March 30th is recognized as World Bipolar Day. It falls on the birthday of Vincent Van Gogh, who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder after his death. The goal is to raise awareness and work towards eliminating the stigma associated with the disorder. It’s very important since this mental health condition because it impacts the lives of nearly 6 million Americans. It is also misunderstood because many people have a stereotypical picture of the condition. It doesn’t always present like you see in the movies or on TV.
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that causes extreme shifts in a person’s mood, energy, thought and behavior. People with this illness alternate between “highs” known as mania or hypomania or depression. These periods can last days, weeks or even months. There are different types of bipolar disorder as well; the two main ones are bipolar I and bipolar II. Each one has different levels of severity and slightly different symptoms. You read more about the specifics and symptoms on the Depression Bipolar Support Alliance website.
The good news is with proper treatment, people can and do live fulfilling and successful lives.
We spoke to a Fairfield County woman who is proof of that. Read the interview below to learn about her experience with bipolar disorder.
To start, what is your diagnosis?
I am diagnosed with bipolar type II. This means I experience hypomania, which isn’t as extreme as mania.
Tell us about your path to a diagnosis. What were you experiencing?
I had experienced anxiety since I was a young child and depression since the age of 14. Depression was my main symptom for many years until around the age of 27. I began experiencing new, very intense feelings. I had days where I felt crippled by depression, where suicidal thoughts flooded my mind. I felt physically heavy, like my legs were lead. I could not stop crying and I was constantly anxious to the point of panic attacks multiple times a day. Then I had other days that I felt incredibly energized, and my mind was filled with tons of ideas. I couldn't keep a thought in my head. I felt like my brain was racing and I could almost see the thoughts whizzing by. I would start a project and interrupt myself to start something else because the thoughts and ideas kept coming. I spoke faster and moved faster. Some other days I felt intense anger and agitation. My heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest, and I wanted to crawl out of my skin. I also had a very short fuse and got very angry easily. I never knew which version I was going to wake up to and it changed frequently.
What made you seek help?
At the time I was being treated by a primary care doctor for depression, but once I began experiencing the extreme moods, it became difficult to function and I was having a hard time focusing and functioning at work. I went to work, but it was very difficult to focus on my projects which caused more anxiety because I was afraid people would find out. I had never seen a psychiatrist up until that point. What pushed me to do that was when I had the worst panic attack of my life and I was at work. I couldn’t hide it anymore and I knew I needed help.
Read the rest of the blog to find out about her path to recovery and how she is doing today.
While more commonly appears in late adolescence or twenties, bipolar disorder can occur in children also. Learn more by visiting the Child Mind Institute website.
If your child is experiencing symptoms of a mental health disorder, early diagnosis and treatment is key. Disorders are easier to treat in the early stages and it can prevent suffering.
For local resources and support, visit The Youth Mental Health Project website. Be sure to check out their free parent support groups.
The Youth Mental Health Project
The Youth Mental Health Project is a group of individuals who believe that: Mental health lies on a continuum and includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. A healthy mind is as important to a child's development as a healthy body.
As Problem Gambling Awareness Month comes to a close, we want to remind you of the resources available year-round. You can also refer to past issues of our newsletter here.
If you are looking for treatment locally, here are are three options:
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