This piece explores the growing loneliness epidemic through the eyes of a middle-age reporter. He concludes, though his family and work life are thriving, his time for social interactions with other men is lacking, and this could prove worrisome for his health.
Author Bill Baker says, "I’m hesitant to say I’m lonely, though I’m clearly a textbook case of the silent majority of middle-aged men who won’t admit they’re starved for friendship, even if all signs point to the contrary. Now that I’ve been forced to recognize it, the question is what to do about it. Because the tricks I’ve been using clearly do not work.
When you have a gap in your schedule, you feel bad running off with the fellas and leaving your partner alone. And the guys I’d like to spend time with are all locked in the same bind. Planning anything takes a lot of work, and if you have to take initiative every time you see someone, it’s easy to just let it disappear."
Fair Oaks EcoHousing members recognize the importance of community support to our well-being, and look forward to meaningful, daily interactions with our neighbors in cohousing - not requiring much effort to coordinate.