We are currently looking to fill two positions on our Board of Directors team, each for a 3-year term with potential to renew for a 2nd term.

While we encourage anyone to apply, we are particularly looking for individuals with diverse backgrounds and life experiences.

As a board member you will have the opportunity to:
  • attend monthly meetings of roughly two-hours to review the business of the organization
  • volunteer for committees or projects to further the goals of the organization. (While we operate as a governance board, members are encouraged to participate actively.)
  • projects include, but are not limited to: Finance Committee, Community Impact Committee and engagement in Special Events

Those interested in this position, should send their CV along with a brief letter of interest to Jim Russell:  by 4:30pm May 21, 2019.
In the News
Last Thursday our CEO, Jim Russell joined students and faculty from Fleming College to showcase the work of students in the Graphic Design and Visual Communications Program.
This was the second year that a class from the program has worked with the United Way to develop marketing and communications concepts, applying the skills and knowledge they have learned to a “real world experience.”

We are thrilled to showcase our Neighbourhood Fund, including 2019 recipients at our upcoming AGM.

June 24, 2019
Showplace Performance Centre

RSVP: 705-742-8839 x21

Save the date and pull out your stretchy pants and get ready to #PaintPtboRed!

Visit one of the participating restaurants on July 17 & they will donate 25% of sales to our Community.

If you own a restaurant/pub/cafe and would like to participate contact Erica:

Save the Date for our 3rd annual Shedden Annual Golf Invitational.

July 13th, 2019
Tamarac Golf & Country Club

To register your team, contact Aimee:

Front Page Friday
Follow us on social media for your weekly edition of #FrontPageFriday with CEO, Jim Russell. Most recently, he spoke about Mental Health Week and reminded folks, "Let’s show our love, support and humanity; today and every day."
United Way Peterborough & District | 277 Stewart Street, Peterborough K9J 3M8 | 705-742-8839