June 26,2019
Showcase of #LocalLove at our AGM
On Monday June 24th, we held our Annual General Meeting at Showplace Performance Centre and followed it up with a showcase of  #LocalLove . We shared our 2018 and 2019 Neighbourhood Fund - these are small, hyper-local projects whose purpose is to bring neighbourhoods together. 
On Sale Now!
Looking for a gift for that favourite teacher?

How about supporting our Backpack for Kids program by purchasing a certificate in that favourite teacher’s name? All money raised helps us to buy the necessary school supplies to fill backpacks for Peterborough and area students.

Contact Stephanie to order:
705-742-8839 ext. 32
Introducing Meghan!
We have a new summer student on our team and we think she's totally rad!! If you see her in our office or out at events, please introduce yourself! Here's a little Q&A with the Mega Amazing Meghan!

Student Status: University of Toronto, studying Genetics and Biochemistry
Why did you want to work at UWP: I enjoyed volunteering here last year and wanted help out even more if I could!
Fun Fact about Meghan! Recently, I went to Iceland with a friend and loved the hiking and amazing natural landscapes! (editors note: WOW!!!)
Save the date, pull out your stretchy pants and get ready to #PaintPtboRed!

Visit one of the participating restaurants on July 17 & they will donate 25% of sales to our Community.

Save the Date for our 3rd annual Shedden Annual Golf Invitational.

July 13th, 2019
Tamarac Golf & Country Club

To register your team, contact Aimee: aoreilly@uwpeterborough.ca (Deadline: July 2nd)

Front Page Friday
Follow us on social media for your weekly edition of #FrontPageFriday with CEO, Jim Russell. On Friday, June 14th, he spoke about World Elder Abuse Awareness Day." Let’s take care of our community."

In the News

Upcoming Press Conferences
Our next Press Conference will take place in early July kicking off our
7th Annual Paint the Town Red event!
Keep an eye on our website and social media channels for details or contact us for more information!
United Way Peterborough & District | 277 Stewart Street, Peterborough K9J 3M8 | 705-742-8839