Local Yet Glocal
by Mike "Fitz" Fitzpatrick, Family Ministry Pastor
What do cigarette butts, poison ivy, a hidden patio, York peppermint patties and pallets full of sanitary napkins have in common?
(What a weird way to start an e-news….)
They could all be things you encounter when you love Jesus and do something about it.
Our students are wrapping up a week of doing just that - and experiencing those things - as they finish their GO GLOCAL Student Mission Experience. Every day this week 20 of our teens have sweat, gotten dirty, laughed and learned, all while being the hands and feet of Jesus in the world. We have partnered with various ministries in Dayton and Cincinnati to make an impact in our backyard, while also having a worldwide impact.
Among the organizations we have served with are:

  • The St. Vincent DePaul Center: We pulled weeds and picked up trash for this emergency women’s and children’s shelter.
  • The Dakota Center: We helped to get the center’s garden ready for winter. The center uses it to grow food used in cooking classes for seniors that live within a food desert.
  • Rebuilding Together Dayton: We partnered with them to help beautify someone’s house, including planting flowers, painting and unexpectedly uncovering an overgrown patio.
  • Target Dayton Ministries: We gave away 350 hot dog lunches, all while sharing the Gospel and praying with people.
  • I Love West Dayton: We helped to beautify a green space that had been overtaken by blight.
  • Matthew 25 Ministries: We sorted sanitary napkins that will be distributed worldwide to the poorest of the poor and disaster victims.
One of the highlights of this week has been hearing from each ministry about how the work we are doing makes an impact. It could have been tempting for our students to think that they are not making much of a difference by picking up cigarette butts or pulling their one thousandth weed. But, when they have someone connect the dots between that activity and how it brings dignity to the people they’re serving, you can see the lightbulb turn on. The evidence that they had the right mindset and knew why they were doing what they were doing was revealed in how hard they worked and the joy with which they served.
Recent graduate Adam Nelson said that the reason he came this week was “to love to the best of my ability.” Based on the work Adam did this week, he really loved people well this week.
While others were being blessed by the work that our students did, our students were changed as well. Dori Powell shared that, “This week has been a blessing. It has opened my eyes to the fact that not every place you go will be perfect, and just a little bit can make a big difference.” In Wesleyan theology, this would be called “personal piety and social holiness” - being changed on the inside while having a positive impact in the world.
In one of his first official tasks in Student Ministry, Jayden Groppi witnessed firsthand the difference we can make in the world when we take the words of Jesus seriously. “It’s incredible to see so many churches and nonprofits being led by the Spirit to fulfill the same calling as Ginghamsburg: loving Jesus and doing something about it! So many different people, stories and gifts all being used to serve our neighbors.”
Friends, it’s been a great week, and you should be proud of the students of Ginghamsburg. They have loved and served well. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to get back to sorting sanitary napkins.

Mike "Fitz" Fitzpatrick
Family Ministry Pastor
Summer fun continues in Student Ministries!

Rolley coaster enthusiasts, unite!! Wednesday, July 28 we say so long to the summer that was with a trip to Kings Island. Teens, bring your friends and share a day of food, fun and maybe a little fear - depending on what your favorite ride is. 😉 We leave the Tipp City Campus at 9:30am and return by 10:30pm. Cost is $45/person (free for season pass holders) and does NOT include food, drinks or extras.

Click here to register. Have questions? Email them to students@ginghamsburg.org.

(P.S. We know it's rolleR coaster, and not rolleY coaster. Rolley coaster is just funner to say. 😁)
By the Numbers...
  • Offering this week was $41,373 from 247 individual or family givers.  
  • In-person worship was attended by 445 individuals across both locations.
  • Online worship was streamed over the weekend by 1,016 unique devices on three platforms (YouTube, Facebook and ginghamsburg.church).

This Weekend at Ginghamsburg!
Recent months have found us more disconnected and confused, often hoping for life to go back to the way it used to be. While it’s tempting to daydream about the past, the great I AM lives fully with us here and now – actively directing our paths. Join us in worship celebration and connection as we discover life-giving truth for today from the Old Testament book of Daniel…

UPSTANDER: Align Your Vision
Fort McKinley In-Person Worship Time:
Sunday: 10:30am

Tipp City In-Person Worship Times:
Sunday: 9, 10:30am
Ginghamsburg Online Worship Times
Saturday: 5pm
Sunday: 9, 10:30am
YouTube 5pm Saturday, on demand after