February 2022
Volunteers serving America’s communities, saving lives, and shaping futures.
Inside This Issue... AP returns to pre-Super Bowl exercise, Love is in the air, Cadet Wings highlights 147th cadet achievement, introducing CAP's new commander chief, alumni spotlight, protect the ones you love, final salute, farewell to the Candy Bomber and more...
The California Wing carried out 72 flights and four ground missions in distributing Temporary Flight Restrictions in place throughout Southern California for Super Bowl XVI, with members totaling 55.2 hours of service. 

The wing assisted the U.S. Air Force’s 601st Air and Space Operations Center by distributing TFR materials to 103 businesses at 57 airports.
Did you watch the Super Bowl LVI?
Yes, my team won! Go Rams!
Yes, I am a Bengals fan. We will be back next year!
Yes, just for the half-time show.
Yes, it is all about the commercials. I am not interested in soccer.
What game? I would rather be flying or doing anything else.
Iowa Wing Provides Aerial Tour to Locals
Love is in the Air
It's the month to celebrate love and partnerships.

We thought it would be fun to share stories from some of our alumni who met and fell in love in Civil Air Patrol. We are NOT suggesting or encouraging cadets to fall in love, but when you bring people together who share similar ideals and values, sometimes it happens. 

We reached out to these alumni with a list of questions and a request for pictures. We hope you will enjoy what they shared with us.  
John Knowles, Deputy Chief of Alumni Relations
Bernie & Debbie Skoch
Brig Gen Bernie Skoch USAF (Ret) serves on CAP’s Board of Governors. He has been the Aerospace Education advisor to the Air Force Association since June 2021, after serving as the first National Commissioner of CyberPatriot, the AFA’s National Youth Cyber Education Program, from July 2010 until May 2021.
How did you meet? We were assigned to the same 9th grade homeroom and English class at Jacksonville Junior High School, in Jacksonville, Arkansas. As Debbie tells it, she was smitten from the start and was looking for a way to draw my attention. As a CAP cadet, she thought that I might be interested in aviation, so she wrapped her textbooks in CAP book covers, which CAP at the time made available to cadets as a recruitment tool. It worked! When I saw her English textbook in class, I asked "What's Civil Air Patrol?" and there we went. We have so many fond memories of squadron meetings and summer encampments. Neither of us ever dated anyone else, and we married in my third year at the University of Arkansas.
We celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary in December of 2021. From those CAP book covers has grown a family of six children and 21 grandchildren. 
Words of advice: Love each other. Don't worry about the little stuff. Realize it's almost all little stuff.  
Al & Twila Hoffman
How did you meet? AL and Twila met at a National Cadet Special Activity- Space Center at Huntsville, Alabama
Who was the senior cadet? Al was the senior cadet in New Jersey Wing, Twila was in Maryland Wing
Tell us a little bit about each other (school, career, interests): Al is a police officer working in communication, volunteer fireman and active with the Office of Emergency Management as well as the Ridgefield borough historian.  He retired from the corporate world and now owns a gift basket company. He and Twila briefly returned to CAP for 6 years as seniors to support their daughter who went through the cadet program.

How long have you been married? They have been married for 41 years.

Words of advice: Don’t let the others tell you what will or will not work for you. Be willing to give 110 percent everyday.
Tony & Bonnie Perry
How did you meet? We met when we were cadets in the Maryland Wing's Bethesda-Chevy Chase Cadet Squadron in 1970.  Our first official date was a CAC dance held at Wing headquarters.

Who was the senior cadet? Neither of us was very senior, Tony was a C/TSgt and Bonnie was a C/A1c at the time.

Tell us a little bit about each other (school, career, interests): Bonnie is a teacher for the School District of Palm Beach County where she has been teaching First Grade for many years.  No surprise, Bonnie was always involved in Phase I instruction in our squadron, both as a cadet and senior member.  Bonnie graduated from Walter Johnson High School in Bethesda, Maryland in 1974, attended Palm Beach State College, and has her teaching degree from Florida Atlantic University. Bonnie loves being around kids, doing crafts, reading, and spending time at the beach.
Tony is a Senior Technical Consultant for SDL, a global software and services company.  Tony was introduced to the “computer field” as it was known then, through associations within his squadron.  He graduated from Wheaton High School in 1970.  Tony attended Montgomery College, Palm Beach State, and St. Leo College. In his time off Tony enjoys cooking, camping, hiking, reading and listening to music.
We were married in 1974 and remained active in CAP until 1986.  Our oldest child John was born in 1975, and our second Christy in 1977. We moved to the West Palm Beach area in 1987.

How long have you been married? We have been married for 48 years.

Words of advice: Bonnie: Always listen, give/bend, and open your heart to all possibilities.
Tony: Learn as much as you can about yourself when you are young, and trust what you know when you have to take a leap of faith.
Do you know someone who met and married because of Civil Air Patrol?
Not yet...
147th Cadet Earns
Private Pilot Certification in Cadet Wings Program
On Tuesday, February 8, 2022, Cadet Peyton Gale from Georgia Wing is the 147th cadet to earn his Private Pilot Certificate via Cadet Wings. Pictured above is Cadet Gale with his examiner, Mr. Kevin Harper.
Donate your Car, RV, or Plane and Make a Difference
Parsons Named New National Command Chief
Chief Master Sgt. Todd H. Parsons of Civil Air Patrol’s Mid-Atlantic Region has been named CAP's next national command chief.
National Commander/CEO Maj. Gen. Edward D. Phelka announced the appointment Feb. 1. A ceremony marking the changing of responsibility took place...
Saving Lives
CAP's search and rescue missions continue. This map represents the number of saves since Oct. 1.
Alumni & Friends Spotlight

Col Janon "JD" Ellis

Deputy Chief of Staff for Cadet Programs
Mid Atlantic Region
Why did you join Civil Air Patrol?
I joined CAP as a young teenager in 1978 in Miami Florida. My attraction to CAP was mainly due to my strong interest in the military. I’ve always had a fascination with the military for as long as I could remember. My mother discovered CAP from a friend who worked at Eastern Airlines at the time. I was able to visit a CAP recruiting booth at a county fair shortly thereafter. The experience talking to cadets for the first time and the partial cockpit of a Cessna 150 on display there will always remain fresh in my mind!

The first squadron meeting I attended was an awards/parents night in the late summer. Cadets briefed the attendees (cadets, senior members, parents, and guests) on their encampment experience and experience from other summer activities. I was mesmerized when one of the more senior cadets briefed his participation in the International Air Cadet Exchange where he visited Switzerland. I was immediately hooked and joined as soon as I was able! As a member, I quickly became very active and participated in every activity that I could which included a winter encampment just a few months after joining. I enjoyed every aspect of the cadet program, especially the unit drill team and cadet competition.

What is your current career?
I’m currently a civilian government employee with the Department of the Air Force, serving in the newly formed Chief Modeling and Simulation Office. Many years on active duty as an Air Force officer prepared me for this role. My experience as a CAP cadet solidified my desire to pursue an Air Force career. I was commissioned through the AFROTC program and served as a C-130 navigator, staff officer, operations officer, and squadron commander. I’ve had the privilege of leading various operational and staff organizations throughout my career. I directly contribute my CAP cadet experience and the leaders who mentored me in helping me to achieve my goals.

What specific lesson/experience from CAP has influenced your career or your life?
I’ve learned and experienced a great deal in my 40-year plus CAP career. One thing that I have learned from my days as a cadet and beyond, is the value of a team and teamwork. My time on squadron drill teams helped to forge those lessons of teamwork (dependability, mutual respect, self-discipline, the importance of good communications skills, etc.) which helped to make my CAP and professional military career successful.

What else should we know about you?
I strongly believe in mentorship and highly recommend taking the time to give back to the cadets and to spend time mentoring them. That’s my motivation and it’s the reason I remain active in CAP today -- giving back! Prior to assuming the role of Deputy Chief of Staff for Cadet Programs for the Mid-Atlantic Region, I was the commander of the National Capital Wing. In both positions, and all previous staff or command positions, I focused on ways to provide assistance to cadets and stressed to them to take advantage of the countless opportunities that CAP has to offer. These opportunities range from squadron to national activities, leadership training, flying opportunities, aerospace career related events, valuable life-long friendships, mentorship opportunities, etc.

Also, as the current president of The Spaatz Association I serve in an organization that is focused on giving back. The Spaatz Association provides academic and flight scholarships to cadets as well as leadership grants available to cadets and to units (squadrons, groups. wings, and regions). The Spaatz Association is also in the process of launching a cadet mentorship program. Providing opportunities for cadets and setting them up for success through good mentorship is my top priority!

I thoroughly enjoyed my days as a cadet and thank the senior members and the other cadets around me that created the environment to excel!
Here's an Easy Way to Take
Care of the People You Love
Estate planning is an important part of financial wellness and an easy way to take care of the people you love. And it’s important to us that everyone has access to the peace of mind that comes from creating a plan for the future.

FreeWill is a free online resource that allows you to write your will in 20 minutes or less. It can be completed online or used to create a list of wishes to bring to a lawyer.

While using FreeWill, you also have the option to create a legacy gift to the Civil Air Patrol Foundation. Legacy gifts help sustain and support CAP's mission for generations to come and cost nothing today.
Remembering Those Who Have Passed
CAP offers friends and family the ability to make gifts in memory or honor of someone special. Tribute/memorial gifts made through the link below are listed in each issue of Civil Air Patrol Volunteer.
Farewell to the Berlin Airlift Candy Bomber
Retired U.S. Air Force Col. Gail Halvorsen, the Civil Air Patrol alumnus who brought candy and comfort to deprived German children as “Uncle Wiggly Wings” during the 1948-1949 Berlin Airlift, died Feb. 16 at Utah Valley Hospital in Provo, Utah, after a short illness. He was 101.
Civil Air Patrol - Development
Kristina E. Jones, M.A., CFRE, Chief of Philanthropy
Col. John M. Knowles, Deputy Chief of Alumni Relations
Donna Bass Maraman, Development Manager
Rebecca Armstrong, Donor Database Specialist

(334) 953-9003 Direct
(833) IAM-4CAP Toll Free
Interested in talking about the legacy you want to leave?
Contact Kristina Jones, Chief of Philanthropy, at legacy@gocivilairpatrol.org