LiNK E-News
Linden Hills Neighborhood Council
Special Edition August 4, 2020
Communities in Crisis, In this Together:
Immigrants and Refugees
Virtual Speaker Series co-hosted by
Minneapolis Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs and LHiNC

Looking for information about how the pandemic and civil unrest have impacted various communities in our city? Looking for ways to help?  
Linden Hills Neighborhood Council and the Minneapolis Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs are co-hosting a series of virtual talks focused on immigrants and refugees. We will discuss the challenges faced by immigrant and refugee city residents in this time of crisis, the organizations that are working to meet critical needs within this community, and how we can help.

Communities in Crisis, In this Together: Immigrants and Refugees
Part 1 - Wednesday August 12 from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Virtual Meeting  
Speaker: Michelle Rivero,
Director of the Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs, City of Minneapolis

Ms. Rivero heads up the city’s Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs (OIRA), an office that opened in July 2018 and which supports city initiatives to welcome, support, and defend the city’s immigrant and refugee communities. There will be time for Q & A and specific action items given for those who want to help.

You will receive details for the August 12th virtual meeting via email. If you cannot join us live, we will post all talks on LHiNC’s YouTube Channel. Questions? Please email [email protected].

Celebrate our neighborhood by tagging and following us on Instagram | @linden_hills_council
LHiNC welcomes article contributions | submissions may be edited for length, clarity and relevance. Advertising and anonymous contributions are not accepted.

Editor: Carol Clemens - [email protected]
Content Contributor: Becky Allen - Executive Director LHiNC - [email protected]