Volunteering for the Jewish Federation of Omaha is a great way to give back and get involved with the programs and services offered by us and our family of agencies!
Please sign up to volunteer at any of the following events listed below!
Super Monday
November 14 | 6-8 pm
Come help make phone calls or write thank you notes to our community --- and have fun while doing it!

15 Volunteers Needed
Omaha Jewish Film Festival
Nov. 8, 22, 29 & Dec. 6 | 6:15 pm
Volunteer duties include ticket sales, ticket check-in, and snack table.

6 Volunteers Needed for each film
JFS Project Tzedakah
Jewish Family Service needs volunteers to help make deliveries. You can also sponsor a family ($355) or child ($150). (Recipients of this service remain confidential)
Winter Carnival
Jan. 8 | 5-6:30 pm
Volunteer duties include event setup, guest check-in, activity tables, and event take down.

10 Volunteers Needed
We want to learn more about your volunteer interests!
Complete the request form below to learn about more volunteer opportunities.