Local Dowsing Group News :   No. 8
                                                                                                 Emails received from …

Sue Scott Powell

Dear Ced,
Here is the formal profile for Thames Valley Dowsers as requested recently by the BSD for DT, but subsequently not used by them. Do please include it in your newsletter if you feel it is appropriate.  I wish the BSD well in their quest for a strong, charismatic, and business oriented dowser and Chairperson.

Personally, I have used dowsing for healing for about 40 years now, following a life-threatening illness. Bridget Carey, an extra ordinary dowser/healer restored my health after 10 years of illness, and taught me her way of working. I shall be eternally grateful to her and her knowledge which she shared with me during her lifetime.
Our Group’s interests are both in healing and in earth energies and we try to satisfy both with our varied events and speakers. We welcome everyone of all levels of dowsing skills.
Thank you for all you are doing to support the BSD and to unite the Affiliated Groups.
Thames Valley Dowsers are a Group of, currently, approximately 60 members of various ages and dowsing abilities and covering both healing and earth energy work. We welcome all who are willing to learn and improve their skills, and regularly hold dowsing teaching afternoons. 
Area Covered:  We cover the Thames Valley area as our name suggests and have members as far afield as Oxfordshire, Hertfordshire, Berkshire, and, of course, Buckinghamshire.
Activities:  We hold talks and workshops, on Sunday afternoons, 2.00pm. to about 4.30 p.m. where we arrange for various speakers to visit and to cover all aspects of dowsing and energy work. We aim to arrange one event per month.
We also arrange a summer weekend away with a leader who knows the area we are visiting who is able to guide us to the most interesting sacred and energetic sites. In addition, we arrange Spring and Autumn field trips. Details of current and former talks and events include weekends in Stonehenge, Glastonbury, Dorset, Dartmoor, The Wye Valley, Derbyshire, The Cotswolds, Wales and talks on Egyptian Pendulums, Animal Healing, Spirit Rescue, House Healing, Face Reading, Nature Spirits, Changing your perception with dowsing, History of Fairy Folk, Dowsing for Water, Holographic Dowsing and many more.
All details can be found on our website: www.thamesvalleydowsers.org.uk  . All events need to be booked via the website or at chair@thamesvalleydowsers.org.uk or Tel. Sue Scott Powell (Chair) on 01494 813 214 or you can visit our Facebook page for current comments and pictures of our events. Don’t forget to “like” us!
Venue : Our talks take place at the Penn Room, Jordans Quaker Centre, 1 Welders Lane, HP9 2SN, 2.15 p.m to 4.30 p.m. approximately and cost £5 for members and £10 for non- members. Membership is £15 per annum and runs 1st July to end June annually. We are 2 miles from junction 2 off the M40, and 45 minutes drive from London (Hammersmith). The group was founded in 2005 and is chaired by Susan Scott Powell.
We aim to provide interesting talks and discussion within a group of like-minded people who enjoy sharing their knowledge and dowsing experiences. An exciting programme exists, and arrangements are now being made for events in 2019, with well known, dedicated speakers and leaders many of whom are at the top of their profession. We are excited to include Patrick MacManaway in our teaching schedule for 2019. (Details currently being finalised). Details of all events can always be seen on our website.                                    

Liz Clarke

Have you noticed that in the new DT Isabel has said that anyone who is attending the AGM only, should let BSD know by 20 th August? I’m sending this in case you feel it is worth pointing out in your next email to interested parties.

John Baker

Peter Taylor’s reference to the BSD re. setting the ‘professional register’ is all very well, but many of the best professionals have left the BSD. These are the people with years of provable experience under their belts, as their own web sites will show . By what criteria can the BSD prove the difference between a ‘professional’ and a day to day amateur? It no longer has the in-house expertise to discern in a responsible way who is and who isn’t any good. Not an ideal way to put forward dowsers onto an unsuspecting public !
Dowsing in the UK

This is the title of the yellow box immediately below. It is open to dowsing organisations and local dowsing groups, if they wish, to make suggestions for its improvement, and to replicate the yellow box and its contents in their newsletters.  The map of local groups, contact details, and the yellow box, will shortly appear on the local dowsing groups website, but this newsletter will not appear or be linked. If you do not wish your group to be listed, please let me know.

Dowsing in the UK

  Active organisations include...

        British Society of Dowsers :           www.britishdowsers.org
        Dowsing Research Group :           www.dowsingresearch.org
        Professional Dowsers Register :   www.professionaldowsersregister.co.uk
        International Association of Health Dowsers :       www.healthdowsers.org
        Local Dowsing Groups :                www.localdowsinggroups.UK  (in preparation)