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Hybrid Meeting at the

Meredith Library

7:00 pm, September 6th, 2023

Featuring Your photos of the Meredith Sculpture Walk

Join Zoom Meeting

Please send your "Meredith Sculpture Walk " images to Arabella by September 4th please!

August 16th, 2023 7:00 pm meeting
at the Meredith Library
called to order by Wayne Justason President, Attending in person: 
Cheryl Cizewski, June Blake , Phyllis Meinke, Carolyn Sharp, Kristin Hand , Dan Robusto, Mark Schocken, Arabella & Nat Dane and Traci Hoyt(caregiver), Kristin Hand, Sharon Nahill
Attending via Zoom: Susan & Sandy Hight
Wayne shared a fascinating video On Depth of Field.
We discussed the week's two adventures: Kirkwood Gardens - macro close-up workshop with Emily Hojnowski, Hunts photo and video, and the Captain Rich's Loon Cruise with Harry Vogel, Dir. Loon Center) and agreed that a donation to each organization was in order. Sharon Nahill, Treasurer will send a thank you note with the checks.
We enjoyed members' digital submissions based upon the photos we took at Kirkwood Gardens the Captain Rich's Loon Cruise.. Here is the write-up about the Loon Cruise
  • Sunflowers! Wayne shared some of his Sunflower images taken at Sunfox Farm near Concord. The festival is going on as we speak.

Wayne Justason's photos

  • Sandwich Fair's Photo Division:
  • If you are planning on
Entering the Sandwich Fair - Oct 7-9, 2023 here is the information about the photography classes.

Enjoy this selection of our member's images inspired by our Kirkwood Gardens macro close-up flower workshop

Jim Johnson

Phyllis Meinke

Sandy Hight

Jim Owens

Cheryl Cizewski

Jim Johnson

Carolyn Sharp

Jim Owens

Sharon Nahill

Darlene Nadeau

Sandy Hight

Susan Hight

Melanie Thoenes

Rich Kumpf

Phyllis Meinke

Jim Johnson

Captain Rich's Loon Cruise

by Forrest Seavey - of Captain Rich Nancy Rand and Harry Vogel, Loon Center Exec. Dir.

Forrest Seavey

Rich Kumpf

Forrest Seavey

Dan Robusto

If you have not already paid your LRCC membership dues
please send a check for $30 (per family) made out to
Sharon Nahill, Treasurer,
17 Forest Hill Rd., Meredith NH 03253
if you can't remember if you have paid or not, her email is:

Next LRCC Meeting:

September 6th, 2023 at 7:00 pm

At the Meredith Library

Zoom link

PROGRAM for Sept 6th:
Mark Schocken will give us a presentation on Owls

Sincerely, Arabella Dane, LRCC Sec.


 Lakes Region Camera Club

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