July 26, 2019
Tickets Now Available: Campaign Launch
Get ready - we are making some BIG plans for our 2019 Campaign and cannot wait to share them with you! Tickets are now available for our Launch - September 18th at 7am. Click here to purchase your tickets today!
Give at the Till

DYK: When you give at the till LCBO until August 12, you help support 46 programs and agencies through United Way Peterborough & District! Pretty awesome, right? 

Help support our
Backpacks for Kids Program!
When you visit Staples Peterborough and give at the til, your donation will directly support our BackPacks for Kids program.

This program provides backpacks full of supplies to over 600 children in the City and County of Peterborough.

But we cannot do it without YOUR donations. Donate at the til until September 17th.

Thanks to Staples for their ongoing partnership!
Purchase your ticket today for our 2019 Campaign Launch!

We will provide breakfast, inspiration and a lot of Local Love!

More Events - Stay tuned for Details!

County Cruise Night - Late August
Guitar Jam - September 14, 2019
Campaign Launch - September 18, 2019
Fashion Show - end of October
Petes Night - November 21, 2019
Peterborough Performs - March 5, 2019
Campaign Celebration - end of March
Front Page Friday
Follow us on social media for your weekly edition of #FrontPageFriday with CEO, Jim Russell. Recently he spoke about Tent City & the opioid crisis in our community. People who are homeless and people who are addicted are not ‘other’. They are members of our community.... And we need to act now.

In the News

Upcoming Press Conferences
Thanks to our media friends for covering our Paint the Town Red event:
United Way Peterborough & District | 277 Stewart Street, Peterborough K9J 3M8 | 705-742-8839