Week of November 25, 2024

Director’s Blog

An Appreciation

Greetings on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.


Last night, Harriet and I attended a performance of “The Art of Care” at the Mosaic Theater in the Atlas Performing Arts Center. The piece was conceived and directed by Derek Goldman, professor of theater and performance studies at Georgetown and a decorated director, playwright and producer in his own right. He has founded the Laboratory for Global Performance and Politics, and has developed a method called In Your Shoes, where the performances are intensely personal, but use the voices of multiple actors to tell the protagonists’ stories.


Derek told me about this show when we met to discuss how to align our shared interests in the concept of cura personalis. Read more.

Lombardi Lectures & Meetings

Oncology Grand Rounds & Other Lectures

Join Grand Rounds in the New Research Building Auditorium (Zoom option).

THIS WEEK: No lecture, Thanksgiving Break

NEXT WEEK: Targeting Molecular Residual Disease (MRD) in Breast Cancer: Strategies and Challenges by Angela DeMichele, MD, MSCE, FASCO, Abramson Cancer Center, University of Pennsylvania (Add to Google Calendar)

Cancer Research Data Meetings

Join these meetings in W302 (Zoom option).

THIS WEEK: No presentation, Thanksgiving Break

NEXT WEEK: Presentation by Anna Molotkova (Add to Google Calendar)

News & Announcements

Professor Uncovers the Tender, Often Invisible Ways We Care for One Another in New Play

Two actors perform a play in which they are seated and speaking to each other

“The Art of Care,” a new play by Derek Goldman, PhD, tells the stories of those who have received and given care: caregivers, nurses, doctors, teachers and policymakers, even the performers themselves. Developed with Georgetown’s Laboratory for Global Performance and Politics, Goldman drew inspiration from conversations with members of the Georgetown community, including Georgetown Lombardi Arts and Humanities Program Faculty Director Julia Langley. Read more about the play.

Georgetown Lombardi Developmental Funds Request for Proposals

Proposals are now being accepted for grant opportunities designed to provide developmental funds for the initiation of promising new cancer-related projects leading to multi-PI (MPI) peer-reviewed funding and high-impact publications, with an emphasis in cross-consortium collaborations and/or inter-programmatic collaborations. Projects will be funded by CCSG, BellRinger and other gifts as available, as well as institutional funds.

Projects may be submitted for consideration in two categories:

  • Large multi-project pilots that will lead to a P01, SPORE or U grant (1-year award at up to $100,000, with the option of renewal dependent on progress)
  • Smaller pilots that will lead to an MPI R01 submission (1-year award of up to $50,000)

Proposed projects must have a cancer-relevant research focus, including basic, clinical, translational, or population sciences, with additional requirements for each category. Submissions will be reviewed and scored based on current NCI review processes by a peer-review committee. View full proposal requirements and application instructions. All applications are due January 6, 2025, to Sharon Levy (sgl5@georgetown.edu).

Georgetown Lombardi DEI Updates

Online Leadership Training Opportunity for Early Career Faculty

Georgetown University's Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion logo

The University of Texas Medical Branch Faculty Collaborative is offering a boot camp covering key leadership competency areas for early career faculty (instructors or assistant professors with less than five years at rank). This three-day workshop takes place January 14 - 16, 2025, from 2 to 5 p.m. CST via Zoom and offers nine hours of content developed and delivered by faculty members in academic health focused on the principles of leadership.


For more details on cost and how to register visit the DEI Office Announcements page.

Meetings & Events This Week

Happy Thanksgiving!

Meetings & Events Next Week

Tuesday, December 3

3:00 - 4:30 p.m.

Mini-Symposium: Successful Grant Submission 101

Barry Hudson, PhD, associate professor of oncology and Georgetown Lombardi member, presents this virtual mini-symposium for GUMC faculty who are new to the grant submission process. Attendees will learn about the basics of grant submission and how to develop successful proposals. Contact Dr. Puru Tiwari (pbt7@georgetown.edu) with questions. RSVP to attend.

5:00 - 6:30 p.m.

GWIM Wine and Cheese Social Event

Georgetown Women in Medicine (GWIM), an organization dedicated to fostering a collaborative environment for medical women faculty at Georgetown, hosts a wine and cheese social meeting. Join members for an evening of socializing, networking and discussing the future of GWIM, with remarks from Dr. Norman Beauchamp Jr. and Dr. Lisa Boyle. Join this event in the Med-Dent North Lobby. RSVP by Nov. 30. Contact gwim@georgetown.edu with questions.

Wednesday, December 4

11:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.

PhD Thesis Defense

Qiaohui Zhou, MS, PhD candidate in Biostatistics, presents “Estimand Framework in Clinical Research.” Mentors: Ming Tan, PhD, and Ao Yuan, PhD. Join this event in New Research Building W402. (Add to Google Calendar)

4:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Distinguished Scientist Seminar Series: Advancing Biomedical Research through Bioinformatics: Bridging World-Class Molecular Resources and Clinical Data for AI-Driven Insights

Presented by Raja Mazumder, PhD, professor of biochemistry and molecular medicine, co-director, McCormick Genomic and Proteomic Center, co-director, Genomics & Bioinformatics PhD and Bioinformatics MS Program, GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences. Join this seminar in the New Research Building Auditorium and via Zoom. (Add to Google Calendar)

Thursday, December 5

9:00 - 10:00 a.m.

Cancer Research Data Meeting

Presentation by Anna Molotkova, MD/PhD student in the Üren Lab. Join this meeting in-person in W302 New Research Building with Zoom option. (Add to Google Calendar)

4:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Distinguished Scientist Seminar Series: Mitochondria on the Move: Mitochondria Transfer in Metabolic Diseases

Presented by Jonathan Brestoff, MD, PhD, assistant professor, Pathology & Immunology, Washington University in St. Louis. Join this seminar in the New Research Building Auditorium and via Zoom. (Add to Google Calendar)

Bill Rebeck

4:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Brain Tumor Working Group Meeting

Agenda includes the presentation “Approaches to Identifying the Effects of Cancer and Chemotherapy on the Brain” by Bill Rebeck, PhD, Professor of Neuroscience, Georgetown University Medical Center. Join in-person, New Research Building E501 Conference Room, with Zoom option. (Add to Google Calendar)

Friday, December 6

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Oncology Grand Rounds Seminar Series: Targeting Molecular Residual Disease (MRD) in Breast Cancer: Strategies and Challenges

Presented by Angela DeMichele, MD, MSCE, FASCO, Mariann T. and Robert J. MacDonald Chair in Breast Cancer Research, professor of medicine and co-leader of the Breast Cancer Program, Abramson Cancer Center, University of Pennsylvania. Join in-person, New Research Building Auditorium, with Zoom option. (Add to Google Calendar)

Dr. Nina Kadan-Lottick

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Clinical and Translational Research Grand Rounds: Optimizing Long-Term Health in Childhood Cancer Survivors: From Observation to Intervention

Presented by Nina S. Kadan-Lottick, MD, MSPH, professor of oncology and pediatrics, Georgetown University School of Medicine; director, Survivorship Research Initiative, Georgetown Lombardi. Sponsored by GHUCCTS and its partner institutions. Join this lecture via Zoom. (Add to Google Calendar)

Save the Date

Thursday, December 12

4:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Radiation Sciences Working Group Seminar

Featuring the presentations “Overview of Research Activities at the Radiation Physics Division of Department of Radiation Medicine” by Dalong Pang, PhD, chief, Radiation Physics Division, MedStar Health, and “Treatment Planning Automation for Proton RT” Parts 1 and 2, by Peter Jermain, PhD, and Mohammad Zarenia, PhD, radiation physics residents. Join this seminar via Zoom. (Add to Google Calendar)

Friday, December 13

10:00 - 11:30 a.m.

Survivorship Research Initiative Seminar: Cognitive Outcomes in Cancer Survivors: Predictors and Potential Interventions

Presented by Noha Sharafeldin, MBBCh, MSc, PhD, assistant professor of medicine, Division of Hematology & Oncology, University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine, member, Institute for Cancer Outcomes and Survivorship, and associate scientist, O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center. Presentation to be followed by a Meet the Speaker Session at 11:00 a.m. Join via Zoom. (Add to Google Calendar)

Monday, May 19, 2025

The 2025 MedStar Health-Georgetown University Research & Education Symposium

Each year, the MedStar Health-Georgetown University Research & Education Symposium brings together investigators, educators, executive leaders, associates and collaborative partners from across our academic health system to share research, build meaningful relationships, and advance health for our communities. This event will be held at the North Bethesda Marriott. Watch for a call for abstract submissions.


The HDAC6 Inhibitor AVS100 (SS208) Induces a Pro-inflammatory Tumor Microenvironment and Potentiates Immunotherapy

In the News

USA Today Dave Coulier and When Everyone in Your Family Gets Cancer

Funding and Award Opportunities

St. Baldrick’s Foundation Spring Grant Cycle

The following programs/categories are available in the Spring Cycle:

One LOI/application can be submitted per award per institution, with an exception for the following areas: brain tumors – all types, including rare forms; Burkitt lymphoma (all types, especially sporadic); Ewing sarcoma; rhabdoid tumors – extrarenal. Those interested should send the title of their project and a one-paragraph synopsis to Sharon Levy via email (sgl5@georgetown.edu) by Sunday, Dec. 1.

Damon Runyon Clinical Investigator Award


The Damon Runyon Clinical Investigator Award supports independent young physician-scientists conducting disease-oriented research that demonstrates a high level of innovation and creativity. The award will provide $600,000 over three years in financial support for the investigator’s scientific needs. In addition, the foundation will retire up to $100,000 of medical school debt owed by the awardee. Five nominations will be accepted for review from Georgetown. Finalists will be invited to be interviewed by the selection committee. Only one application will be accepted from a mentor (including co-mentorships) per review session. View detailed award information, eligibility criteria, application guidelines and forms. As soon as possible, those interested should contact Sharon Levy (sgl5@georgetown.edu), who will connect them with the appropriate institutional supports to apply. Institutional application deadline: Feb. 3, 2025.

Melanoma Research Alliance RFP for Multiple Awards


The Melanoma Research Alliance has issued a request for proposals for preclinical, translational and early clinical research with the potential to produce unusually high impact, near-term advancements in melanoma prevention, detection, diagnosis and treatment.

This cycle, proposals will be accepted for Established Investigator Awards, Academic-Industry Partnership Award (for Established Investigator Awards), Young Investigator Awards, Pilot Awards, Dermatology Career Development Awards and Special Opportunity Team Science Awards, Academic-Industry Partnership Award (for Special Opportunity Team Science Awards). View full descriptions of each award opportunity offered, including all Special Opportunities, as well as eligibility criteria and instructions.

Key deadlines:

  • January 6: Invited Special Opportunity Team Science Award full proposals due
  • April 2025: Awardees notified of funding decisions

Federal Grants Digest: Colleges & Universities Edition

A weekly curated digest of federal funding opportunities of interest to colleges and universities to support programming, research, infrastructure and other efforts, provided by Thorn Run Partners. View current issue (for November 20, 2024).

Tumor Board & Research Meeting Schedule

Meetings in italics should be attended by all fellows.

8:00 AM | Division Weekly Update Meeting | Podium A / Microsoft Teams

8:30 AM | Monday Morning Oncology Report | Inpatient Oncology Fellow | Podium A / Microsoft Teams

9:00 AM | Breast Research Meeting | Podium A / Zoom (dial 646-558-8656; Meeting ID: 528 212 194)

11:00 AM | GU/Melanoma Research Meeting | Podium A / Zoom (dial 646-558-8656; Meeting ID: 796 253 566)

4:00 PM | GU Tumor Board (on 1st/3rd Mondays of the month) | Podium A / Zoom (dial 646-558-8656; Meeting ID: 869 742 463)


9:00 AM | Hematology Path Conference - Inpatient Heme fellows + Outpatient Heme + BMT fellow | Podium A / Microsoft Teams (CME code: 80737; phone: 202-796-7323)

4:00 PM | Liver Tumor Board | Microsoft Teams

5:00 PM | Breast Tumor Board | Podium A / Zoom (dial 646-558-8656; Meeting ID: 932 1012 3816; CME Code: 87253)


8:00 AM | Thoracic Tumor Board | Podium A / Zoom (dial 646-558-8656; Meeting ID: 993 7680 5192; Passcode: 4231; CME 86693)

12:00 PM | Melanoma Tumor Board | Podium A / Microsoft Teams (CME: 80988)

5:00 PM | GI Tumor Board | Podium A / Microsoft Teams


9:00 AM | Cancer Research Data Meeting | None | W302 New Research Building or Zoom

9:30 AM | Head and Neck Tumor Board | Microsoft Teams

12:30 PM | GI Research Meeting | WebEx (dial 844-302-0362, Meeting Number (access code): 712527865, HOST PIN: 5514)

5:00 PM | Lymphoma Tumor Board - every other week | Microsoft Teams

5:00 PM | Myeloma Tumor Board - every other week | Microsoft Teams


7:00 AM | CNS Tumor Board | Microsoft Teams (Meeting ID: 298 285 483 265, Passcode: rJWpmU)

12:00 PM | Oncology Grand Rounds | None | New Research Building Auditorium / Zoom

12:00 PM | Thanksgiving Holiday | Podium A | Teams Conference Link (Text In Code: 81202 or 81203 / Text In Telephone: 202-796-7323)

1:00 PM | Thanksgiving Holiday | Podium A | Teams Conference Link (Text In Code: 81202 or 81203 / Text In Telephone: 202-796-7323)

1:00 PM | Pancreas Tumor Board | Microsoft Teams (Meeting ID: 299 996 740 910, Passcode: z7j7Rc)

2:00 PM | Thanksgiving Holiday | Podium A | Teams Conference Link (Text In Code: 81202 or 81203 / Text In Telephone: 202-796-7323)

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If you would like to share news or updates from your department, please get in touch with Sarah Riehl.
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Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center