Wrapping Up Problem Gambling Awareness Month.
As Problem Gambling Awareness Month comes to a close, we want to remind you of the resources available year-round. You can also refer to past issues of our newsletter here.
If you are looking for treatment locally, here are are three options:

Locations in Norwalk, Stamford, and Bridgeport.
203.866.2541, extension #3005

Location in Westport

Location in Bridgeport
NEW NAMI Support Group

You can find additional support groups on their website.
Support for Teens & Young Adults

Get more information at TurningPointCT.org.
Tools for Overdose Prevention - For Health Departments

Overdose Response and Linkage to Care: A Roadmap for Health Departments Local and state health departments are uniquely well-suited to link people at risk of overdose to care and services to improve their health and wellbeing.

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New free support groups & trainings

Teachers, parents, teens: Positive Directions is pleased to have new online offerings for everyone!

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In the News
How Mental Health Organizations Use Social Media to...

Many mental health organizations use social media to provide resources to the public and create mental health programs for college students. Students experiencing mental health issues often use these accounts as a form of support. A study...

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Social media may affect girls' mental health earlier...

Social media may affect the wellbeing of girls and boys at different ages, according to research that raises the prospect of windows of vulnerability in adolescence. Psychologists found that girls who increased their time on social media between...

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The Hub: Behavioral Health Action Organization for Southwestern CT
A division of the Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership (RYASAP) 

Newsletter designed and created in collaboration with Daydream Communications, LLC