Ashley's Photo Shoot
We went to Banner Elk, NC for 5 days. On Sunday, we had 15 minutes during both services for the PH. We have been here 2 or 3 other times and have made many friends here. We love the people at Calvary. They are great! Thank you, CBC, for everything!
The PH was invited to give testimonies at the GPSTC in Forsyth, the main training center in GA for Law Enforcement. It helps cops in dealing with ladies in addiction, as they can hear about the abuse, the fear, the hopelessness, etc. and see firsthand what God can do!
Fun on the splash pad and everything on the playground at the Rock Springs Rec Center on our street!
On top of Grandfather Mountain in Banner Elk, NC; this is the mile-high bridge across the mountain. The top picture below is of the girls getting ready to go White Water Rafting.
One of our graduates, Crystal, made bags for each of our girls and for our leaders. We love our bags. We love you and thank you, Crystal!
Deborah is back after being in the wilderness for a few months. The Lord is renewing her and restoring her. She wanted to get re-baptized at the cross to begin her new journey. We are so glad she is back and is ready to serve the Lord 100%.
Ashley's Graduation
Ashley has gone home to her husband and 3 children. She has a great Christian family, who have been an awesome support for her and for us. They are all PH families forever. Ashley's family owns a Granite Company. She designs kitchens for the company. We are so proud of Ashley and are excited to see what God is going to do with her.
Because of circumstances, Bethany, above left, is an outpatient of the Potter's House. She has been faithful to come and to do everything we ask her to do. We are very proud of her for standing strong when she cannot be with us full time. She is one determined lady to do what God wants her to do!
The girls always have fun at April Dawn's house. Robert, April's husband, Pastor and President of Personality Insights, had an awesome teaching session with them. They thoroughly enjoyed it! We love him and April so much! They have blessed us beyond measure.
A PH graduate, Rhonda (to the right of Niki) spent a weekend with the girls. She spoils them when she comes. She took them swimming and to Longhorn's. We love you, Rhonda, and are so proud of the Godly woman you are!
Ashley's Dad made a surprise visit to see her. It had been a long time since they had seen each other.
Praise the Lord! Hallelujah!