LONG BLOOMING PERENNIALS FOR SUMMER: By choosing long-blooming perennial plants, you can capitalize on the best of both worlds - plants that come back from growing season to growing season, and those that bloom for an extended length of time. This also means you'll have more time to appreciate the gardens you create!
Achillea (Yarrow) is a very drought and heat resistant plant once established. The flower heads are long-lasting and many colors are available including yellow, gold, pink and pastels in apricot, lilac, salmon, cream and white. Plants grow from 8-36" tall, depending on variety. The flat-topped flower heads grow up to several inches across, and make excellent cut and dried flowers. The fern-like, gray to gray-green foliage is somewhat aromatic and attractive even when the plant is not in bloom. Coreopsis (Tickseed) is one of the easiest and most rewarding garden flowers. The thread leaf varieties are usually the longest blooming, typically from June through fall. The pale yellow, bright yellow or rosy-pink daisy flowers smother the slender stems and thread-like leaves. Plant height, from 15-24", is variety dependent. A mid-summer shearing of the seed heads will keep these plants blooming for many more weeks.
Echinacea purpurea (Purple Coneflower) is a sturdy, bold-textured favorite with dark foliage that grows to 2-3' tall and wide. The flowers are large, daisy-like with unique standings of dark-rose purple and lighter in color. Birds and butterflies also love these flowers, adding even more beauty to your garden with their visits. Hemerocallis (Daylily) comes in countless varieties offering different colors, textures, and bloom times, making it a delightful option to enhance your garden or landscape. These drought-tolerant beauties thrive in full to part sun, hold up well in the heat and humidity of summer, and are considered to be relatively low-care plants. However, thorough watering is needed to ensure attractive foliage, especially during dry spells. All daylily flowers last just 24 hours, hence the name 'Daylily.' Luckily, the flower will likely be replaced by another the next day or soon after.
Leucanthemum (Shasta Daisy) is sure to brighten your day with its cheerful blossoms! Shasta daisy is available in a vast variety of cultivars, including single and double-flowering forms with pure white, cream, and yellow petals. The bloom time ranges from early summer to early fall, and the height of Shasta Daisies can range from 6 inches to 4 feet tall. Once established, it is moderately drought tolerant. All Shastas make excellent cut flowers due to their sturdy stems and long vase life. Monarda (Bee Balm), with its spiky red, pink, lavender, or purple flower heads, is a magnet for hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies. The fragrant flowers and foliage grow from 10 inches to 4 feet tall, depending on the variety. This deer-resistant perennial blooms in summer and prefers full to partial sun. While pollinators adore this plant, mosquitoes dislike its aroma in the garden, and crushing the leaves releases fragrant oils that help to repel those pesky insects. Bee Balm also makes a delicious tea or garnish for dishes.
Rudbeckia (Black-Eyed Susan) is an old-fashioned garden favorite. It is hardy, reliable, insect and disease-free and an exceptionally long-blooming plant – typically from July through fall. This medium-green, bold-foliaged plant grows to about 3' tall and bears golden yellow, daisy-like flowers with dark brown centers. Both Echinacea and Rudbeckia flowers make excellent cut flowers and a wonderful place for butterflies to sit and eat. Stonecrop (Sedum) is a tough, low-maintenance perennial that is heat and drought-tolerant and attracts pollinators. If provided with well-draining soil, stonecrops are perfect performers in sunny garden beds, borders, rock gardens, and containers. This diverse succulent comes in many shapes and sizes, from low-growing to knee-high. The plant may be mat-forming or upright. The flower can be white, yellow, pink, magenta, or red. Foliage color is just as varied in shades of green, blue, and bronze, even bi-color! With so many options to choose from, you’ll never tire of Sedum.
Veronica (Speedwell) has neat, attractive foliage and abundant flowers in densely packed spikes. Look for the cultivars 'Goodness Grows' and taller 'Sunny Border Blue' for a beautiful addition of blue to your summer garden, and pair it with red or white favorites for a patriotic theme. Remember, this is just a brief glimpse of the long-blooming perennials available to choose from. Stop by to see our wide selection of perennials so we can help you determine which plants are best suited to your garden.