COVID-19 and today’s evolving issues have not only wreaked havoc on our daily lives, both have negatively impacted our health and immune systems due to isolation, stress, anxiety, bad sleep and poor nutritional choices. As we all continue to relearn how to balance our health and stressors in light of COVID-19,
we are keenly aware that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is more important than ever.
Research suggests
obesity leads to a greater risk of becoming sicker and more likely to die from COVID-19. In addition to obesity as a risk factor, recent
DuPage County data
has indicated that Black residents had a 1.4 times higher COVID-19 mortality rate than white residents and 2 times higher rate than Asian residents.
As DuPage County’s healthy lifestyle expert, FORWARD is poised to address these issues by taking action to positively impact you and your family to build resiliency during today’s challenging times.
As a first step, FORWARD has launched a comprehensive campaign focused on optimizing the body's immune system. This contactless and FREE campaign includes a series of looking, listening and learning sessions for the entire family and for all communities regardless of one’s race or ethnicity, sex, sexual identity, age, disability, socioeconomic status, and geographic location. To get started:
2) LISTEN to webinars you have missed in our
. And register for upcoming webinars:
- Tuesday, July 28th at 11:30am: “Tour DuPage: Rails, Trails and Wellness”. Join FORWARD’s expert and Board Member, Sid Kenyon exploring DuPage County’s biking and hiking options to enjoy nature, physical activity and the great outdoors.
- Tuesday, August 11th at 11:30am: “Preparing your Body to Fight Illness - Nutrition as a First Line of Defense”. Join FORWARD’s expert and Board Member, Deepa Handu for a webinar on how to prepare your body’s immune system through good nutrition.
- Tuesday, August 25th at 11:30am. “Supporting a Healthy Brain: Maintaining Homeostasis, Science & Practice”. Join FORWARD’s expert and Board Member, Gary Cuneen and holistic physician and nutrition consultant, Dr. Norman for a webinar on the science of diet and brain health along with simple healthy recipes from your garden.
3) LEARN by following us on
to receive weekly educational tips, tools and healthy connections, including data-driven healthy, immune strengthening topics
FORWARD is here to support you. Stay well. Together we can make a difference!
Tell us how you are spreading healthy change
Share information with us about your healthy activity and become eligible for a chance to win a $100 gift card.
Do you promise to inspire change by spreading healthy habits and sharing information about FORWARD? Small changes make a big difference. Help Spread the Pledge
Resources, Resources, Resources!
Go-To Sources for COVID-19 Information
Are you in need of financial assistance, health and wellness services or unemployment resources? Meeting even the most basic needs can be difficult for anyone, which is why DuPage County Community Services has created DuPageCRIS, a trustworthy and comprehensive basic needs resource database, as a means to easily connect DuPage County residents with providers and services in the area. You can also add events to their community calendar
The Greater Chicago Food Depository (GCFD) has streamlined its COVID-19 related information for partners, donors and for those seeking food, shelter or other services.
COVID-19 Food Systems Survey -
The questionnaire gathers information from small- and medium-size farms, businesses and other for-profit and nonprofit food organizations impacted by COVID-19 as part of an ongoing effort to respond to challenges that can lead to a more sustainable food system.
CATCH Global Foundation assembled lessons and resources to help teachers continue to provide health education, nutrition education and physical activity instruction to their students remotely.
ChangeLab Solutions
is maintaining a library of COVID-19 resource material that includes sections on legal preparedness, food security, housing, violence prevention and more.
Healthy Lifestyle
Legislative & Advocacy Update
The American Academy of Pediatrics is calling on lawmakers to ban all advertising targeted to children under the age of 7, among other bold actions.
here to learn more.
to contact your members of Congress about why farmers markets and other small businesses should be included in the stimulus relief package.
FORWARD DuPage serves as a leadership member of the Illinois Alliance to Prevent Obesity (IAPO). We encourage partners to get involved in helping to advance policies to support healthy lifestyle choices across Illinois. The Illinois legislative session is currently on hold as the state responds to the COVID-19 pandemic but to learn more about IAPO and their priorities
Healthy Lifestyles in the News
The impact of disparities on children's health.
Differences in access to medical care and treatment contribute to conditions that disproportionately hurt minority children.
This school chef is striving for scratch cooking—even through COVID-19.
Kids lack of summer exercise leads to problems as adults.
Obesity can shift severe COVID-19 to younger age groups.
The impact of increasing SNAP benefits on stabilizing the economy, reducing poverty and food insecurity amid COVID‑19 pandemic.
DuPage Forest Preserve
Nature Walk - Fullerburg Woods
Saturday, July 18
9:00am to 9:45am
Discover exciting nature facts as you explore on a casual walk with a naturalist. Click
for more information.
Active Transportation Alliance
Transit Justice Talk Webinar
Monday, July 20
6:00pm to 7:30pm
Join a conversation on COVID’s impact on transit, and transit’s role in recovery from the pandemic.
to register.
America Walks and Outdoor Alliance for Kids
The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier and More Creative Webinar
Wednesday, July 22
2:00pm to 3:00pm
We are all looking for ways to stay healthy, active and connected as we manage the pandemic and the long-awaited call for racial justice transformations. Florence Williams will share research on how nature can help heal us.
to register.
DuPage Forest Preserve
Egg Collecting - Kline Creek Farm
Thursday, July 23
2:30pm to 3:00pm
Join this first-time opportunity! Register
and bring up to 9 friends/family to collect eggs from a coop to take home.
Nature, Culture and Human Health
Creating Programming
Thursday, July 23
10:30am to 12:00pm
During this discussion learn about creative programming in the midst of the pandemic.
to register.
Action for Healthy Kids
Why We Need P.E. and Recess and How You Can Help Webinar
Thursday, July 23
11:30am to 12:30pm
Join as state leaders share information on why PE/PA is so important, what guidelines are available and how you can help administrators understand the importance of keeping PE and Health part of each school day.
to register.
Mobile Meals and More: School Re-Opening and Planning for School Nutrition
Thursday, July 23
2:00pm to 3:00pm
Join to discover strategies districts are putting into place to meet the needs of students, ensure students have access to healthy food and plan for a safe re-opening of schools in order to meet CDC guidelines for social distancing.
to register.
How Schools are Incorporating PE and Recess and How You (and SHACs) Can Help
Thursday, July 23
2:00pm to 3:00pm
Join to discover strategies districts are putting into place to meet the needs of students, ensure students have access to healthy food and plan for a safe re-opening of schools in order to meet CDC guidelines for social distancing.
to register.
DuPage Forest Preserve
Centering Meditation Walk - Mayslake
Friday, July 24
8:00am to 9:00am
Rediscover your center during a peaceful meditation walk, which will head in each of the cardinal directions. Register
The Resiliency Institute
Forest Yoga Nature Rx
Saturday, July 25
10:30am to 12:00pm
Rejuvenate with walks by stepping away from electronics to connect with nature and reduce stress.
to register.
Chicago Region Food System Fund
Now Accepting Requests
Process Must Begin by Wednesday, July 29
The Chicago Region Food Fund focuses on an area approximately 200 miles from Chicago, which is about a day’s drive to or from the city.
to complete the questionnaire and application.
The Conservation Foundation
What's Blooming Now Webinar
Thursday, July 30
1:00pm to 2:30pm
Take a pictorial walk through some Chicagoland habitats and see what's blooming now! Become familiar with native plants you might see blooming in a prairie, woodland, or even in your yard!
to register.
DuPage Forest Preserve
Bird Walk - Fullersburg Woods
Friday, July 31
8:00am to 9:30am
Join a naturalist-led observational walk to see how the diversity of birds changes through summer. Register
America Walks
Know Your Price Webinar
Wednesday, August 4
1:00pm to 2:30pm
Hear Andre Perry on his book Know Your Price: Valuing Black Lives Property in America’s Black Cities.
Meetup of Downers Grove
Health Optimization in a Toxic World: Learn and Share Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Tuesday, August 11
6:45pm to 8:00pm
The research is clear. The first alternative, that we owe ourselves, is to use natural means to maintain and restore our health.
No one else is responsible for this - not even our doctors or nutritionists or anyone else.
to register.
GardenWorks Project
Overwintering Your Garden - West Chicago Resource Center
Thursday, August 13
6:30pm to 8:00pm
Join experts to learn ways to replenish your garden's depleted resources. We will discuss the; proper removal of old plants, incorporation of compost, process of starting a cover crop and application of mulches to keep your beds nice till Spring.
to register.
Modern Homesteading in a Suburban Context - Lombard Park District
Tuesday, September 8
6:30pm to 8:30pm
This is a casual event that will feature a panel of modern homesteaders living in the western Chicagoland area.
to register.
Glenbard Parent Series
Under Pressure
Wednesday, September 16
7:00pm to 8:30pm
Lisa Damour returns to examine stress and anxiety, and offer tools to manage emotional overload.
Seven Generations Ahead
Illinois Great Apple Crunch
Registration Now Open
K-12, ECE, boarding facility, after school/ garden program, business/organization wishing to Crunch?
The challenges facing children and families to support healthy lifestyles will take the combined passions, expertise and influence of many. If you're reading this message, you are one of those influencers. Join us in our mission:
- Donate - Too many families don't have access to the services and resources they need to stay healthy. In honor of our 10th anniversary, we've set our sights on raising $200,000 for change. Every dollar will support FORWARD DuPage's work to build capacity in communities where the need is great and the resources are too few.
- Sign-Up - Join our coalition of thousands of partners so we can drive change for children and families and improve healthy lifestyle outcomes together.
- Share Our Message - Spread the word about our 10th Anniversary and the impact we have had on our website or on the social media links at the bottom of the page.
Do you subscribe to the IMPACT DuPage Newsletter?
Impact DuPage is a county-wide initiative of partner organizations working to influence change in the areas of affordable housing, access to health treatment, behavioral health treatment, substance abuse and healthy lifestyles. FORWARD is Impact DuPage’s vehicle to help influence residents and partners to make positive choices regarding nutrition, physical activity, and the built environment
to improve health status improvement.
For more details and to stay up to date on local progress, click
and subscribe to their twice a month newsletter.
Help Us Get the Word Out!
Do you know of an upcoming event or health fair in DuPage County?
5-4-3-2-1 Go!
is a public education message with recommendations for children and families to promote a healthy lifestyle.
- 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day
- 4 servings of water a day
- 3 servings of low-fat dairy a day
- 2 or less hours of screen time a day
- 1 or more hours of physical activity a day
For helpful resources and ideas on how to incorporate this message in your DuPage County organization click
We would like to thank our funders!