously act as co-creators in the living world, and thereby embrace the inter-connectedness of all that makes up the Universe. By listening to our hearts, we can increase our intuitive skills and be more in tune with life in a way the ancients once were.

Professional dowsers Amanda Peet, Davyd Farrell and Sean Ferris will each give a talk on a different aspect of the theme i.e. ways to take responsibility for our self, our environment and the cosmos.

Outings & Workshops
On each day you can choose to go on one of four Outings, attend two indoor Workshops led by Amanda Peet and Sean Ferris on Saturday and Ann Lodygowski and Grahame Gardner on Sunday, or attend two outdoor Workshops led by Kate Smart on Saturday and Aaron Bray on Sunday.  
Outings include Brent Tor, Scorhill Stone Circle, Belstone Nine Maidens, Lydford Gorge, Round Pound Hut Circle and Settlement, Fernworthy Stone Circle and Kes Tor enabling you to explore and dowse Stone Circles, Stone Rows, Hut Circles and Reaves, the Michael and Mary Earth Energy Currents, Water and other ancient Dartmoor energies. The Outings will be led by experienced Dowsers from Local Groups including Nigel Twinn, John Moss, Sally Cunis, John Christian, Stu Dow, David Lockwood, Angie Kibble with Helen Fox, and Jo Rowe-Leete.

Socialising in Beautiful Surroundings
This is a chance to enjoy conversations with like-minded people both during the day and into the long summer evenings in this medieval Dartmoor village. Camping is possible at the King’s Arms, and B&B is available in the local area. South Zeal has two excellent pubs with good food. Need help? 07730520414

For information and booking, please visit:   www.devondowsers.org.uk      

I see what you mean !

Enhancing perception - Part 1

Dowsing is one way of bringing unseen things to light ...

...and in recent years there has been a growing interest in directly developing our 'visual' skills as a way of enhancing our perception, and the information we can have access to.

One area where this is of great interest is that of health. For example, some people are born with the ability to see energy. One such is Donna Eden, founder of Eden Energy Medicine. Donna has devoted herself to making the benefits of seeing energy available to others. She has an extensive website at www.innersource.net , and many publications, of which the foundation is 'Energy Medicine'.

Someone very much within the Donna tradition is Prune Harris, who is based in Cornwall. She has recently set out her experience of seeing energy in an email, on which more in future editions. Other people of interest include Alberto Villoldo, on re-routing neural pathways, Rory Duff, and of course Billy Gawn (see Beyond the Far Horizon ).

This series of articles will turn into a beautiful hand-tooled encyclopaedia, which you will not want to be without !

Fiona Hopes

Greatly missed

If you are going to the BSD symposium, and are staying overnight in Worcester on the Friday evening, you are invited to join me in the Postal Order (pub) in Foregate Street, just next to Worcester's Foregate Street
Station (in the alcove opposite the bar) from 7.30pm, where the world will be set to rights.

01684 560265

The Invisible College of the Rosi-Dowsers
South of Worcester and east of British Camp lies the small but perfectly formed village of Upton-on-Severn. 

In days when life was simpler the Rectorship of Upton was purchased by one John Dee, who had done QE1 a favour by successfully choosing a propitious day for the Accession Day Tilts.

John was an astrologer, conversed with angels, and held in high regard by the Queen, who used him as a back channel to forge links with the emerging protestant states around North Germany.
This fascinating story is set out in The Rosicrucian Enlightenment by Dr Frances Yates of the Warburg Institute.

Parts of Europe subsequently experienced a Californian moment of free-thinking and exploration, before the forces of the Counter-Reformation did their worst. NOBODY expects the…

Dee’s ventures gave rise to ‘Rosicrucian’ hopes within Europe, and laid seeds which took a variety of forms in their brief flowering in the 17th century. Some people see a link with The Rights of Man and the forces that led to the English Civil War. Blake also conversed with angels.

At one stage Dee had shares in a silver mine, and wrote ‘The Art of Navigation’. Perhaps he knew his way around a dowsing rod !