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11th December 2023

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News and comment from

Roy Lilley

Long enough...


There are a lot of things I don’t know and even more that I can’t do.

I’m not a grave-digger but I do recognise a six foot hole when I see one. 

I’m not a racing driver but I know what a Ferrari is. 

I’m not a hairdresser but I can see, from the state of some bloke’s beards… they’re grown out of unadulterated slobiness and not in the quest for tonsorial elegance.

Neither, am I a lawyer nor an MP but I do know a piece of Lassie-legislation when I see it... a dog's breakfast.

In case you haven’t noticed the Whitehall gas-works has churned out another masterpiece…

… it’s the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act 2023.

Panicked by the tabloids about strikes in the NHS, Rishi had a choice; fix industrial relations or antagonise everyone with another piece of senseless union bashing.

You know what he chose. Labour are pledged to repeal it… we’ll see… because…

… most European countries have some some sort of minimum service agreements in an attempt to balance the right-to-strike and the rights of their citizens to go about their business...

... I bet they don't.

Do we actually need this legislation in the NHS?

Medics and clinicians are generally only allowed to practice if they are admitted to their professional register. 

Principally the NMC and the GMC (and others). For the most part the conditions include some form of undertaking not to harm the public.

It all falls apart when registrants go on strike. 

Both organisations claim to protect the public. They don't.

The NMC code of conduct ducks strikes and hides behind waffle in their ‘position papers’. The GMC dither-on about ‘using judgement’.

They are no help.

To keep services ticking over during strikes Trades Unions, stuck-in-a-bind between wooing public sympathy and not killing them, agree derogations. 

Meaning striking members can actually work as normal. That's what Xmas Day levels of service are all about.

Apart from recycling about a million people back onto the waiting lists and goodness knows what damage that does, the strike days, touch wood, have been grief-free. 

People have been sensible.

The top-line of the new legislation… principally, Trusts are provided with the power to require some staff to keep working. They don’t have to use the legislation... 

... it’s their call.

The staff who are required to work have to be named, listed and the information provided to the Unions... even if they don't belong to the union. 

Quite what that does to data protection is above my pay-grade.

Unions must give employers 14 days notice of striking. The employers have 7 days to provide a ‘work notice’… the list, that in a big trust will run into hundreds. There are a further four days to amend the list and fiddle about.

If a named person decides to strike anyway, they run the risk of no longer being protected by strike legislation and might end up with the sack. If the Unions don’t comply, they can be fined a shed-load of money.

That’s it, in a nutshell.

Trusts have a problem. They hold contracts of employment but have no control over pay. 

They can’t negotiate an end to strikes, they just have to deal with the fall-out and the aggravation that the numpties at the DH+ give them.

Trust's professional bodies the Confed and Providers, are as influential as a box of fortune cookies and no one is going to give the junior doctors a 35% pay rise.

Trusts are stuck, and ...

... the last thing Trusts want is the aggravation of strike action to sour local relationships. 

People have to work with each other when the strikes are over… hence, by-and-large the derogations have been sorted out by grown-ups and things have muddled along.

NHS management is getting quite good at ‘doing strikes’ and the growing waiting lists are Rishi’s problem.

Unions are bound to want to test this new legislation through the courts. I cannot envisage a Trust wanting to make matters worse by invoking their new powers ...

... unless they are in the thrall of some steerry-eyed, bonkers NEDs who can’t be reigned in. 

Like I said, I’m not a lawyer and I no longer have to make operational decisions but I do know when a barge-pole isn’t long enough...

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Dr Paul Lambden


'In the private sector it is now estimated that women spend over thirty-five million pounds a year on bunion surgery!'

News and Other Stuff


>> NHSE to curb ‘completely out of control’ procurement routes - frankly I doubt it... until they understand why Trusts buy what they buy in the way they buy it.

>> Junior doctors hold NHS 'to ransom' - this is the Daily Mail take on the up-coming strikes. The JDs must realise they're not going to get 35% and Sunak will abandon his waiting pledge and blame... guess who. These are the last strikes under the present mandate. Will the JDs vote to lose more money and keep striking? I'm starting to doubt it.

>> Gift of blood - may save lives this Xmas.

>> Leicester ambulance patients wait over an hour for admission - it's not just there, I'm starting to see this all over...

>> Concerns raised - Liverpool hospital bed pressures

>> Specsavers is calling on the Government to provide NHS-funded eye tests for the homeless - ahead of its own plans to set up out-of-hours clinics in stores in 2024.

>> With 55 care homes in Scotland, HC-One had the most complaints upheld (109) - and four enforcement actions.

Prof Brian Edwards with his report on 'the one we've all been waiting for'...


'Was this a polished performance by a seasoned political operator or evidence from a man who accepted his shortcomings in managing the pandemic and wanted lessons to be learned should a pandemic ever confront another government.'

'... it appears that Brexit has largely added to the long list of troubles facing health

in the Uk.' Ouch!

5th Edition

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Learn how to navigate the bullies, manipulators and complainers who drive you mad. With example dialogue and techniques, it will help you navigate tricky situations and keep your cool.

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This is what I'm hearing, unless you know different. In which case, tell me, in confidence.


>> I'm hearing -

Clinical Nurse Specialists are being asked to cover for District Nurses in upcoming Unison industrial action. This means abandoning their own caseloads and working outside their scope and competency...

>> I'm hearing - One in eight GPs forced to call police over abusive patients.

>> I'm hearing - the Assisted Dying bill failed in May 2022 after passing its second reading in the House of Lords, simply because the parliamentary session ended before it was able to complete all subsequent necessary stages... will they have a mother go?

More News


>> Punch a pillow, hug your pet, write to your MP - 22 ways to deal with your anger.

>> Interesting Twitter poll - what will the next election really be about.

>> Situation in Gaza 'beyond imaginable' - warns WHO.

>> Britons Love the NHS - Some Will Also Pay to Avoid It.

>> NHS trust plants 1,000 trees outside Pinderfields Hospital - for National Tree Week.
