Greater Houston Creation Association

Creation News

Acquiring and Distributing Knowledge Regarding God's Creation

Webinar and Meeting: February 2 at 7 pm

Webinar Registration Link

Logic and Reason of God and Creation

In recent GHCA presentation we saw that the origin of information and mind are just as big and important creation events as the origin of all the matter and energy in the universe. The matter and energy and their physical interactions independent of us and our thoughts ensure us that the universe is real and not a figment of our imagination as the atheist sometimes claim.

However, it is important to understand that mind and information were created to enable one to understand much beyond the physical things one can touch, see or feel. These also enable one to find God through Logic, Reason and Morality. Mind and information also enable one to understand the events of creation in a rational way. 

The atheist often claim the idea of a supernatural God is irrational. To refute this claim we need to accurately use logic and reason. But what is logic? Also, what is formal logic compared to our more informal or casual logic? It is also very important to recognize logical fallacies when they are asserted. Pointing out logical fallacies can cause people to rethink their beliefs. Then these critics can begin to listen to and consider your position. The various types of reason are also important. 

We will soon see that we can use logic, reason and morality to prove the existence of God is necessary. Then the claims of the Bible can begin to be seen as rational including supernatural events in creation.

Once the logical necessity of God is established, we can more productively investigate the truth of Creationism – the belief that God created the Heavens and the Earth. This in turn lends support to our Christian belief that Jesus is God, a member of the Trinity, and played a major role in Creation. We will see how this is made clear in both the old and new testaments. 

Please join us on February 2nd when Mr. Steve Lem will lead us through a tour de force on the Logic and Reason of God and Creation. This will be a great adventure in learning with an abundance of questions and discussion. This talk will help all to present both the Gospel truth and creation science in an effective manner. Be sure to invite some friends or family, all are welcome. Time for questions and discussion will be provided at the end of the presentation. Snacks and refreshments are provided for those attending in person.

Blessings until we meet on 2/2/23,

Frank Mayo

President, GHCA

GHCA meeting location:

Reception Room of Houston's First at 7401 Katy Frwy, Houston TX 77024. See our maps at

Six national scale YEC organizations have grown up with a staff of PhD scientists in their leadership. These organizations include:
Creation Research Society (CRS)          Home pg    CRS Quarterly
Institute for Creation Research (ICR)     Home pg    Acts & Facts
Answers In Genesis (AIG)           Home pg     Answers Research Journal
Creation Ministries International (CMI)  Home pg    Journal of Creation
Logos Research Associates (LRA)      Home pg    Selected Papers Teachings
International Conference on Creation (ICC)  Home Pg      Proceedings 

Geologist Dr. Tim Clarey points out that marine fossils dominate in all levels of rocks with fossils including those with land animals or other terrestrial fossils such as dinosaurs! How can this be without a Flood?

Whitmore Coconino SS Research Free Access Publications:

For geologist and other technical people here are links to the most recent free access publications making strong case Coconino SS was deposite by water.

Lithostratographic Correlation of the Coconino Sandstone and a Global Survey of Permian “Eolian” Sandstones: Implications for Flood Geology

The Coconino Sandstone (Permian, Arizona, USA): Implications for the Origins of Cross-bedded Sandstones  

The Significance of the Angular K-Feldspar Grains in Ancient Sandstones  

The Significance of Micas in Ancient Sandstones

Rounding of Quartz and K-Felspar Sand from Beach to Dune Settings Along the California and Oregon Coastlines: Implications for Ancient Sandstones

Intraformational Parabolic Recumbent Folds in the Coconino Sandstone (Permian) and Two Other Formations in Sedona, Arizona (USA) 

Links to GHCA Friends

Houston Science & Culture Network
Houston chapter of the Discovery Institute's division of Science and Culture.
More info at

Why Neuroscience Points to a Soul a great article for all from the DI.
Tour calls out false claims. See also the link to Tour's response to critics.

The Science & Faith Podcast by Dr. James Tour

San Antonio: 
The San Antonio Bible Based Science Association (SABBSA) usually meets the second Tuesday of each month, 7:00 p.m., at Faith Lutheran church just south of the corner of Thousand Oaks and Jones Maltsberger. More info is at

Dallas-Ft Worth:  
The Metroplex Institute of Origin Science (MIOS) meets at the Dr. Pepper Starcenter, 12700 N. Stemmons Fwy, Farmers Branch, TX, usually at 7:30 pm on the first Tuesday of each month. 

Examples of Important YEC Scientific Evidences 

Some major examples of physical evidence we point to include:

  • Remains of original soft tissue still found in dinosaur bones. Along with that tissue is C-14 that would decay completely away in less than a hundred thousand years, a tiny fraction of the dinosaur fossil's supposed age.
  • For many years geologists have found C-14 in fossil carbon throughout the fossil record. So, the entire fossil record is less than 100,000 years old.
  • The origin of the information and molecular machinery in the first living self-reproducing cell remains a complete enigma for biologist and biochemists.
  • In the origin of the universe, big bang theory is being recognized as a dead end by increasing numbers of secular scientists. The hypothesized inflation has nothing to start it, drive it forward, or stop it. Without inflation fatal flaws appear with the absence of predicted antimatter, magnetic monopoles, or any means for the whole universe to come to the same precise background temperature. Then the formation of the first stars is as enigmatic as the origin of the first biological cell. Dark matter and dark energy are as enigmatic as the galactic motions they are needed to explain.

At the root of all standard science are many assumptions that may be quite incorrect. At the top is that there is no God. Another is that present process can be used to explain everything in the past. When we look at a canyon we are taught to assume the river at the bottom cut the canyon. But perhaps tectonic events made the canyon and there is a river at the bottom because water always flows downhill. At the root of big bang theory is a pure assumption that has been named the "Cosmological Principle". Perhaps inaccuracies there are responsible for the big bang's multitude of problems.   


There is more about the role of assumptions in science found on our website here. There are many more resources on young earth and young universe evidences here.