Dear Burley Families,

My staff and I are excited to see Burley Parents Thursday night at Curriculum Night - we're so glad that this year it's back to it's full format. I'll start out once again with a school-wide presentation where I will talk about the school vision before giving the stage over to our specials teachers where they will share their curriculum overview. Then, each grade level teacher will welcome you into your child's classroom following the opening session in the gym. Can't wait to see you all!

Catherine Plocher, Principal

Curriculum Night: Thursday, September 8th, 5:30pm-7:00pm

This is an important opportunity to learn about Burley's instructional program and the expectations and goals of each grade.


Join us in the gym at 5:30pm on Thursday, September 8th for the opening presentation from administration and the Specials Teachers that all children attend (technology, art, physical education and STEAM). Afterwards, visit your child(ren)'s classrooms, meet their teachers, hear about what they will be learning about in the classroom and learn how you can support your children at home. You may also visit their Diverse Learners teachers and special subject classrooms such as technology, art, physical education, and STEAM Lab. You can also visit support teachers such as our reading specialists and interventionists.

5:30pm-5:55pm Gym (Top Floor): Administration welcome and Specials Teachers Curriculum Presentations

6:00pm-6:25pm Session 1: K through 8th grade classrooms, Diverse Learner Teachers and Interventionists will open starting at 6:00pm. Visit your child's classroom, meet their teachers and hear a presentation on what your child will be learning this school year and how you can support your students at home. There will be a limited time at the end of the half hour for a short Q and A session.

6:30pm-7:00pm Session 2: Teachers will be repeating their previous presentation for those that have more than one child at Burley. Also, take time to visit the Specials classrooms, diverse learner teachers and interventionists!

Specials Class and Interventionist Locations:

STEAM (Mr. Medintz): Room 307 (top floor behind the gym)

PE (Mr. Lewis): Top floor gym

Technology (Ms. Skibba): Room 101 (1st floor near office)

Art (Ms. Keeley): Fieldhouse West (out on playground)

Interventionist (Ms. Stronsky): Room 002b (lower level near kindergarten rooms)

Please keep in mind:

  • This event is for parents -- children need not attend.
  • Parking is in the neighborhood only. Do not park in the corner Ashland/Barry lot.

Please Use Corner Crosswalk when Crossing Barry at Dismissal

For the safety of the entire community and to prevent unintended accidents we ask that all students, families, sitters and adults cross the street using the corner crosswalks. We are no longer able to close down Barry Street during high traffic times making crossing Barry Street with additional traffic and cars challenging. With limited visibility due to the business of dismissal and parked cars, it is very difficult for passing cars to see students and families when crossing in the middle of the block. Crossing at the corner only takes an additional minute or two and models safe pedestrian behavior for children who will one day be navigating streets on their own. Thank you!

Beginning of Year Forms and Fees

Earlier this year a detailed email was sent about our beginning of the year forms, fees and documents. View email here. Please complete ALL 4 steps. You can pay your school fee in cash at school with Ms. Aviles or electronically through Epay here. Questions or need assistance? Reach out to Ms. Aviles at

Security desk volunteers needed

As a Security Desk parent volunteer, you'll sit at the front of the entry desk during the school student lunch periods and help supervise the door and sign in visitors to the building. Occasionally, you will hand out a bandaid. This allows the security guard to supervise lunch and recess. To be a regular helper or get on the list for subbing, please contact Ms. Plocher

The Friends of Burley Annual Fund is off to a Strong Start! Let's Keep the Momentum Going! The first fifty families who donate to the Annual Fund are heading to the Balloon Bash, a now annual tradition for our early-bird and monthly donors. There is still time to make a donation to the Annual Fund and remember, donating early gets you entered in all contests to come and helps Burley School and Friends of Burley plan for a successful year.

The Annual Fund is 100% driven by parent donations and provides funding to support EVERY student. The 2022-2023 Annual Fund’s goal breaks down to a $750 per-child ask payable as a one-time or monthly gift. Any amount is helpful and ensures your gift’s impact will last far beyond one year of learning including offsetting the costs of:

  • Teachers’ Professional Excellence
  • Classroom Libraries
  • Music Program
  • In-Class Technology 

With your gift, you are supporting an enhanced curriculum that impacts every Burley student, every day. Visit to make your gift.

Save the Date: Friends of Burley Fall Social 2022. Don’t forget to book your sitter for the FOB Fall Social on September 22nd at 6:30pm. This adults-only event will take place at Rizzo’s and is a great chance to meet up with old friends, and make new ones! You’ll also get in on some great signup events hosted by the Burley community that will help keep you socializing through the fall! Learn more and get tickets:

September Breakfast and Lunch Menus:

Burley has been assigned a new food vendor this year, Open Kitchen. With this change, there has been a delay in Burley's food menu being posted on the meal viewer site. View the September breakfast menu HERE and the lunch menu HERE

Specific lunch menu or food allergy questions? Email

Important Dates and Upcoming Events

September 8: Curriculum Night at Burley

September 10: FOB Muskie Fest - Volunteer Here (Will's Northwoods Tap)

September 17: FOB Taco Fest - Volunteer Here

September 21: LSC Meeting 6pm & FOB Meeting 7:30pm, lunchroom

September 22: FOB Fall Social at Rizzo's 

September 23: No School (Teacher PD Day)

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In Gmail, this can be done by hovering over the senders name in the top-left corner of the email, and then clicking "Add to Contacts." Emails from a subscriber’s contacts always go to the Primary inbox.

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