Recap of Council meeting 09-04-24
Present: Hollenbeck, Kaminski, Small, Buckingham, Scheib.
The Council approved minutes from the council meeting on
08-21-24. Ayes Hollenbeck, Kaminski, Small, Buckingham, Scheib.
The Council approved the Bimonthly Expense Report $50,210.04. Ayes Hollenbeck, Kaminski, Small, Buckingham. Nays Scheib The biggest expenses were Illinois Public Risk Fund (Workman’s Compensation Insurance) $6,036.00, Ferguson Waterworks- Water Meter Radio Readers, EVT Tech Squad Car Equipment $4,174.75, Don Weiss Excavator Rental $7,367.76.
The Council approved the Biweekly Salary Payroll $89,400.52. Ayes Hollenbeck, Kaminski, Small, Buckingham, Scheib.
The Council approved payment to Phalen Steel $146,629.70 partial payment for City Hall & Police Department Renovations. Ayes: Commissioner Kaminski, Small, Scheib, and Buckingham
Adopted a resolution of support for the City’s application for an ITEP (Illinois Department of Transportation Enhancement Program) Grant for Phase 2 of the Main Street Revitalization Grant application.
The Council passed an ordinance sent to the Council by the Marseilles Planning Commission making amendments to the Marseilles Zoning Ordinance, relating to Solar and Wind Farms. Ayes: Kaminski, Small, Buckingham. Abstain: Scheib
Commissioner Buckingham stated the Waypoint Vets are going to be at the Middle East Memorial Wall this Saturday September 7th for a sunset ceremony around 7:30 to 7:45 PM. The public is invited.
Commissioner Scheib mentioned that the block party permits state that barricades aren’t provided but we have put them out. The wording will be changed to barricades may be possible based on availability.
Scott Damjanovic spoke regarding his dislike for the mayor as well as his social media ban and for violations of the City & Facebook Social Media Policies. Social Media Policy - Marseilles, Illinois (
Pete Hall spoke regarding an Illini State Park Music Festival this Saturday in the park from noon until 10PM. Pete also ran the music in the park this year and requested some financial assistance next year as the cost of the bands exceeded the donations.
The Broadway Park renovations have commenced. Public Works started disassembling the fence around the tennis courts. Conley excavating was awarded the contract and is moving his equipment and materials in as well.
Asphalt Paving has started the 2024 Street resurfacing program. Streets being addressed this year are:
- Main Street between the North and South Mill race bridges.
- Aurora Street from Lincoln to Broadway Street,
- Tolin street from Aurora Street west,
- Union Street from Chicago to Sherman,
- Sherman from Union to Bluff Street,
- LaSalle Street from Union to Washington,
- Indiana from Union to Bluff Street
- Woodview Lane from Rutland Street east to the Cul-de-Sac.
Ryall Street and 2nd Street will be repaved along with new curbs and gutters.
- Universal Asphalt & Excavating of LaSalle were awarded the contracts totaling $620,742.59