The Three Rivers News Dispatch issued its first edition on August 17, 2021. Since then, it has reported on area events and government meetings in North Bend, Addyston, Cleves, and Miami Township. The subscriptions are free, and the number of registered subscribers has grown to over 1,300. The TRND also accepts no advertising fees. It encourages local businesses to submit advertisements by email. | |
In This Edition of the Three Rivers News Dispatch
TRAM's New Location
Tim Vollrath Sworn in As Miami Township Trustee
Dan Blanton Elected President of the Miami Township Board of Trustees
Village of Addyston Holds Special Meeting on New Year's Day
North Bend Village Officials Sworn In
Dan Blanton Swears in Cleves Village Officials
Village of Addyston Moves Forward to Hire Police Officers
Village of Cleves Council Holds Live Broadcast
Village of Addyston Sets Community Events for 2024
Cleves Village Council Names New Member and Law Director
This Month at the Miami Township Library Branch
This Month at Miami Township Senior Center
The Latest In the Three Rivers Local School District
Cleves and Area Businesses
Disclosure Statement: The Three Rivers News Dispatch is written and operated by Cleves Mayor Elect Chuck Birkholtz. As of this edition, there won't be any editorial comments unless a subscriber editorial is submitted.
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The Three Rivers News Dispatch has revised the Shop Locally section of our electronic newspaper to make it easier for residents to access information about local businesses. We serve the residents of the Three Rivers Valley and want the companies that serve our community to grow and prosper.
We will continue to add businesses in future editions. Whenever possible, we have included websites and Facebook pages to make it easier for subscribers to shop locally.
Our revised section has added Regina Bakery, Wild Mikes, and the BIERmarkt. In our next edition, we will add Kroger, Sullivans, North Bend Automotive, B& B Automotive, Java Jackets, Papa John and Fishtails, Gerard Heating and Air, and PNC Bank.
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The TRAM food pantry has served in various locations to serve those in need in the Three Rivers Valley. It changed its location to the Miami Township Hall complex this summer. Also located in this complex is the Harrison Symmes Memorial Foundation Museum. The entrance to the food pantry is on the right side of the building towards the back of the building. Please see the picture below. | |
Tim Vollrath Sworn in As Miami Township Trustee | |
Tim Vollrath was officially sworn into office on January 3, 2024. Pictured here is Miami Township Trustee Dan Blanton, who administers the oath of office to Mr. Vollrath, accompanied by his wife, Lindsey. The ceremony took place before the township's organizational meeting.
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Miami Township Trustees Break Tradition with 2-1 Vote
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Dan Blanton opened the Miami Township Board of Trustees Organizational meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance. He asked the Board to approve the minutes of the December meeting, followed by a motion to pay the bills. Both motions were approved unanimously.
Mr. Blanton asked if there was a nomination for the President of the Board of the Miami Township Trustees, and Trustee Vollrath nominated Dan Blanton. Mr. Robison did not second Mr. Vollrath's motion but objected to the change. Mr. Robision cited a long-standing tradition of rotating the presidency among the trustees. Mr. Robison stated. "In my first year on the Board, Mr. Blanton was elected President when Mr. Beck retired, then Mr. Rininger was elected last year. Is there a reason why we are breaking tradition? Mr. Blanton answered, "I do not have an answer for that, but there is a motion on the floor." After a brief pause, Mr. Blanton seconded Mr. Vollrath's nomination. The motion passed by a 2-1 vote.
At the Miami Township Trustees meeting held on 17 January 2024, Miami Township Administrator Jim Brett updated the Board on negotiations to build a new water pumping station for Miami Township residents who rely on cisterns. Trustee Blanton has worked with Cincinnati and Cleves Water Works to bring water lines up Jordan Road for three years. Jordan Road residents have expressed anger that they cannot fill their cisterns like they used to at the Cleves Maintenance Building. Mr Brett told those in attendance that he is working on three sites. Three sites are being reviewed, one at the old station in the Village of Cleves. Logistical issues and the cost to Miami Township are being examined, and a decision on the final location of the pumping station should be finalized in February or March 2024.
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Addyston Swears in Village Officials
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The Village of Addyston held a special meeting on 1 January 2024 to swear in council members Dan Pillow, Cathy Byess, Mayor Lisa Mear, and Clerk Margaret Dozier. Law Director Bob Kelly conducted the ceremony. Below is Addyston's Mayor, Lisa Mear, receiving the oath of office. Mayor Mear was elected to a second term in November. | |
Law Director Bob Kelly administers the Oath of Office to Village Clerk/Treasurer Margaret Dozier.
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Cathy Byress and Dan Pillow are seen here taking the oath of office from Village Law Director Bob Kelly. | |
Mayor Mear appointed Dan Dalton and Ray Adamson to the Board of Public Works following the swearing-in ceremony. The Addyston Village Council approved both appointments unanimously. Seen below is Village Law Director Bob Kelly swearing in Board of Public Works members Dan Dalton (L) and Ray Adamson (R). | | |
North Bend Mayor Doug Sammons Sworn in for 4th Term | |
Law Director Scott Sollman swore in North Bend Mayor Doug Sammons for his fourth term on January 1, 2024. Before taking the oath of office, Sammons said, "The park is something we have dreamed about. We thought it would arrive in 2016 and 2017 but didn't. We preserved and stood the course, and we were able to acquire the property. We will shortly hear from the State of Ohio that we will receive our grant for phase one of the project. This is why I am coming back. To see the project through its six phases. Hopefully, we will finish a few of them during my time as mayor, and I selfishly wanted to be a part of it, at least through phases 1 and 2." | |
Councilwoman Fran Romweber, seen here, also spoke before taking the oath of office. "This is a special moment because it signifies my last run. My father always said never to overstay your stay". Last February, I gave an impassioned speech saying I don't want to overstay my stay, but here I am again for the next four years. I want my grandsons to know that this council is the best. A Village is only as good as the council that runs it. So we have six council members and a mayor who have tried to be visionaries and doers, is up. The doers part has brought me back for four more years. We are on the threshold of being a real game changer. Ten years ago, Mayor Sammons brought us all together. It was decided that the monument of William Henry Harrison and the Ohio River Park would be our focus. We are on the cusp of doing something great."
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Councilman Dave Moorman chose to take the short route to take the oath of office when Mayor Sammons asked if he wanted to say a few words; Moorman said, "Thank you. I will just get sworn in." Below is Law Director Scott Sollman is administering the oath to North Bend Councilman Dave Moorman. | |
Miami Township Trustee Dan Blanton Swears New Village Officers in Cleves | |
Miami Township Trustee Dan Blanton, pictured here, opened the Village of Cleves Swearing-in ceremony by asking residents, family members, and local leaders to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Area leaders who were present were North Bend Mayor Doug Sammons, retiring trustee Jack Rininger, and newly elected Miami Township Trustee Tim Vollrath.
Mr. Blanton introduced re-elected Cleves Council member Geri Meister, newly elected council member Linda K. Bolton, and newly elected Cleves Mayor Chuck Birkholtz. Then, he asked the attendees to rise and affirm the Cleves pledge to elected officials. Blanton read: "As a resident, relative, or friend, do you pledge your support to help these elected officials who are about to be sworn in? If your answer is yes, say, I will. The audience answered affirmatively.
Mr. Blanton then swore in Ms. Meister, Mrs. Bolton, and Mr. Birkholtz separately. Pictures of each are provided below.
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Ms.Geri Meister Mrs. Linda K. Bolton Mr. Chuck Birkholtz | |
Village of Addyston Hires Two Full-Time Police Officers -Lose Two Part-Time Officers |
The Addyston Village Council’s fight to maintain its Police Department moved forward with hiring two new officers.
Addyston Police Chief Jacob Tenbrink (pictured right) presented two candidates, Patrick Bailey and Michael Martin, and his recommendations were approved. In a separate interview with Chief Tenbrink, the TRND also learned. Two part-time officers resigned following Tenbrink's attempt to create a schedule that provided less flexibility for those officers.
In other actions, Addyston approved the purchase of vests and body cameras that will allow the Village to be reimbursed through grants from the Ohio Attorney General and the U.S. Justice Department. Law Director Bob Kelley will continue researching grants to help the Village find resources that protect the general fund.
The Council also set the following dates and events for Addyston Residents:
March 23 – Easter Egg Hunt at the VFW. 1 p.m.
April. 27 – Great American Clean Up Day, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
June 1- We Thrive Day - 9 a.m. 1 p.m. Click on the link below to view past We Thrive Days in the Village of Addyston.
July 19-20 Carnival – Cincinnati Circus
October 25-26. Haunted House
December 7. Visit for Santa. 11 a.m.- 1 p.m.
Village of Cleves Joins North Bend and Addyston
Live Broadcasts Meetings
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The Village of Cleves has entered into a new era of transparency. It televised its first meeting with Chuck Birkholtz as its mayor. Pictured here is area coordinator Darlene West, the region's coordinator for Wreaths Across America. Ms. West wants to expand the Wreath's Across America program that honors our nation's veterans and their families. Wreaths Across America celebrates and honors at cemeteries every year on the second Saturday of December. This year's local celebration will occur at Maple Grove Cemetery on December 14, 2024.
In other actions, Kevin Burns was elected by the Council as President Pro Tempore. The council also set the date for a Special Council meeting on January 25, 2024, to select a replacement for former council member Tiffiney Myers and former Village Solicitor Doug Nicholas. Both Village officials resigned effective January 1, 2024.
Subscribers can watch the Cleves Village Council January 10, 2025, meeting by clicking the arrow below: This broadcast was streamed on Facebook, however, future broadcasts will be broadcast on YouTube VillageofClevesOH_official
| | Village of Cleves Names New Member to Council and Law Director at Special Meeting |
The Village Council of Cleves held a Special Council Meeting to select a new Council and Law Director member. The Council went into an executive session at 6:40 p.m. to interview six residents for the seat vacated by Tiffiney Meyers. The Village Council voted to come back into regular session at 11 p.m. and voted to name Gary Walters as a member of the Cleves Council.
Mr. Walters, pictured left, has lived in the Village of Cleves for 28 years on Aston View Drive. He has previously served on the Cleves Council and as the Village's Zoning and Building inspector. His term will expire on December 31. 2025.
The Cleves Village Council also voted 4-1 to approve Mayor Birkholtz's recommendation to name Rob Merkle as the Village's new Law Director. Merkle, pictured to the right, has extensive experience in law enforcement, serving both Arlington Heights and Springfield Township. He served as a "Juvenile Sexual Assault Investigator and as a liaison to Children's Services and the Mayerson Center for abused children.
Mr.Merkle is a 2014 Northern Kentucky University Chase College of Law graduate. His law office is located at 125 Court Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. In his practice, he has served as a criminal defense attorney, conducting Mayor's Court audits and contract negotiations. He will serve a one-year term.
| American Legion-Miller-Stockum Post 485 -Lenten Fish Fry Returns | Residents in the Village of Cleves, North Bend, Addyston, and the incorporated areas of Miami Township can place their orders using this Let's support our veterans in their efforts to support our community and country by participating every week during Lent. | |
Upcoming Miami Township Events and Announcements | |
This Week at the Miami Township Senior Center | |
Herzner Fund Raiser Jim and Jacks February 24, 2024 | |
Cleves resident Karen Goodman has been working hard with family members to gather donations for cancer patient and survivor Doreen Herzner to help pay for uncovered medical bills from surgeries and hospital stays. Goodman said, "Doreen has been my friend for over fifty years. Her son, Jeff, lives just down the street from me. We have been working hard gathering donations to raffle off next Saturday. Some large gifts include a grill, 65-inch TV, and Hotel stays."
Goodman continued, "Doreen is too young for Medicare and only has limited health insurance. The bills are substantial! She has other relatives in Miami Township, so I hope our community will help support her by attending the next weekend fundraiser at Jim and Jack's."
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Maka Mia Pizza -Cleves, Ohio | |
WILD MIKES -Miami Heights | |
Place your online order by clicking Order here. | |
Ann's Tavern- Cleves, OH
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Nick's Great American Cafe- Cleves, OH | |
248 S. Miami Street Cleves, OH 45002
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Brossart Pharmacy- Cleves, Ohio | |
Click Brossart Pharmacy below UPPER LEFT to access Brossart Pharmacy website. | |
Dennis George Funeral Home
View Our Services below is a live link
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Merrilees Hardware- Cleves, OH
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Miami Heights
3805 Shady lane
North Bend, OH 45052
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