Dear Friends,
The transition from Summer to Fall is a time for a fresh start—whether in your career, in your personal life, or in the real estate decisions you may make this fall and beyond. To really appreciate this fresh start and the possibilities ahead, you need to look no further than the children in your life- whether your own or those in your family and community, The excitement of this “new year” can be seen in the eyes not only of the little ones but even the teenagers. New teachers, new classes, new friends, a truly fresh start. My wonderful daughter, Reese, just had her first day of school. She's been so courageous during this time of transition, and we are so proud of her. Even when things seem tough and overwhelming, there are opportunities for new beginnings - like going to school for that first day of the year. Her favorite parts of the day were computer lab and chocolate milk, so I think it's safe to say her new beginning is off to a great start.
Reese's can-do attitude toward her first day of school got me thinking about your new beginnings. Maybe you're just about to say goodbye to a house you loved but have outgrown, or you're on the hunt for the perfect upgrade as your family grows older, or you want to build something entirely new. Maybe there is a community you really aspire to live in and want to use this time of beginning to really pursue how to make that happen. Whatever the reason, I am here to grow with you and help you with the next stage of your journey. Imagine the possibilities just like the children in your life!! Let's find your new beginning together!
Vice President, TTR Sotheby's International Realty