Hello and welcome to 2022!
We're excited this New Year to (continue to) help the amazing residents of Waterloo Region reduce, reuse and recycle more.
A couple of key goals in our Strategic Plan include reducing greenhouse gases and diverting waste from landfill. And you are playing an important part in achieving these goals when you sort, prepare and set out waste correctly. Thank you for your efforts!
This edition marks our 90th electronic newsletter. So along with all of our timely program updates and tips, we're somewhat playing up on that number in different ways. Read on!
Wishing you and yours a healthy, happy, less wasteful New Year!
Tree-cycle until January 14
Set out your natural Christmas tree on your collection day between January 3 to 14.
- No decorations, lights or stands, please.
- Do not bag.
We are here to help
If you have waste-related questions or concerns, get the answers you need:
Check our website for details about each of our programs, (including ways to avoid Oops stickers like the one above).
Fill out an online form to report a collection issue.
- Phone our Call Centre at 519-575-4400. Available 24 hours a day, every day.
Still got yard waste?
Note: Yard waste collection resumes March 28 to April 1, 2022 in the cities of Cambridge and Waterloo, and April 4 to 8, 2022 in Kitchener, and the Townships.
Please note: The Region's waste management sites (201 Savage Drive, Cambridge and 925 Erb Street West, Gate 2, Waterloo) will be closed to residents on Saturday, January 1 and Monday, January 3, 2022. Our sites will re-open at 7 a.m. on Tuesday, January 4.
Top 9 waste set-out reminders
(following recent curbside checks)
Set out your items at the curb by 7 a.m. on your collection day.
- Bag all garbage, even if you use garbage cans. Tie all bags shut.
Put all household organics, including cold wood ashes, in acceptable liner bags. Close all bags.
Sort your recyclables in two blue boxes, separating containers (plastic, metal, glass, gable top) from paper products and plastic bags.
- Put all masks and wipes into the garbage.
Sort, flatten, size and bundle cardboard so it's collectable.
- Put paper coffee cups in the Containers Only blue box. Remove lid and put both pieces in. (They are not garbage!)
Keep within the garbage limit. Tag any garbage bags/cans over the limit.
Fluorescent bulbs (and all other light bulbs) do not belong in blue box. Go to our Household Hazardous Waste page for disposal options.
Let us know what you think about the 2022 waste calendar!
The 2022 Waste Collection Calendar was delivered in December to households receiving our curbside collection. If you didn't receive it,
This year, we streamlined the content. Its four 8.5x11 page fold-out has the most important information "at a glance". (Last year's calendar had over 30-half pages.)
We are looking for your feedback. Does it have the information you need? Is information easier to find? If you used last year's calendar, which format do you like better?
Thank you!
How to strive for a zero waste lifestyle
A zero waste lifestyle means that you are not discarding anything, It focuses and empowers you to be mindful of your habits and choices. The benefits to this lifestyle include more self-sufficiency, more thoughtful purchases, and less garbage (less landfilling, less greenhouse gases).
Is it possible? Yes! But certainly a challenge to the average household. Everybody can take steps towards a zero waste lifestyle though. Below are some ways to get started, and check out the sidebar for additional ideas and resources:
- Take inventory of what you have at home before purchasing. Perhaps you can repurpose an item instead of buying new.
- Make your own personal care products and household cleaners.
- Mend, refashion, or upcycle clothes.
- Consider buying used items online and at thrift stores.
- For major purchases, try to buy from companies have sustainable, environmental practices.
- Buy locally-produced food and other goods.
- Shop at zero waste stores, including bulk food stores.
Purchase only items with packaging that is accepted in our Blue Box program.
- Go online to be inspired by people who have taken the zero waste challenge, and shared tips and solutions. Watch documentaries, read books and blogs, search websites.
Rot (compost)
"Waste" includes anything you discard, such as garbage, recyclables, and furniture.
Resources to get you started:
...that over 90 per cent of the Blue Box materials we collect are recycled!?
Using the two-box sorting system helps assure materials can be sold to markets in North America.
Winter setout words to remember
Set out your waste items by 7 a.m. on your collection day at ground level so collection crews can see and reach them easily and safely. Items that are buried in snow or on top of snowbanks cannot be collected.
Long live our landfill: Will it last 90 years?
Our landfill, located at 925 Erb Street West, Waterloo, is the only operating landfill in Waterloo Region. It opened in 1972 and has accepted all residential garbage, and some business garbage ever since.
Staff project that we have 27 years of landfill space left, meaning that the current lifespan will be 76 years.
How long it "lives" is up to each person in Waterloo Region. The more we reduce, reuse and recycle, the longer we will have it as a resource.
Links to help you handle 5 more types of waste
Region of Waterloo, Transportation and Environmental Services Department, Waste Management Division
Address: 925 Erb Street West, Gate 1, Waterloo, Ontario N2J 3Z4
Telephone: 519-575-4400, Deaf and Hard of Hearing (TTY) 519-575-4608
Website: www.regionofwaterloo.ca/waste
Email: waste@regionofwaterloo.ca