Hybrid Meeting

at the

Meredith Library

December 6th, 7:00 PM

Here is the link to the scheduled Zoom meeting.

Wayne Justason

Our Challenge for the December 6 th meeting is


and Wayne says

" I am thinking that "Light" or "Lights" can mean different things. Light can come from natural sources or artificial sources. It can also mean pictures of lighting fixtures"

What does Light or Lights mean to you???

Here is a link to some inspiration:

So.....Let's Go out and Shoot!!

Wayne Justason, LRCC President


Submit up to 4 photos to Arabella by December 3rd

Join Meeting by Zoom

Nov. 15th meeting report

attending in person: Tony Canzano, Jim Owens, Gal Steinberg, June Blake, Kristin Hand, Nat & Arabella Dane Wayne Justason, Phyllis Meinke, Sharon Nahill, Traci & Felicia (Nat's team)

attending via zoom: Dan Robusto, Susan Hight, Ross Phelps, Carolyn Sharp, Bob Legg Jay Fitzpatrick,

Fractal Freeze Photo by Sharon Nahill

meeting recording:


Kristin Hand, Vice President LRCC, used her computer to project the zoom part of the meeting.

photo by Wayne Justason


We held a brief member introduction to welcome our new member Gal Steinberg. Gal recently moved to Center Harbor and is a very active photographer. Here is a link to his great photos on his Instagram account:


Re: Ida Gould, our web master

Kristin Hand made the motion to give Ida Gould an Honorary Membership in recognition for her years of service to the club as our LRCC webmaster. Seconded by Tony Canzano. The motion was passed unanimously.


Tony & Kristin will be exploring ways to control the postings on the club's facebook page so that only dues paying members images are posted, and Wayne will be added in as an administrator. Tony would love help with monitoring the Facebook page. [email protected]


Sharon reported that we have for the 2023 year, the club has 35 paid members as of Nov 15th with $2044.45 in the bank. The dues are coming in regularly now for 2024 which are due by Dec 1st - payments to be made to Sharon Nahill [email protected] and if by check then to her snail mail address listed below.


Kristin Hand- Mother Nature's Pearls

Kristin Hand - Frost Heaves

Kristin Hand - Wispy Ice

Dan Robusto- above the Basin

Dan Robusto - Antarctica

Dan Robusto- Antarctica

Carolyn Sharp - Winterberry

Carolyn Sharp - Frost Stars

Carolyn Sharp - Bachelors Button

Arabella Dane - just chillin'

Nat Dane - early snow

Arabella Dane - first ice in the marsh

Gal Steinberg - Meredith

Gal Steinberg

Gal Steinberg

Wayne Justason - Frosty 1 White Pine

Wayne Justason - Frosty 2 -Maple

Wayne Justason - Frosty 3 Poplar

Sharon Nahill - old rose

Sharon Nahill -beauty berry

Sharon Nahill - Snakeroot

Tony Canzano

Tony Canzano

The Hight's- watch dog

Sandy Hight - Home away from Home

Sandy Hight - Mongolian Eagle hunters

Sandy Hight - Frozen in Time

Phyllis Meinke - Climate Change as the Ice melts

Phyllis Meinke - Icy Brook

Phyllis Meinke - Lone Birch

Jim Owens

Jim Owens

Jim Owens

Sue Hight- frost on the grass

Sue Hight - lavender

Sue Hight - frosty leaf


Full Moon shoot over Nubble Light. Monday November 27. Moon rise will be at 4:08pm. Here are a couple of example shots that I took last year.

Here is a link to an article on shooting the moon:

Here are a couple of example shots that I took at Nubble Point last year. Contact Wayne if you wish to carpool, or meet down there...

Wayne's email is [email protected]

Wayne Justason - Nubble Point

Wayne Justason - Nubble Point

See you on December 6th!!

Wayne Justason, LRCC President

Kristin Says....

The First NECCC Digital Interclub Competition of the 2023-2024 year was held on Saturday, Nov. 18th. 

Our club had 12 entries total in the three categories of Color, Nature, and Monochrome. 

The entries were from 11 different LRCC club members.

Results will be presented by Kristin Hand at our next meeting.

Rich Kumpf - Maine

Daqn Robusto - the yawn

Cheryl Cizewski - Queen Anne's Lace

Tony Canzano - dandylion

Reminder: LRCC Dues for 2024 are due by Dec. 1st.
Please send a check for $30 (per family) made out to Sharon Nahill, Treasurer, 17 Forest Hill Rd., Meredith NH 03253
or use Venmo and send the payment of $30 online - to her email address listed below.
If you can't remember if you have paid or not, her email is: [email protected]

Sincerely, Arabella Dane, LRCC Sec. [email protected]


 Lakes Region Camera Club

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