December 2019
News for Alumni & Friends
Citizens Serving Communities to Shape Lives and Save Lives
Inside this Issue...
Former cadet makes Forbes "30 under 30", holiday wishbook, NatCap STEM and droids, CAP video corner, aerospace education teacher in flight, CAP history corner, final salute and more!
CAP Cadet Alum Makes Forbes List for 2020
Forbes magazine named this B-52 pilot and CAP cadet alum to its Law & Policy "30 under 30" list on December 3rd. Capt Julian Gluck (CAP Maj) is honored for working "as a nonprofit leader and policy advocate to bridge the civilian-military gap."
Plus! CAP's Holiday Giving Wishbook
(almost as good the old Sears Wishbook, we think! )

You can shape the life of a cadet today and create America's future (think what our world would be like if we had more Julian Glucks!!) by making a contribution today!

Your gift of $35 funds aerospace education opportunities for school children

Your gift of $50 provides the chance for a cadet to attend a leadership training
event, or the ACE program for a student

Your gift of $125 provides a cadet one hour of flight

Your gift of $250 provides the chance for a cadet to attend an encampment

Your gift of $500 funds a STEM kit for an entire classroom

Your gift of $1,000 funds a flight scholarship for a cadet

Your gift of $2,000 funds an academic or needs-based scholarship

Maybe R2D2 Should Have Called C a P30 Instead...
'Star Wars'-Style Droids Boost Natl. Capital Wing Unit's STEM Approach
These are the droids they're looking for, as close as a Civil Air Patrol squadron meeting. That's the case at the National Capital Wing’s Challenger 1 Cadet Squadron on a STEM night. In the mix, after all, are...
CAP's Video Corner
Cue one of these three videos before you watch "It's a Wonderful Life!"
(popcorn not included)
It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year...To Save Lives And Shape Lives
A holiday message from CAP's National Commander and CEO Maj Gen Mark Smith
Elton John Missed The Real Future
"Rocket Man" (and Woman)
See our future "guardians of the galaxy" in 5, 4, 3, 2,....
CAP Cadets Learn The Basics Of Rocketry
Thanks to the Wheeler Composite Squadron (PCR-HI-009) for this video

Your gift of $15 provides one rocket for a cadet
Your gift of $180 funds one rocketry kit for a squadron (12 rockets)
Massachusetts Teacher Helps Develop Future Cadet Dreams, CAP Helps Them See The Clouds
Jenn Donais spent the day before Thanksgiving giving a math lesson from 1,150 feet.

Donais works as a math coach at Amesbury Middle School, but is also an Aerospace Education Member (AEM) of Civil Air Patrol, which gives teachers aerospace resources, literature and STEM kits to use in their curriculum.
From The History Files...
In the July 1928 issue of Popular Aviation Magazine, one of the very first issues of the forerunner to Flying Magazine, a full-page ad appeared for a new book written by Paul E. Garber. Do you recognize the name?
Garber was barely 28 years old when he wrote his first book, "Building and Flying Model Aircraft."

He was already considered an expert in building model aircraft as part of his duties with the Smithsonian Institute. He developed an extensive collection there waiting for a place to showcase aviation to the general public.

Now you know! Garber is the named honoree of the CAP Level IV professional development award for senior members.
Only 15 days left!
If You Are Age 70 1/2 + Consider Donating Your Required Minimum Distribution For Your IRA For A Tax Benefit for 2019
As you plan your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year, consider using your IRA account to make the most of your charitable giving. You may receive a tax benefit even if you take the standard deduction!

The Qualified Charitable Distribution is an excellent way to show your support for Civil Air Patrol and receive tax benefits in return. Transfers to Civil Air Patrol must be made before December 31st for this tax year!
Federal Employees
Support Civil Air Patrol
Via The
Combined Federal Campaign (CFC #24876)
A Final Salute To Current And Former
CAP Members
Civil Air Patrol offers friends and family the ability to make gifts in memory or honor of someone special. Tribute/memorial gifts made through the link below are listed in each issue of the  Civil Air Patrol Volunteer  magazine.
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  3. Choose Civil Air Patrol to receive donations
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