Please send your "Meredith Sculpture Walk " images to Arabella by September 4th please!
August 16th, 2023 7:00 pm meeting
at the Meredith Library
called to order by Wayne Justason President, Attending in person:
Cheryl Cizewski, June Blake , Phyllis Meinke, Carolyn Sharp, Kristin Hand , Dan Robusto, Mark Schocken, Arabella & Nat Dane and Traci Hoyt(caregiver), Kristin Hand, Sharon Nahill
We discussed the week's two adventures: Kirkwood Gardens - macro close-up workshop with Emily Hojnowski, Hunts photo and video, and the Captain Rich's Loon Cruise with Harry Vogel, Dir. Loon Center) and agreed that a donation to each organization was in order. Sharon Nahill, Treasurer will send a thank you note with the checks.
We enjoyed members' digital submissions based upon the photos we took at Kirkwood Gardens the Captain Rich's Loon Cruise.. Here is the write-up about the Loon Cruise
Sunflowers!Wayne shared some of his Sunflower images taken at Sunfox Farm near Concord. The festival is going on as we speak.