Recovery Through Writing
Writing can be a fun and often cathartic way to explore your emotions, including some you might not even be aware of. So, why not put pen to paper and see what comes out? You might be surprised at what you learn about yourself.

Need some inspiration? Check out some of the writings our clients have shared.
Wellness and recovery-focused podcasts can be fantastic resources to learn more about addiction and recovery, in addition to introducing you to a larger sober community. We asked our alumni to share their favorite podcasts, and the list does not disappoint. These diverse and informative podcasts make for a fun listening experience – especially when you are commuting to work and need some entertainment, or when you are doing chores and want some company.
Whether you're looking for resources to support your ongoing sobriety, need help managing your stress and anxiety, or want to stay connected to a welcoming, tight-knit recovery community, we're here for you. We invite you to join us every week for our FREE virtual offerings.
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