London Middlesex
Primary Care Update on COVID-19
June 8, 2020
Order your PPE start-up kit at no charge !

Ontario Health West is implementing an easy-to-use process to provide an initial allocation of PPE at no charge. Included in the supply are Level 2 masks, gloves, reusable face shields, and disinfectant wipes. Fill in one order form per clinic address to obtain your PPE allocation. Read more here.

This resource is intended to support YOUR decisions about re-opening your practice, based on your own local circumstances. consolidates information from MOH, Public Health, provider associations, infection control professionals, etc., into one online resource. Find out about:

  • Patient communication and active screening
  • How do decide between in person and virtual visits
  • Scheduling providers appropriately
  • Infection prevention and control , including updated PPE requirements for health care workers
  • Business continuity
  • Office signage
  • And much more.
Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC)

Infection prevention and control knowledge is critical in order to protect patients and staff, and to help decrease the risk of transmission of infection in health care. We encourage you and your staff to access these resources:

Clinical Information and Tools

  • New! 24/7 Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence nurse-staffed telephone navigation line to assist service providers and victims/survivors of sexual assault and intimate partner violence during COVID-19.
  • Free virtual academic detailing on COVID-19 from Centre for Effective Practice.
  • It's not all about COVID - pharmacotherapy update on non-COVID issues from Thames Valley FHT pharmacists
  • Assistance for socially isolated older adults in SW Ontario during the pandemic: Created by Western students, the Student-Senior Isolation Prevention Partnership (SSIPP) pairs socially isolated older adults with a health professional student volunteer who will check-in via weekly phone calls in order to provide social connection. To find out more: see the SSIPP flyer or information sheet; email [email protected].
  • Routine immunizations during COVID 19: The Ministry of Health emphasizes the importance of immunizations during this time so that Ontario can maintain a high level of immunity when physical distancing measures and other restrictions are lifted. If you have questions about managing delayed and/or interrupted vaccine series or immunizations for priority populations, contact Public Health Nurses with the Vaccine Preventable Disease Team during business hours at 519-663-5317 or [email protected].

Self-Care for Providers

For Patients

If there are non-hospital COVID-19 related issues/solutions in your region, please escalate them to your
Regional Pandemic Clinical Lead
(tasked by Ontario Health West to facilitate, coordinate, and engage with stakeholders for the pandemic response within the SW LHIN area RE: primary care/vulnerable populations)...structure HERE .
Dr. Gordon Schacter
Co-Chair, SW Prim Care/Vulnerable Pop'n Response