Protecting Land & Water | Advocacy | Balanced Growth
Flooding in Travelers Rest - downstream of land clearing for development. Photo: Erika Hollis
Greetings and welcome to the latest edition of the Water Log, Upstate Forever's email newsletter dedicated to clean water issues and advocacy.
This summer, we’ve seen big cuts to federal protections of our waterways, massive flooding, and an even greater need for clean water to keep our communities healthy. As we search for the perfect swimming spot to escape the August heat, consider how you can take actions to preserve and protect the quality of our waterways.
Megan Chase
Clean Water Advocate, Upstate Forever
Local solutions to flooding and pollutant runoff
Greenville County has already experienced two 10-year floods in 2020 alone, and has nearly reached its 50.1-inch average annual rainfall with 49.5 inches of rain since January.
Stormwater and flooding tools
Wondering what you can do on your property to prevent flooding and sediment runoff into nearby waterways? Consider ways to slow the flow of water and increase the amount that goes back into the soil.
Clemson’s Stream Bank Repair Program is another resource for homeowners, land managers, park staff and landscape professionals looking to address erosion and instability on stream banks and riparian areas. While in-person workshops have been postponed, they are planning to host webinars this Fall/Winter and will continue to share resources through their website and newsletter.
This online interactive tool allows you to enter your address and information about your property to determine best management practices to reduce runoff. It walks you through how to figure out where stormwater is generated, how it flows, and how much stormwater comes from your property.
Lastly, this tool will help you determine the flood risk of your property and neighborhood, and will provide guidance on local solutions you can advocate for within your community.
Volunteer Opportunity:
Become a citizen scientist
The South Carolina Adopt-a-Stream (SC AAS) program creates a network of volunteers who can play an important role in monitoring and tracking water quality while sharing information about local water resources with their communities. SC AAS is hosting a FREE certification workshop to those interested in hands-on citizen science. You can learn more about the program and register for the workshops here. (Photo: Olivia Dunn)
New content and opportunities from the South Carolina Conservation Coalition
Conversations with Conservationists
The next webinar is Tuesday, August 18 at 12:30 pm - Representative Gary Clary, Senator Mia McLeod, and Lynn Teague with the League of Women Voters will be discussing safe voting in the time of COVID Register here.
You can also catch up on these past water-related webinars:
New Podcast
You can also tune into the Coalition’s latest ‘Public Concern’ podcast. New shows come out every Friday afternoon on your favorite podcast app and on
Get Involved!
The Coalition’s water issue team, South Carolina Rivers Forever, is beginning to set legislative and regulatory priorities for the next year. If you want to get involved or learn more, email me at
Keep in touch
I would love to hear from you! Feel free to send me your water-related questions at
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Upstate Forever is a nonprofit conservation organization that protects critical lands, waters, and the unique character of Upstate South Carolina. Over the past two decades, we have worked to protect the natural assets that make the Upstate so special — our farmlands, forests, natural areas, rivers, and clean air. We are committed to ensuring that our communities are vibrant and retain their green spaces, outdoor heritage, and unique identities in the face of rapid development and significant sprawl. Our vision is an environmentally healthy, economically prosperous Upstate that offers a high quality of life now and for future generations.