September 2020

Welcome to Amanda Barnhart!
Amanda is our newest Principal Consultant and we’re lucky to have
someone of her talents, skills and experience ready to help our clients succeed.

Discover how to get supplemental SBIR/STTR funding.
TABA helps you cover commercialization and business costs that otherwise could not be included in your SBIR/STTR proposal.

Virtual SBIR training — ready whenever you are.
Still live, interactive and relevant.

Contact us at 734-930-9741 or [email protected].
What happens
after the award?

Tip #3 – Will an audit be required?
The short answer? Yes. And no. It depends on the agency granting the award. But why do SBIR agencies even require audits after the award?

Can you get SBIR funding to develop innovations
for the Air Force?
The DOD offers you a wide range of potential customers for whatever solution your small business offers. 

Need help accessing CARES funding for R&D?
There’s a tight timeline and the programs can be tough to navigate. We’re here to help.

Learn more at [email protected]
Letters of Support:
What to ask for and what to leave out.
How to make sure letters from consultants, collaborators, and other project partners get to the point...and stay there.

The 2020 Omnibus solicitations from NIH are out.
These documents will be required for the September 2020 NIH deadline. Access solicitations at

Reminder: DoD SBIR/STTR Virtual Symposium
October 7, 2020
Discover what SBIR/STTR programs can do for your innovation and how it can help create value for the Department of Defense.

Is it possible to start a company without having to
stop your academic career?
How to go about deciding between founding a company designed
to bring your idea to market or finding the right one.


Health & Human Services
SBIR Omnibus/Parent Clinical Trial Not Allowed Funding Opportunity Announcement 
STTR Omnibus/Parent Clinical Trial Not Allowed Funding Opportunity Announcement 
SBIR Omnibus/Parent Clinical Trial Required Funding Opportunity Announcement 
STTR Omnibus/Parent Clinical Trial Required Funding Opportunity Announcement 

Nat'l. Science Foundation
Submission windows:
Sept. 4, 2020 - Dec. 3, 2020

Department of Energy
Topics posted: Jul 13, 2020
Solicitation posted: Aug 10, 2020
LOI due: Sept. 8, 2020
Close: Oct.19, 2020
USDA FY 2021
Proposals due: Oct. 23, 2020

Department of Defense
SBIR 20.3
Pre-Release: 8/25 - 9/22/2020
Announcements Open: 9/23/2020
Announcements Closes: 10/22/2020

Pre-Release: 8/25 - 9/22/2020
Announcements Open: 9/23/2020
Announcements Closes: 10/22/2020

Announcements Open: 8/21/2020
Announcements Closes: 12/31/2020

Announcements Open: 8/21/2020
Announcements Closes: 12/31/2020


Upcoming Training and Events
For the time being, most training is either canceled or being done virtually. Check the BBCetc Events Calendar for updates.
About BBCetc
BBC Entrepreneurial Training & Consulting, LLC (BBCetc) works with technology-based entrepreneurs and companies across the U.S. on strategies to advance their R&D efforts to commercialization. The BBCetc team is nationally recognized for its success in helping clients secure federal funding through the SBIR and STTR programs. BBCetc services include research grant assistance, SBIR/STTR training and proposal development assistance, and grants and contract management.

Contact us: / 734.930.9741 / [email protected]