Messages received from…
Isabel Holroyd
Isabel is the President of the British Society of Dowsers. She has asked me to inform you know that if you have suggestions or concerns regarding the BSD, to please let her know. She also writes a regular column in Dowsing Today where you can keep up to date with developments
Graham Wayt
I have formed a new affiliated group here in Mumbles, it’s called the
Gower Investigation & Dowsing Group
and to date has 43 members all now members of the BSD. It is my intention to concentrate on industrial dowsing along with teaching heavy metals and rare earth investigation both from raw water extraction and brown site dowsing.
It is my intention to increase the membership as we have a lot of enquiries from all quarters including water location. We have weekly meetings, set projects and are working alongside CADW Welsh castles the National Trust, Local Authority and Cardiff Uni. re neolithic tombs in our area.
Our main thrust is in industrial dowsing and its teaching on weekly courses to the utilities, i.e. water, gas, elec. along with public lighting. To this end we have started and now have 2 other very competent teachers. We could with the assistance of the BSD roll out a teaching scheme across the country, which in turn will provide great income for the society.
To that end we are looking for good very competent teachers of industrial dowsing in all areas, before advertising nationally and then dealing with local teaching venues, possibly in-house with each utility, any assistance from your end would be most appreciated. It is also an objective to print an industrial dowsing BSD mag. which will attract considerable advertising revenue for the BSD. Best wishes to you and your fellow dowsers in Malvern.
Jane Court
What is the International Association of Health Dowsers ?
The IAHD is an association especially for all qualified therapists, energy and health workers who use dowsing or would like to use dowsing skills to support their work.
The need for the association became apparent after Jane Court and Keith Harmon were approached by many members of the British Society of Dowsers (BSD) and the Association of Energy Therapists (AET) to form an association catering for health dowsers. The two organisations, whilst serving dowsers and therapists independently, did not specifically address requirements for health dowsing therapists.
The aims of the IAHD include
- Acting as a network and hub for therapists, energy and health workers using dowsing for health purposes.
- Disseminating knowledge of health dowsing as an aid to treatments and therapies to therapists, energy and health workers as well as members of the public.
- Sharing knowledge and news pertaining to dowsing and health via the media, association bulletins or newsletters and by holding an annual conference and networking events.
To help us facilitate our aims, the IAHD is affiliated to the BSD.
The association is run on a voluntary basis by its founders: Jane Court (Chairman) and Keith Harmon (Vice Chairman). The intention for the association to be run by volunteers is to ensure a neutral, democratic approach and not to be influenced by commercial gain. The association is run by members for members.
IAHD run dowsing and energy courses. In addition, we host an annual convention that is sponsored jointly with the AET. Our next event will be held on Saturday 27
October 2018 in Egham, Surrey. Three of the four speakers are BSD members.
Steve Buckley
Greater Manchester Dowsers are a fairly old group formed about twenty-five years ago. We've held group meetings in several locations around Manchester & currently meet on the third Friday evening of most months in The Baden Powell Hall, Bury.
Our membership fluctuates a lot but we have a hard core of eight to ten people who turn up most months. We try and do some outside dowsing during the summer months - mostly June and July - the rest of the time we have talks, demonstrations and practical nights. We are interested in all aspects of dowsing and related subjects.
Rosemary Hudson
Just to explain the Denman Dowsers are a national WI Group, based at Denman, the national WI college and we live all around the country. We have an annual residential Dowsers Reunion at Denman College in October.
This will be its 21st year. Members of our group belong to, or attend regional BSD groups and a number are members of the BSD individually. We have had a longstanding coordinator in Kath Stanier, who has recently handed on the role to the current co-ordinator Wendy Reeve.
I have written a book on the pendulum, which is in the throes of being published. I also wish to put together a book on dowsing tools shortly.
I have run dowsing courses over many years and was invited to start courses at Denman for the W I in 1996, on recommendation from the BSD Council.
The map of local groups
This has now been revised and is circulated as version
v 1.2
in a separate email
Ced Jackson